وسام العلوم الوطني
(تم التحويل من قلادة العلوم الوطنية الأمريكية)
وسام العلوم الوطني National Medal of Science | |
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الوصف | الفيزياء، الأحياء، الرياضيات، الهندسة أو العلوم الاجتماعية والسلوكية. |
Location | واشنطن دي سي |
البلد | الولايات المتحدة |
المانح | الرئيس الأمريكي |
أول جائزة | 1963 |
الموقع الإلكتروني | http://www.nsf.gov/od/nms/medal.jsp |
وسام العلوم الوطني National Medal of Science، هي جائزة يمنحها الرئيس الأمريكي لمن أسهموا من العلماء والمهندسين في تقدم المعرفة في مجالات العلوم الاجتماعية والسلوكية، الأحياء، الكيمياء، الهندسة، الرياضيات، والفيزياء. الأعضاء الإحدى عشر في اللجنة الرئاسية للوسام الوطني مسئولون عن اختيار الفائزين، واللجنة تحت ادارة مؤسسة العلوم الوطنية. في 17 نوفمبر 2010، منح الرئيس باراك اوباما الجائزة لآحدث الفائزين ليصبح عددهم 461.[1] أعلن اوباما في 27 سبتمبر 2011، أسماء الأبحاث التي أنجزها أكثر من سبعة أشخاص، وهم الفائزون بالوسام في العام التالي، ليصبح الاجمالي 475 شخص.[2]
تسليم الجائزة
قائمة أشهر الفائزين
السنة | الحائز | ملاحظات |
2013 | ألن بارد | |
سالي تشيزولم | ||
سيدني درل | ||
ساندرا فابر | ||
سيلڤستر جيمس گيتس | ||
سولومون گولومب | ||
جون گودنف | أبو بطارية الليثيوم-أيون | |
فردريك هوثورن | ||
لروي هود | ||
باري مازور | ||
لوسي شاپيرو | ||
آن ترايسمان | ||
2010 | جاكلين ك. بارتون | "For discovery of a new property of the DNA helix, long-range electron transfer, and for showing that electron transfer depends upon stacking of the base pairs and DNA dynamics. Her experiments reveal a strategy for how DNA repair proteins locate DNA lesions and demonstrate a biological role for DNA-mediated charge transfer." |
رالف ل. برينستر | "For his fundamental contributions to the development and use of transgenic mice. His research has provided experimental foundations and inspiration for progress in germline genetic modification in a range of species, which has generated a revolution in biology, medicine, and agriculture." | |
شو تشيين | "For pioneering work in cardiovascular physiology and bioengineering, which has had tremendous impact in the fields of microcirculation, blood rheology and mechanotransduction in human health and disease." | |
رودلف ينش | "For improving our understanding of epigenetic regulation of gene expression: the biological mechanisms that affect how genetic information is variably expressed. عمله أدى إلى تقدم كبير في فهمنا لاستنساخ الثدييات والخلايا الجذعية الجنينية." | |
پيتر ج. ستانگ | "For his creative contributions to the development of organic supramolecular chemistry and for his outstanding and unique record of public service." | |
ريتشارد أ. تاپيا | "For his pioneering and fundamental contributions in optimization theory and numerical analysis and for his dedication and sustained efforts in fostering diversity and excellence in mathematics and science education." | |
Srinivasa S.R. Varadhan | "For his work in probability theory, especially his work on large deviations from expected random behavior, which has revolutionized this field of study during the second half of the twentieth century and become a cornerstone of both pure and applied probability. The mathematical insights he developed have been applied in diverse fields including quantum field theory, population dynamics, finance, econometrics, and traffic engineering." | |
2009 | Susan Lindquist | "For her studies of protein folding, demonstrating that alternative protein conformations and aggregations can have profound and unexpected biological influences, facilitating insights in fields as wide-ranging as human disease, evolution, and biomaterials." |
2008 | JoAnne Stubbe | "For her ground-breaking experiments establishing the mechanisms of ribonucleotide reductases, polyester synthases, and natural product DNA cleavers compelling demonstrations of the power of chemical investigations to solve problems in biology." |
2007 | مصطفى السيد | "For his seminal and creative contributions to our understanding of the electronic and optical properties of nano-materials and to their applications in nano-catalysis and nano-medicine, for his humanitarian efforts of exchange among countries and for his role in developing the scientific leadership of tomorrow." |
2007 | ليونارد كلاينروك | "For his fundamental contributions to the mathematical theory of modern data networks, and for the functional specification of packet switching, which is the foundation of Internet technology. His mentoring of generations of students has led to the commercialization of technologies that have transformed the world." |
2007 | Robert Lefkowitz | "For his discovery of the seven transmembrane receptors, deemed the largest, most versatile, and most therapeutically accessible receptor signaling system, and for describing the general mechanism of their regulation, influencing all fields of medical practice." |
2006 | پيتر ب. درڤان | "For his fundamental research contributions at the interface of organic chemistry and biology, and for his influence in education and industrial innovation." |
2005 | برادلي إفرون | "For his contributions to theoretical and applied statistics, especially the bootstrap sampling technique; for his extraordinary geometric insight into nonlinear statistical problems; and for applications in medicine, physics, and astronomy."[3] |
