قالب:Infobox building
![]() | This template is used on approximately 16٬000 pages, so changes to it will be widely noticed. Please test any changes in the template's /sandbox or /testcases subpages, or in your own user subpage. Please consider discussing changes on the talk page قبل تنفيذهم. |
![]() | Uses Lua: |
{{Infobox building}} may be used to summarize information about a building, including skyscrapers, hotels, hostels, performance venues, and shopping centers.
{{{name}}} | |
{{{native_name}}} | |
[[File:{{{logo}}}|{{{logo_size}}}|alt={{{logo_alt}}}|upright=1.1]] {{{logo_caption}}} | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|alt={{{image_alt}}}|border|upright=1.1]] {{{image_caption}}} | |
الأسماء السابقة | {{{former_names}}} |
الأسماء البديلة | {{{alternate_names}}} |
أصل الاسم | {{{etymology}}} |
سلسلة الفنادق | {{{hotel_chain}}} |
الارتفاع القياسي | |
الأعلى في {{{highest_region}}} من {{{highest_start}}} إلى {{{highest_end}}}[I] | |
سبقه | {{{highest_prev}}} |
تجاوزه | {{{highest_next}}} |
معلومات عامة | |
الوضع | {{{status}}} |
النوع | {{{building_type}}} |
الطراز المعماري | {{{architectural_style}}} |
التصنيف | {{{classification}}} |
الموقع | {{{location}}} |
العنوان | {{{address}}} |
البلدة أو المدينة | {{{location_city}}} |
البلد | {{{location_country}}} |
الإحداثيات | 0°N 0°E / 0°N 0°E |
الارتفاع | {{{altitude}}} |
المستأجرون الحاليون | {{{current_tenants}}} |
مسمى على اسم | {{{namesake}}} |
حجر الأساس | {{{groundbreaking_date}}} |
بدء الإنشاء | {{{start_date}}} |
توقف الإنشاء | {{{stop_date}}} |
تم تجاوزه | {{{topped_out_date}}} |
الإكتمال المقدر | {{{est_completion}}} |
اِفتُتح | {{{opened_date}}} |
اِفتـُتـِح | {{{inauguration_date}}} |
انتقل | {{{relocated_date}}} |
جـُدِّد | {{{renovation_date}}} |
أغلق | {{{closing_date}}} |
أزيل | {{{demolition_date}}} |
الثمن | {{{cost}}} |
تكلفة التجديد | {{{ren_cost}}} |
الزبون | {{{client}}} |
المالك | {{{owner}}} |
صاحب المبنى | {{{landlord}}} |
الارتباط | {{{affiliation}}} |
الارتفاع | |
الارتفاع | {{{height}}} |
المعماري | {{{architectural}}} |
القمة | {{{tip}}} |
برج الإرسالي | {{{antenna_spire}}} |
السقف | {{{roof}}} |
الدور العلوي | {{{top_floor}}} |
المرصد | {{{observatory}}} |
الأبعاد | |
القطر | {{{diameter}}} |
المحيط | {{{circumference}}} |
الوزن | {{{weight}}} |
أبعاد أخرى | {{{other_dimensions}}} |
تفاصيل تقنية | |
النظام الإنشائي | {{{structural_system}}} |
المواد | {{{material}}} |
الحجم | {{{size}}} |
عدد الطوابق | {{{floor_count}}} |
مساحة الطابق | {{{floor_area}}} |
المصاعد | {{{elevator_count}}} |
الأراضي | {{{grounds_area}}} |
التصميم والإنشاء | |
المعماري | {{{architect}}} |
الشركة المعمارية | {{{architecture_firm}}} |
المطور | {{{developer}}} |
المهندس | {{{engineer}}} |
المهندس الإنشائي | {{{structural_engineer}}} |
مهندس الخدمات | {{{services_engineer}}} |
المهندس المدني | {{{civil_engineer}}} |
المصممون الآخرون | {{{other_designers}}} |
مساح الكميات | {{{quantity_surveyor}}} |
المقاول العام | {{{main_contractor}}} |
المنح والجوائز | {{{awards}}} |
الألقاب | {{{designations}}} |
اشتهر بـ | {{{known_for}}} |
الفريق المجدد | |
المعماري | {{{ren_architect}}} |
الشركة المجددة | {{{ren_firm}}} |
المهندس | {{{ren_engineer}}} |
المهندس الإنشائي | {{{ren_str_engineer}}} |
مهندس الخدمات | {{{ren_serv_engineer}}} |
المهندس المدني | {{{ren_civ_engineer}}} |
مصممون آخرون | {{{ren_oth_designers}}} |
مساح الكميات | {{{ren_qty_surveyor}}} |
المقاول العام | {{{ren_contractor}}} |
المنح والجوائز | {{{ren_awards}}} |
