مانكس (قط)

مانكس Manx
Manx breed cat named Inkku.jpg
بلد الأصل
جزيرة مان (تابعة للتاج)
أسماء تدليل شائعة
معيار السلالة
جمعية مربي القططالمعيار
جمعية القطط العالميةالمعيار
الجمعية الأمريكية للمتحمسين للقططالمعيار
الجمعية الأمريكية لمربي القططالمعيار
جمعية القطط الكنديةالمعيار

المانكس Manx (بالمانكس: Kayt Manninagh أو Stubbin) هي سلالة قطط ذات تحور حدث طبيعياً للعمود الفقري. هذا التحور جعل الذيل قصيراً,

وقد يكون نتيجة تزاوج قط مع Lynx ...

كما حدث في تهجين فصيلة Bobcat,

resulting in a range of tail lengths from normal to tailless. Many Manx have a small 'stub' of a tail, but Manx cats are best known as being entirely tailless; the distinguishing characteristic of the breed and a cat body type genetic mutation. Some Manx cats resemble rabbits because of their long hind legs and often short tail, which has resulted in many being called Cabbits, a portmanteau of rabbit and cat.

The Manx are said to be skilled hunters, known to take down larger prey even when they are young. It is not uncommon to find a Manx with a squirrel or an opossum which are much larger than itself. They are often sought by farmers with rodent problems.

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The Manx breed originated before the 1700s on the Isle of Man (hence the name), where they are common. They are called [stubbin] Error: {{Lang}}: text has italic markup (help) in the Manx language. Tail-less cats were common on the island as long as three hundred years ago. The tail-lessness arises from a genetic mutation that became common on the island (an example of the Founder effect).


The hind legs of a Manx are longer than the front legs, creating a continuous arch from shoulders to rump giving the cat a rounded appearance.

طول الذيل

A week old female Manx kitten. Note the stumpy tail.



Another rumpy or possibly rumpy-riser Manx

سلالة المانكس, بالرغم من غياب الذيل, ليس لديها مشاكل في الإتزان.

A stumpy white female Manx kitten. Note the long hind legs.


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