

This high-risk template has been protected from editing by new or unregistered users to prevent vandalism. إذا كنت ممنوعاً من تحرير هذه الصفحة, وتريد أن تغيرها, من فضلك ناقش التغييرات على the talk page, request unprotection, log in, or create an account.

This template is not to be used as a bluff. Only use it on SEMI-PROTECTED pages. Please note that only administrators can protect pages.

Protection templates +/- Full Semi
Dispute: {{pp-dispute}} {{N/A}}
Vandalism: {{pp-vandalism}} {{pp-semi-vandalism}}
High visiblity templates: {{pp-template}} {{pp-semi-template}}
User talk of blocked user: {{pp-usertalk}} {{pp-semi-usertalk}}
Spambot target: {{N/A}} {{pp-semi-spambot}}
Sockpuppetry: {{N/A}} {{pp-semi-sock}}
Generic (other protection): {{pp-protected}} {{pp-semi-protected}}
Scrutiny of the Office: {{pp-office}} {{N/A}}
Move protection: {{pp-move}}
This template will categorize into تصنيف:Semi-protected templates.