معلومات أخرى | |
نوع المقاعد | {{{seating_type}}} |
سعة الجلوس | {{{seating_capacity}}} |
عدد المحال | {{{number_of_stores}}} |
عدد المراسي | {{{number_of_anchors}}} |
عدد rooms | {{{number_of_rooms}}} |
عدد الأجنحة | {{{number_of_suites}}} |
عدد المطاعم | {{{number_of_restaurants}}} |
عدد الحانات | {{{number_of_bars}}} |
المنشآت | {{{facilities}}} |
المرآب | {{{parking}}} |
الموقع الإلكتروني | |
{{{website}}} | |
{{{embedded}}} | |
المراجع | |
{{{references}}} | |
{{{footnotes}}} |
Without logo_size or image_size | |
[[File:{{{logo}}}|frameless|alt={{{logo_alt}}}|upright=1.1]] {{{logo_caption}}} | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|frameless|alt={{{image_alt}}}|border|upright=1.1]] {{{image_caption}}} |
{{Infobox building | name = | native_name = | native_name_lang = | logo = | logo_size = | logo_alt = | logo_caption = | image = | image_size = | image_alt = <!-- or | alt = --> | image_caption = <!-- or | caption = --> | map_type = | map_alt = | map_caption = | map_size = | map_dot_label = | map_dot_mark = | relief = | former_names = | alternate_names = | etymology = | status = | cancelled = | topped_out = | building_type = | architectural_style = | classification = | location = | address = | location_city = <!-- or | location_town = --> | location_country = | coordinates = | altitude = | current_tenants = | namesake = | groundbreaking_date = | start_date = | stop_date = | est_completion = | topped_out_date = | completion_date = | opened_date = | inauguration_date = | relocated_date = | renovation_date = | closing_date = | demolition_date = <!-- or | destruction_date = --> | cost = | ren_cost = | client = | owner = | landlord = | affiliation = | height = | architectural = | tip = | antenna_spire = | roof = | top_floor = | observatory = | diameter = | circumference = | weight = | other_dimensions = | structural_system = | material = | size = | floor_count = | floor_area = | elevator_count = | grounds_area = | architect = | architecture_firm = | developer = | engineer = | structural_engineer = | services_engineer = | civil_engineer = | other_designers = | quantity_surveyor = | main_contractor = | awards = | designations = | known_for = | ren_architect = | ren_firm = | ren_engineer = | ren_str_engineer = | ren_serv_engineer = | ren_civ_engineer = | ren_oth_designers = | ren_qty_surveyor = | ren_contractor = | ren_awards = | rooms = <!-- or | unit_count = --> | parking = | website = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} --> | embed = | embedded = | references = | footnotes = }}
Record height
| highest_prev = | highest_next = | highest_start = | highest_end = | highest_region = | highest_reflabel =
Hotels, hostels, shopping centers, and performance venues
- Seating
| seating_type = | seating_capacity =
- Stores
| number_of_stores = | number_of_anchors =
- Hotels and hostels
| hotel_chain = | affiliation = | number_of_rooms = | number_of_suites = | number_of_restaurants = | number_of_bars = | facilities =
Use as a child template
The embed parameter is used when embedding this infobox into another (see the Template:Infobox documentation which explains embedding and subboxes).
{{Infobox ABC | name = | <!-- etc. --> | embedded = <!-- or module= --> {{Infobox building | embed = yes | <!-- etc. --> }} }}
Embedding other templates
The embedded parameter is used for embedding other templates into this infobox (see Wikipedia:Infobox modules).