2005 | تورستن ڤيزل | "For providing key insights into the operation of the visual system and for the discovery of the manner in which neural connections in the brain are made during development and how they are maintained." |
2005 | توبين ج. ماركس | "For his pioneering research in the areas of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, organo-f-element chemistry, new electronic and photonic materials, and diverse areas of coordination and solid state chemistry." |
2004 | ستفن ج. ليپارد | "For pioneering research in bioinorganic chemistry, which enriched our understanding of how metal compounds interact with DNA, provided important synthetic models for the active sites of metalloproteins, and elucidated key structural and mechanistic features of methane monooxygenase." |
2003 | G. Brent Dalrymple | "For his pioneering work in determining the geomagnetic polarity reversal timescale; a discovery that led to the theory of plate tectonics." |
2002 | Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao | "For his theoretical work which solely help to lay the foundation of modern statistics." |
2002 | إدوارد ويتن | "For his leadership in a broad range of topics in mathematics and theoretical physics, including attempts to understand the fundamental forces of nature through string theory, and his inspired use of insights from physics to unify apparently disparate areas of mathematics." |
1998 | وليام يوليوس ويلسون | "For his innovative approach to studying urban poverty, his dedication to the proposition that rigorous social science change will improve his fellow American's lives, and his advocacy of policies which reflect more accurately what we have learned from research and which therefore take a broader point of view with respect to the interactions of race, class, and location." |
1997 | جيمس واطسون | تكريماً "لخمسة عقود من الريادة العلمية والفكرية في البيولوجيا الجزيئية، ranging from his co-discovery of the double helical structure of DNA to the launching of the Human Genome Project." |
1994 | روبرت ج. مرتون | "For founding the sociology of science and for his pioneering contributions to the study of social life, especially the self-fulfilling prophecy and the unintended consequences of social action." |
1991 | جورج أ. ميلر | "For his innovative leadership in the scientific study of language and cognition, and for his commitment to improved education for literacy." |
1991 | G. Evelyn Hutchinson | "For his role in the emergence of ecology as a modern science, and introducing American geochemists to the importance of living organisms in the cycles of the elements. His work has proved the importance of environmental studies for society in general." (posthumously) |
1990 | ستفن كول كلين | "For his leadership in the theory of recursion and effective computability and for developing it into a deep and broad field of mathematical research." |
1990 | Leonid Hurwicz | "For his pioneering work on the theory of modern decentralized allocation mechanisms." |
1990 | هربرت بوير | "For his contributions to the basic research of the development of recombinant DNA technology. This seminal breakthrough has opened new vistas in experimental biology, and it has led directly to the development of the biotechnology industry." |
1989 | صمويل كارلين | "For his broad and remarkable researches in mathematical analysis, probability theory and mathematical statistics, and in the application of these ideas to mathematical economics, mechanics, and population genetics." |
1988 | ستانلي نورمان كوهن | "For his discovery of methods for propagating and expressing the hereditary information of DNA introduced into living cells, thereby enabling the cloning of individual genes and the study of their structure and function." |
1988 | جورج دبليو هاوسنر | "For his profound and decisive influence on the development of earthquake engineering worldwide." |
1987 | جيمس ڤان ألن | "For his central role in the exploration of outer space, including the discoveries of the magnetospheres of Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn." |
1987 | روبرت ب. بيرد | "For his profoundly influential books and research on kinetic theory, transport phenomena, the behavior of polymeric fluids, and foreign language study for engineers and scientists." |
1986 | تشن-نينگ يانگ | "For his pathbreaking research in theoretical physics, which he has influenced for many years by his profound questions and deep mathematical insight. His ideas have had great impact not only on theoretical developments but also on experiments in elementary particles and condensed matter." |
1986 | ستانلي كوهن | "For his pioneering discovery and characterization of hormone-like growth factors which specifically control the multiplication of certain cells during growth and development." |
1982 | إدوارد تلر | "For his outstanding contribution to molecular physics, understanding the origin of stellar energy, the theory and application of fusion reaction, the field of nuclear safety, and for his continued leadership in science and technology." |
1982 | گيلبرت ستورك | "For his contributions as one of the world's most innovative and productive organic synthetic chemists who has discovered a variety of important synthetic reactions which have made possible the synthesis of some of the most complicated and important biologically active compounds." |
