قالب:Infobox fusion device/doc

Important note

If you edit this template, please do not add units directly into the infobox entries as the units may show up for blank entries, which may not be desirable. It is preferable to use either Template:val or Template:cvt on the article's entry to display a number with its units correctly formatted.


نوع الجهاز{{{type}}}
الموقع{{{city}}}، {{{state}}}، {{{country}}}
Technical specifications
Major radius{{{major_radius}}}
Minor radius{{{minor_radius}}}
حجم الپلازما{{{volume}}}
Magnetic field{{{field}}}
قوة التسخين{{{heating}}}
قوة الاندماج{{{power}}}
مدة التفريغ{{{time}}}
Plasma current{{{current}}}
درجة حرارة الپلازما{{{temperature}}}
تاريخ الانشا{{{construction_date}}}
سنة العملية{{{operation_start_year}}}–{{{operation_end_year}}}
أجهزة متعلقة{{{related}}}
الموقع الإلكتروني{{{website}}}
وصلات أخرى{{{other_links}}}
{{Infobox fusion devices
|name                 = 
|fullname             = 
|image                = 
|imagetitle           = 
|type                 = 
|city                 = 
|state                = 
|country              = 
|affiliation          = 
|major_radius         = <!-- {{cvt|00|m}} -->
|minor_radius         = <!-- {{cvt|00|m}} -->
|volume               = <!-- {{val|00|ul=m3}} -->
|field                = <!-- {{cvt|00|T}} -->
|heating              = <!-- {{val|00|ul=MW}} -->
|power                = <!-- {{val|00|ul=MW}} -->
|electrical_input     = <!-- {{val|00|ul=MW}} -->
|generation           = <!-- {{val|00|ul=MW}} --> 
|time                 = <!-- {{val|00|ul=s}} -->
|current              = <!-- {{val|00|ul=MA}} -->
|temperature          = <!-- {{val|00|e=6|ul=K}} -->
|construction_date    = 
|operation_start_year = 
|operation_end_year   = 
|ongoing              = <!-- set to any non-blank value -->
|prev                 = 
|next                 = 
|related              = 
|website              = <!-- {{url|insert here}} -->
|other_links          = 


This is the بيانات القالب documentation for this template used by المحرر المرئي وأدوات أخرى.

See the monthly error report for this template.

TemplateData for Infobox fusion device

لا وصف.

وسائط القالب


The common name of the device, which is usually the article title.

Full namefullname

If the article name is an acronym for the full device name, include it here.


An image of the device.

Image captionimagetitle

Accompanying caption for image.

Device typetype

Type of fusion device.

magnetic mirror, reversed field pinch, spheromak, stellarator, tokamak.

The city in which the device is located in.


The state, county or province in which the device is located in.


The country in which the device is located in.


The agency, company, organization or university which the device is operated by or associated with.

Major radiusmajor_radius major radius

Major radius of the device. Typical units: metre, foot

غير معروفاختياري
Minor radiusminor_radius minor radius

Minor radius of the device. Typical units: metre, foot

غير معروفاختياري
Plasma volumevolume

Total volume of the plasma during operation. Typical units: cubic metre

غير معروفاختياري
Magnetic fieldfield

Typical magnitude of the magnetic fields during operation.. Typical units: Tesla, Gauss

غير معروفاختياري
Heating powerheating

Heating power absorbed by the plasma. Typical units: Watt

غير معروفاختياري
Fusion powerpower

Thermal power produced by fusion. Typical units: Watt

غير معروفاختياري
Electrical input powerelectrical_input

Average electrical power required to maintain fusion. Typical units: Watt

غير معروفاختياري
Generation powergeneration

Average electrical power generated during fusion after losses. Typical units: Watt

غير معروفاختياري
Discharge durationtime

The duration of time in which a plasma can be sustained within the device. Typical units: second

غير معروفاختياري
Plasma currentcurrent

Magnitude of current which runs through the plasma during operation. Typical units: Ampere

غير معروفاختياري
Plasma temperaturetemperature

Temperature of the plasma during operation. It may be represented as electronvolts (eV) despite being a unit of energy. Typical units: Kelvin, eV

غير معروفاختياري
Construction date(s)construction_date

The date in which the device was being constructed.

غير معروفاختياري
Start Yearoperation_start_year

The year in which the device began operation.

End Yearoperation_end_year

The year in which the device ceased operations.


If "operation_end_year" is empty, set this to any value and it will display "– present" behind the start year.

غير معروفاختياري
Preceded byprev

The device which preceded the current device in a line of succession of experimental devices.

غير معروفاختياري
Succeeded bynext

The device which succeeded the current device in a line of succession of experimental devices.

غير معروفاختياري
Related devicesrelated

Other devices that were built around the same time, usually as part of the same experiment, or with a common research goal.

غير معروفاختياري

The official website of the device, if it has one.

غير معروفاختياري
Other linksother_links

Related web links associated with the device.

غير معروفاختياري


Wendelstein 7-X
Wendelstein7-X Torushall-2011.jpg
W7-X in 2011
نوع الجهازStellarator
الموقعGreifswald، Germany
الانتماءMax Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
Technical specifications
Major radius5.5 m (18 ft)
Minor radius0.53 m (1 ft 9 in)
حجم الپلازما30 m3
Magnetic field3 T (30,000 G)
قوة التسخين14 MW
درجة حرارة الپلازما(60–130)×106 K
سنة العملية2015–present
سبقهWendelstein 7-AS
{{Infobox fusion devices
|name                 = Wendelstein 7-X
|fullname             =
|image                = Wendelstein7-X Torushall-2011.jpg
|imagetitle           = W7-X in 2011
|type                 = [[Stellarator]]
|city                 = [[Greifswald]]
|state                = 
|country              = [[Germany]]
|affiliation          = [[Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics]]
|major_radius         = {{cvt|5.5|m}}
|minor_radius         = {{cvt|0.53|m}}
|volume               = {{val|30|ul=m3}}
|field                = {{cvt|3|T}}
|heating              = {{val|14|ul=MW}}
|temperature          = {{val|60|-|130|e=6|ul=K}}
|power                =
|generation           = {{val|0|ul=MW}}
|time                 =
|current              =
|construction_date    =
|operation_start_year = 2015
|operation_end_year   =
|ongoing              = yes
|prev                 = [[Wendelstein 7-AS]]
|next                 =
|related              =
|website              =
|other_links          =