{{Infobox building | name = | <!-- etc. --> | embedded = {{Infobox ABC | embed = yes <!-- or child=yes or subbox=yes--> | <!-- etc. --> }} }}
Example 1
Law Courts of Brussels | |
Palais de justice de Bruxelles Justitiepaleis van Brussel | |
![]() Main façade of the Law Courts of Brussels | |
معلومات عامة | |
الطراز المعماري | Eclectic, neoclassical |
الموقع | Brussels, Belgium |
البلد | Belgium |
الإحداثيات | 50°50′12″N 4°21′6″E / 50.83667°N 4.35167°E |
الارتفاع | 2 m (7 ft) |
المستأجرون الحاليون | Belgian court |
بدء الإنشاء | 31 October 1866 |
اِفتـُتـِح | 15 October 1883 |
الثمن | 45 million Belgian franc |
الزبون | Belgian government |
المالك | Belgian government |
الارتفاع | 142 m (466 ft) |
الأبعاد | |
القطر | 160 m × 150 m (525 ft × 492 ft) |
تفاصيل تقنية | |
مساحة الطابق | 260,000 m2 (2,800,000 sq ft) |
التصميم والإنشاء | |
المعماري | Joseph Poelaert |
الموقع الإلكتروني | |
example |
{{Infobox building | name = Law Courts of Brussels | native_name = {{lang|fr|Palais de justice de Bruxelles}}<br />{{lang|nl|Justitiepaleis van Brussel}} | image = Justitiepaleis1.jpg | image_size = <!-- omitted to display at user's default size --> | alt = Building with central cupola and wings with Greek-style columns | caption = Main façade of the Law Courts of Brussels | former_names = | alternate_names = | map_type = Belgium | map_alt = | map_caption = Location within Belgium | building_type = | architectural_style = [[Eclecticism in art|Eclectic]], [[Neoclassical architecture|neoclassical]] | structural_system = | cost = 45 million [[Belgian franc]] | location = [[Brussels]], [[Belgium]] | client = Belgian government | owner = [[Belgian federal government|Belgian government]] | current_tenants = Belgian court | landlord = | location_country = Belgium | coordinates = {{coord|50|50|12|N|4|21|6|E}} | altitude = {{convert|2|m|ft|0|abbr=on}} | start_date = 31 October 1866 | completion_date = | inauguration_date = 15 October 1883 | demolition_date = | height = {{convert|142|m|ft|abbr=on}} | diameter = {{convert|160|x|150|m|ft|0|abbr=on}} | other_dimensions = | floor_count = | floor_area = {{convert|260000|m2|sqft|abbr=on}} | architect = [[Joseph Poelaert]] | structural_engineer = | services_engineer = | civil_engineer = | other_designers = | quantity_surveyor = | main_contractor = | awards = | parking = | website = {{URL|example.com}} | references = }}
Example 2: embedded templates
Deming Armory | |
![]() Deming Armory in 2009 | |
الأسماء السابقة | State Armory |
الأسماء البديلة | Deming Luna Mimbres Museum |
معلومات عامة | |
الوضع | Used as a museum |
النوع | Government armory |
الطراز المعماري | Castellated style |
العنوان | 301 South Silver |
البلدة أو المدينة | Deming, New Mexico |
البلد | United States |
المستأجرون الحاليون | Deming Luna Mimbres Museum |
بدء الإنشاء | 1915 |
اكتمل | 1916 |
الزبون | United States Department of the Army |
المالك | Luna County Historical Society, Inc. (current) |
الأبعاد | |
أبعاد أخرى | 50 feet (15 m) across x 132 feet (40 m) deep |
التصميم والإنشاء | |
المعماري | Henry C. Trost |
الشركة المعمارية | Trost & Trost |
المقاول العام | W. W. Barracks |
Deming Armory | |
الإحداثيات | 32°16′00″N 107°45′24″W / 32.26667°N 107.75667°W |
المعماري | Henry C. Trost |
NRHP reference No. | خطأ لوا: invalid capture index %2 in replacement string. |
أضيف إلى NRHP | April 21, 1983 |
الاسم الرسمي | Deming Armory |
التوصيف | January 20, 1978 |
الرقم المرجعي | 584 |
{{Infobox building | name = Deming Armory | image = Deming Luna Mimbres Museum.jpg | image_size = 250px <!-- fixed size instead of user's default size --> | image_alt = The red-brick front facade of the Deming Armory | image_caption = Deming Armory in 2009 | former_names = State Armory | alternate_names = Deming Luna Mimbres Museum | status = Used as a museum | building_type = Government [[Armory (military)|armory]] | architectural_style = [[Castellated]] style | address = 301 South Silver | location_town = Deming, New Mexico | location_country = United States | current_tenants = Deming Luna Mimbres Museum | start_date = 1915 | completion_date = 1916 | client = United States Department of the Army | owner = Luna County Historical Society, Inc. (current) | other_dimensions = {{convert|50|ft}} across x {{convert|132|ft}} deep | architect = Henry C. Trost | architecture_firm = Trost & Trost | main_contractor = W. W. Barracks | embedded = {{Infobox NRHP | embed = yes | name = Deming Armory | coordinates = {{coord|32|16|00|N|107|45|24|W|display=inline}} | locmapin = New Mexico | map_alt = Located in New Mexico, in the southwest portion of the state | map_caption = Location in New Mexico | architect = Henry C. Trost | governing_body = Luna County Historical Society, Inc. | refnum = 83001624 | added = April 21, 1983 }} {{Designation list | embed = yes | designation1 = USNM | designation1_offname = Deming Armory | designation1_date = January 20, 1978 | designation1_number = 584 }} }}