1981 | فليپ هاندلر | "For his outstanding contribution to biochemical research, resulting in significant contributions to mankind, including research which led to a clearer understanding of pellagra." |
1979 | ريتشارد فاينمان | "In recognition of his essential contributions to the quantum theory of radiation and to his illumination of behavior of constituents of the atom, of the atomic nucleus, and of the subnuclear particles." |
1979 | ريموند د. ميندلين | لإسهاماته في العلوم الهندسية. |
1979 | سـِڤـِرو اوتشوا | "Ochoa continued research on protein synthesis and replication of RNA viruses until 1985, when he returned to Spain and gave advice to Spanish science policy authorities and scientists." |
1977 | Verner Suomi | "For providing a new view of the dynamics of our atmosphere, which already has brought substantial benefits to the people of this nation and the world." |
1976 | إدوارد أ. ويلسون | "For his pioneering work on the organization of insect societies and the evolution of social behavior among insects and other animals." |
1975 | Wernher von Braun | "For his work in making the liquid-fuel rocket a practical launch vehicle and for individual contributions to a series of advanced space vehicles, culminating in the Saturn series that made the Apollo program possible."* |
1974 | Kurt Gödel | "For laying the foundation for today's flourishing study of mathematical logic." |
1974 | Linus Pauling | "For the extraordinary scope and power of his imagination, which has led to basic contributions in such diverse fields as structural chemistry and the nature of chemical bonding, molecular biology, immunology, and the nature of genetic diseases." |
1973 | Carl Djerassi | "In recognition of his major contributions to the elucidation of the complex chemistry of the steroid hormones and to the application of these compounds to medicinal chemistry and population control by means of oral contraceptives." |
1973 | إيرل سثرلاند | "For the discovery that epinephrine and hormones of the pituitary gland occasion their diverse regulatory effects by initiating cellular synthesis of cyclic adenylic acid, now recognized as a universal biological second messenger, which opened a new level of understanding of the subtle mechanisms that integrate the chemical life of the cell while offering hope of entirely new approaches to chemotherapy." |
1970 | بربرا مكلينتوك | "For establishing the relations between inherited characters in plants and the detailed shapes of their chromosomes, and for showing that some genes are controlled by other genes within chromosomes." [4] |
1970 | جون أرشيبالد ويلر | "For his basic contributions to our understanding of the nuclei of atoms, exemplified by his theory of nuclear fission, and his own work and stimulus to others on basic questions of gravitational and electromagnetic phenomena." |
1969 | إرنست ماير | "For notable contributions to systematics, biogeography, and the study of birds, and especially for great work on the evolution of animal populations." |
1969 | ب. ف. سكنر | "For basic and imaginative contributions to the study of behavior which have had profound influence upon all of psychology and many related areas." |
1967 | پول ج. كوهن | "For epoch-making results in mathematical logic which have enlivened and broadened investigations in the foundation of mathematics." |
1966 | كلود شانون | "For brilliant contributions to the mathematical theories of communications and information processing and for his early and continuing impact on the development of these disciplines." |
1964 | هارولد اوري | "For outstanding contributions to our understanding of the origin and evolution of the solar system and the origin of life on Earth and for pioneering work in the application of isotopes to the determination of the temperatures of ancient oceans." |
1963 | ڤانيڤار بوش | "For his distinguished achievements in electrical engineering, in the technology of computing machines, in the effective coupling of the physical and life sciences; and in his mobilizing science, engineering and education in enduring ways in the service of the Nation." |
1963 | نوربرت ڤينر | "For his marvelously versatile contributions, profoundly original, ranging within pure and applied mathematics, and penetrating boldly into the engineering and biological sciences." |
1963 | تيودور فون كارمان | "Aerospace engineer and physicist who was active primarily in the fields of aeronautics and astronautics. He is responsible for many key advances in aerodynamics, notably his work on supersonic and hypersonic airflow characterization. He is regarded as the outstanding aerodynamic theoretician of the twentieth century." |
مُنح الوسام لأول مرة في 18 فبراير 1963، عن سنة 1962، (انظر أعلى).
انظر أيضاً
- وسام الفنون الوطني
- وسام التكنولوجيا والابداع الوطني
- قائمة حائزو وسام العلوم الوطني
- Searchable قاعدة بيانات لحائزي وسام العلوم الوطني
- ^ Office of the Press Secretary (October 15, 2010). "President Obama Honors Nation's Top Scientists and Innovators". The White House.
- ^ "President Obama Honors Nation's Top Scientists and Innovators | The White House". Whitehouse.gov. 2011-09-27. Retrieved 2012-07-31.
- ^ "National Medal of Science: Recipient Details - Bradley Efron". National Science Foundation.
- ^ "US NSF - The President's National Medal of Science: Recipient Details". Nsf.gov. 1971-05-21. Retrieved 2012-07-31.
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