قالب:Infobox mapframe/doc

This template generates a mapframe map, suitable for infoboxes, with minimal user input. This template only works with single features (points, lines, or shapes); use {{maplink}} if more advanced options, such as displaying multiple features, are required.

If coordinates are not supplied, they will be fetched from the page's Wikidata item. In such cases, if |point= is not set, then a point feature marker is displayed at those coordinates unless the Wikidata item has an [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. OpenStreetMap relation ID (P402)] specified.


Note: When in mainspace, parameter |id= is not required (except to use a different page's data)


{{Infobox mapframe}}

When used without parameters, or with only |id=, the map will display either a shape, line, or point feature, depending on the data available on Wikidata and OpenStreetMap.

  • If the Wikidata item does not specify a [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. OpenStreetMap relation ID (P402)] value, then a point marker will be displayed by default in addition any OSM shape or line feature.
  • If the Wikidata items does not specify a [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. coordinate location (P625)] or a [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. geoshape (P3896)] value, then no map will be displayed
Basic usage examples

Point feature (Wikidata coordinates):

{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q7270550}}

Line feature:

{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q1318331}}

Shape feature:

{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q61}}

Using specified coordinates instead of Wikidata

Point feature only, no shapes or lines:

{{Infobox mapframe |coord=}}

Point feature and shape/line feature if available:

{{Infobox mapframe |wikidata=yes |coord=}}

Specify coordinates using the {{Coord}} templates, e.g. |coord={{Coord|32.1|S|116.2|E}}

  • If |coord= is specified, then by default only that coordinate will be displayed (no line or shape features)
  • If |coord= is specified and |wikidata=yes is used, then those coordinate will be displayed, along with any line or shape features linked to the Wikidata item.
Specified coordinates examples

Point feature (with coordinates specified, no shape/line feature from Wikidata item):

{{infobox mapframe |coord={{coord|31|56|S|115|58|E}} }}

10 km
Marefa maps | بيانات الخرائط © مساهمو OpenStreetMap
Point feature (with coordinates specified, along with shape/line feature from Wikidata item):

{{infobox mapframe |wikidata=yes |coord={{coord|31|56|S|115|58|E}} }}

Customizing which features are displayed

Inverse shape

{{Infobox mapframe |shape=inverse}}

Replace the shape with an inverse-shape (geomask) by setting |shape=inverse

Inverse shape example
{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q61 |shape=inverse}}

Turn point marker on or off

Force point marker to be displayed:

{{Infobox mapframe |point=on}}

Prevent point marker from being displayed:

{{Infobox mapframe |point=none}}

Turn shape feature off

Prevent shape feature from being displayed:

{{Infobox mapframe |shape=none}}

Turn line feature off

Prevent line feature from being displayed:

{{Infobox mapframe |line=none}}

Show a geomask from a related Wikidata item

{{Infobox mapframe |geomask=}}

Set |geomask= to a Wikidata item id (Q-number), or property id (P-number) such as [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. country (P17)]

Geomask examples

Use the item linked from the [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. country (P17)] statement as a geomask:

{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q3239281 |geomask=P17}}

Use the item [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. فولكتنگ (Q1199)] as a geomask:

{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q3239281 |geomask=Q1199}}

Determine zoom from object length or area

Use |length_km= or |length_mi= or |area_km2= or |area_mi2=

Zoom from length/area examples

Determine zoom from object length in kilometres or miles

{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q1318331 |length_km=5.6}}
{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q1318331 |length_mi=3.5}}

Determine zoom from object area in square kilometres or square miles

{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q100 |area_km2=232.14}}
{{Infobox mapframe |id=Q100 |area_mi2=89.63}}


All parameters are optional.