Field Name | Required | Description | Values |
name | yes | Name of building | wikitext |
native_name | no | Name of building in native language | wikitext |
native_name_lang | no | ISO 639-2 code | use ISO 639-2 code, e.g. "fr" for French. If there is more than one native name, in different languages, enter those names using {{lang}}, instead. |
etymology | no | Thing (event, person, etc.) the building was named after | |
status | no | useful to show the construction status of new buildings. The keywords to the right can be used to produce the appropriate colored status: |
image | no | Image of the building | filename |
image_size | no | The image width in pixels. If not specified, the image uses frameless with upright=1.1 which displays it at approximately 110% of the user's default thumbnail size (for most users the image will display at 240px; for logged-in users who have changed the setting at Special:Preferences the displayed image could range from 130px to 440px). See also: Module:InfoboxImage, WP:AUTOSIZE, WP:EIS, WP:IMGSIZE, and MOS:IMGSIZE | number (with or without "px") |
image_alt alt |
no | Alt text for image, see WP:ALT | text |
image_caption caption |
no | Caption for image | wikitext (can contain links) |
location | no | Location of the building | wikitext (can contain links), e.g., [[Joondalup, Western Australia]], [[Australia]], [[Las Vegas Strip]] |
address | no | Address of the building | The address can be different from the location, especially when it is only a mailing address and does not represent the actual physical location. Generally address should be used except when the location and address are different. |
location_town | no | Settlement where the building is located | wikitext (can contain links) |
location_country | no | Country where the building is located | wikitext (can contain links) |
coordinates | no | Geographic coordinates of location | See map and coordinates for details |
groundbreaking_date | no | Date of the formal ground breaking, if any | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
start_date | no | Date building construction started | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
stop_date | no | Date building construction stopped or halted | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
completion_date | no | Completion date of construction if know | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
opened_date | no | Date of opening | E.g.; {{Start date|2007|01|25}} |
relocated_date | no | Date of relocation | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
inauguration_date | no | Inauguration date if know | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
demolition_date | no | Date building was demolished | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
destruction_date | no | Date building was destroyed, generally by a natural event or war | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
architect | no | Name of original architect | wikitext (can contain links) |
landlord | no | Name of current landlord | wikitext (can contain links) |
owner | no | Name(s) of current owner(s) | wikitext (can contain links) |
cost | no | Construction cost | wikitext (can contain links) |
height | no | Generic height parameter | For best practice, use {{convert}} in this field. |
architectural | no | CTBUH height to the top of the building | For best practice, use {{convert}}. |
tip | no | CTBUH height to the tip of the building | For best practice, use {{convert}}. |
top_floor | no | CTBUH height to the floor level of the highest floor | For best practice, use {{convert}}. |
roof | no | CTBUH height to the top of the roof | For best practice, use {{convert}}. |
observatory | no | Height of observation deck | For best practice, use {{convert}}. |
