
قنة/ أنجـُذان Ferula
Ferula communis2.jpg
Ferula communis
التصنيف العلمي
قنة/أنجذان Ferula


See text.

القنة أو الأنجـذان Ferula (من اللاتينية "ferula" أي "عصى") هو جنس يتكون من 170 نوع من النباتات المزهرة من فصيلة الخيمية Apiaceae, التي تستوطن منطقة البحر المتوسط وشرق لوسط آسيا، وغالباً ما تنمو في المناخ القاحط. وهم نباتات حولية عشبية تنمو ليصبح طولها من 1-4 م, with stout, hollow, somewhat succulent stems. The leaves are tripinnate or even more finely divided, with a stout basal sheath clasping the stem. The flowers are yellow, produced in large umbels. Many plants of this species, especiallyi F. communis are referred to as "giant fennel," although they are not fennel in the strict sense.

Ferula foetida

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أنواع مختارة

  • Ferula assafoetida - Asafoetida
  • Ferula caspica
  • Ferula communis - Giant fennel
  • Ferula conocaula
  • Ferula foetida
  • Ferula gummosa, syn. galbaniflua - Galbanum
  • Ferula hermonis
  • Ferula karelinii
  • Ferula linkii
  • Ferula longifolia
  • Ferula marmarica
  • Ferula moschata, syn. sumbul - Muskroot
  • Ferula narthex - Ferula
  • Ferula orientalis
  • Ferula persica
  • Ferula schair
  • Ferula szowitziana
  • Ferula tingitiana
  • The Roman spice silphium probably came from a now extinct species of Ferula.


The gummy resin of many species of Ferula is used for medical or culinary purposes:

Ferula assafoetida is used to make the spice asafoetida, or hing
Ferula gummosa makes galbanum
Ferula persica makes sagapenum
Ferula moschata makes sumbul
Ferula tingitana makes "African Ammoniacum"
Silphium was used to make laserpicium