قالب:Infobox music of/doc


This template is a standardized infobox for articles on the music of regions, nations, or other areas. It may be extended to include other topics in the future. to use this template, add {{infobox music of | parameter list... }} at the top of the introductory section of the article in question. Parameters are defined in the section below.

This template will automatically add articles into [[Category:Music of {{{region}}}]]. if no such category exists, please create one.

This template is still under development. If there are features you'd like to see added or changed, please leave a note on the talk page.


The full list of parameters is as follows:

{{infobox music of
|bodyclass       = hlist  (set this to hlist if you are including lists in any of the other params)
|pagename        = The name of the sidebar or article page (for backlinks to the template).  
                   Using pagename = {{subst:PAGENAME}} should work in most cases.
|region          = The region in question.
|culturename     = The name of the cultural or regional group (see below).
|article         = Name of main 'music of' article; defaults to 'Music of {{{region}}}'.
|image           = An image appropriate to the music of the region.
|caption         = A caption for the above image
|topics          = Specific regional topics. Best to keep this list short.
|genres          = List of music genres, with links applicable to this region.
|traditional     = Non-modern music that does not fit better into the following categories.
|ethnic          = Music particular to regional ethnic groups.
|religious       = Music particular to regional religious groups.
|otherforms      = Open list of other important forms, if any.
|otherformslabel = Label for otherforms list.
|timeline        = Article name for a timeline of music in this region.
|samples         = Article name for a collection of music samples for this region.
|awards          = Awards and major award ceremonies.
|charts          = Regional public charts for popular music.
|festivals       = Regional music festivals and events.
|media           = Regional media organizations.
|anthem          = National anthem for region, if applicable.
|subregions      = Subregions of the region.
|nearregions     = Nearby, enclosing, or related regions.
|othregions      = Generic list of other related regions, if needed.
|othlabel        = Label to apply to othregions list; defaults to 'Other regions'.
|mainbgcolor     = Color of the main background
|mainbordercolor = Color of the template border
|headbgcolor     = Color of the headers' backgrounds
|headbordercolor = Color of the headers' borders
|labeledgecolor  = Color of the divider between label and data areas.  
                   Defaults to the headbordercolor if that is provided.

Where article names are requested, they should be provided without brackets. Anything in the lists, of course, needs normal wikitext.

The 'culturename' parameter is used for assigning pages to categories, and should be the adjectival form of the region name. For example, if the region is China, culturename should be Chinese; if the region is Africa, culturename should be African. If there are any doubts, check Category:Music by nationality or Category:Music by continent for the correct word to use.

Colors may be specified in any form recognized by CSS - three or six digit hexadecimal (#ccf or #f323ee), rgb values (using the form 'rgb(123, 33, 43)'), html color names (red, aqua, orange...) or etc.


موسيقى Mars
A Martian playing a traditional horn instrument.
موضوعات عامة
أشكال خاصة
موسيقى دينية
موسيقية تقليدية
موسيقي اقليمية
أشكال محلية
Nearby Planets
{{infobox music of
|bodyclass = hlist
|pagename = Infobox music of
|region = Mars
|culturename = Martian
|image = File:Piolinmarcianocolor.jpeg
|caption = A Martian playing a traditional horn instrument 
|topics = 
* [[Musical weaponry]] 
* [[Water songs]] 
* [[Instruments requiring more than four limbs]]
|traditional = 
* [[celebratories]]
* [[spensions]]
|religious = 
* [[Forthright dirges]] 
* [[Wedding Music (Martian)]] 
* [[Meditation music]]
|genres = 
* [[Martian classical music|Classical]] 
* [[Martian popular music|Pop]] 
* [[Martian rock|Rock]] 
* [[Martian jazz|Jazz]]
|subregions = 
* [[Phobos]]
* [[Deimos]]
|othregions = 
* [[Music of Earth|Earth]] 
* [[Music of Jupiter|Titan]]
* [[Music of Outer planets|Outer planets]]
|othlabel = Nearby Planets

See also