  • Basic parameters:
    • id – Id (Q-number) of Wikidata item to use. Default: item for current page
    • coordinates or coord – Coordinates to use, instead of any on Wikidata. Use the {{Coord}} template, e.g. |coord={{Coord|12.34|N|56.78|E}}. Default: coordinates from Wikidata
    • wikidata – Set to yes to show shape/line features from the wikidata item, if any, when |coord= is set. Default: not specified
  • Customise which features are displayed:
    • shape – Turn off display of shape feature by setting to none. Use an inverse shape (geomask) instead of a regular shape by setting to inverse. Default: not specified
    • point – Turn off display of point feature by setting to none. Force point marker to be displayed by setting to on. Default: not specified
    • line – Turn off display of line feature by setting to none. Default: not specified
    • geomask – Wikidata item to use as a geomask (everything outside the boundary is shaded darker). Can either be a specific Wikidata item (Q-number), or a property that specifies the item to use (e.g. P17 for [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. country (P17)], P131 for [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)]). Default: not specified
    • switcher – set to auto or geomasks or zooms to enable Template:Switcher-style switching between multiple mapframes. Default: not specified
      • auto – switch geomasks found in [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. location (P276)] and [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)] statements on the page's Wikidata item, searching recursively. E.g. an item's city, that city's state, and that state's country.
      • geomasks – switch between the geomasks specified as a comma-separated list of Wikidata items (Q-numbers) in the geomask parameter
      • zooms – switch between "zoomed in"/"zoomed midway"/"zoomed out", where "zoomed in" is the default zoom (with a minimum of 3), "zoomed out" is 1, and "zoomed midway" is the average
  • Other optional parameters:
    • frame-width or width – Frame width. Default: 270
    • frame-height or height – Frame height. Default: 200
    • shape-fill – Color used to fill shape features. Default: #606060
    • shape-fill-opacity – Opacity level of shape fill, a number between 0 and 1. Default: 0.5
    • stroke-color or stroke-colour – Color of line features, and outlines of shape features. Default: #ff0000
    • stroke-width – Width of line features, and outlines of shape features; default is "5". Default: 5
    • marker – Marker symbol to use for coordinates; see mw:Help:Extension:Kartographer/Icons for options. Default: not specified (i.e. blank)
      • Can also be set to blank to override any default marker symbol
    • marker-color or marker-colour – Background color for the marker. Default: #5E74F3
    • geomask-stroke-color or geomask-stroke-colour – Color of outline of geomask shape. Default: #555555
    • geomask-stroke-width – Width of outline of geomask shape. Default: 2
    • geomask-fill – Color used to fill outside geomask features. Default: #606060
    • geomask-fill-opacity – Opacity level of fill outside geomask features, a number between 0 and 1. Default: 0.5
    • zoom – Set the zoom level, from "1" (map of earth) to "18" (maximum zoom in), to be used if the zoom level cannot be determined automatically from object length or area. Default: 10
    • length_km or length_mi or area_km2 or area_mi2 – Determine zoom level by passing in object's length (in kilometres or miles) or area (in square kilometres or square miles). Default: not specified
    • frame-coordinates or frame-coord – Alternate latitude and longitude coordinates for initial placement of map, using {{coord}}. Default: derived from item coordinates
  • Deprecated parameters
    • frame-lat or frame-latitude – Alternate latitude coordinate for initial placement of map; default is derived from item coordinates
    • frame-long or frame-longitude – Alternate longitude coordinate for initial placement of map; default is derived from item coordinates

Examples for use within templates

Infobox hospital

{{Infobox hospital}} (as of 5 October 2019)

|image3    = {{yesno|{{{mapframe|yes}}}|no=|yes={{Infobox mapframe
|caption3 = {{yesno|{{{mapframe|yes}}}|no=|yes={{{mapframe-caption|}}}}}
Infobox power station

{{Infobox power station}} (as of 2 April 2019):

| image2        = {{#ifeq:{{{location_map|}}}|no|<!-- -->|{{Infobox mapframe
                  |id                    = {{{qid|}}}
                  |coord                 = {{{coordinates|}}}
                  |frame-width           = {{Digits|1={{#if:{{{image_size|}}}|{{{image_size|}}}|300px}}}}
                  |marker                = industrial
                  |zoom                  = {{#if:{{{location_map_geomask|}}}|{{{location_map_zoom|}}}|{{{location_map_zoom|5}}}}}
                  |geomask               = {{#ifeq:{{{location_map_geomask|}}}|Yes|P17|<!-- -->}}
                  |geomask-stroke-width  = {{#ifeq:{{{location_map_geomask|}}}|Yes|0.5|<!-- -->}}
                  |geomask-stroke-colour = {{#ifeq:{{{location_map_geomask|}}}|Yes|#000000|<!-- -->}}
                  |geomask-fill          = {{#ifeq:{{{location_map_geomask|}}}|Yes|#BABABA|<!-- -->}}
| caption2      = {{#ifeq:{{{location_map|}}}|no|<!-- -->|{{#if:{{{coordinates|}}}{{#property:P625}}|{{{location_map_caption|}}}}}}}
Infobox Australian road

{{Infobox Australian road}} (as of 5 October 2019):

| data3        = {{#ifexist:media:{{{location|}}}<!--
   -->{{yesno| {{{mapframe|yes}}}<!--
   -->|yes={{Infobox mapframe | length_km={{{length|}}} }}<!-- Tracking category:
    -->{{main other|{{#if:{{#property:P625}}|[[Category:Infobox Australian road articles with an infobox mapframe map|{{#if:{{{coordinates_a|}}}|π}}{{PAGENAME}}]]}}}}<!--

Template data

This is the بيانات القالب documentation for this template used by المحرر المرئي وأدوات أخرى.

See the monthly error report for this template.

TemplateData for Infobox mapframe


لا وصف.

وسائط القالب

mapframemapframe alias

=yes will create a map


دون وصف

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See also