antenna_spire | no | Height of highest point of antenna tower | For best practice, use {{convert}}. |
floor_area | no | Gross floor area of the building, expressed as a numerical value | For best practice, use {{convert}}. |
floor_count | no | Number of floors expressed as a numerical value | |
seating_type | no | ||
seating_capacity | no | Numbers of seats available | |
grounds_area | no | Area of associated land, in hectares, square metres or equivalent. Use {{Convert}} if appropriate | |
awards | no | Listed awards should meet the notability criteria for its own non-redirect article in the English Wikipedia. Red-linked entries are acceptable if the award's notability is verifiable, and it is reasonable to expect an article could be forthcoming in the future. This standard prevents the infobox award section from becoming an indiscriminate list. | |
ren_awards | no | Listed renovation awards should meet the notability criteria for its own non-redirect article in the English Wikipedia. Red-linked entries are acceptable if the award's notability is verifiable, and it is reasonable to expect an article could be forthcoming in the future. This standard prevents the infobox award section from becoming an indiscriminate list. | |
parking | no | Information on the building's parking facilities (e.g. number of spaces or lots) | |
website | no | Website for building | {{URL|url.com.au}} |
embed | no | Embed this infobox into another by using embed=yes | |
embedded | no | Other templates to be embedded in this infobox. Templates with such capability include {{Designation list}} and {{Infobox NRHP}} (see تصنيف:قوالب قابلة للتضمين). | the code of the embedded template |
references | no | Footnotes and citations for information within infobox | wikitext (can contain links) |
Notes: Do not link to the same article more than once in the infobox. | |||
highest_region | no | ||
highest_reflabel | no | Override the default reference label 'talleststatus', pointing to the reference marked with {{note label|thatlabel}}. | |
highest_prev | no | ||
highest_start | no | ||
highest_end | no | ||
highest_next | no |
Height parameters
The following parameters are provided for the height of buildings. They include parameters corresponding to methods used by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) to measure the height of tall buildings. CTBUH heights are measured from the level of the lowest, significant, open-air, pedestrian entrance of the building.
Specify |height=
with no other height-related parameters, or leave |height=
blank and fill in one or more of the other parameters below. Use of |height=
along with one of the other parameters below will place the page in تصنيف:Building using deprecated parameters.
Parameter | Description |
height | Generic height parameter |
architectural | (CTBUH) Height to the top of the building, inclusive of spires but excluding items such as flagpoles and antennae. This is the most commonly cited CTBUH measurement. |
tip | (CTBUH) Height to the highest point of the building, including antennae, flagpoles, and technical equipment. |
top_floor | (CTBUH) Height to the floor level of the highest floor that is occupied by building users on a consistent basis. |
roof | (CTBUH) Height to top of roof. This category was removed from CTBUH criteria in 2009, but is included for historical data. |
observatory | Height of observation deck. |
antenna_spire | Height of the highest point of structures such as antenna towers. |
Map and coordinates
The coordinates=
parameter is used to display coordinates in the infobox, and optionally at the top of the page; use the {{coord}} template.
- The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 or ISO 3166-2 region code can often be determined automatically, based on the
{{Infobox building ... | coordinates = <!-- Use the {{Coord}} template. --> | map_type = <!-- Location name used for Template:Location map --> | map_alt = <!-- Alternative text for map image, see WP:ALT for details --> | map_caption = <!-- Text to be displayed below map; for no caption enter "map_caption="; if the parameter is omitted then the caption will be "Marker text (location map name)" --> | relief = <!-- Any non-blank value (yes, 1, etc.) will cause the template to display a relief map image, where available. --> | map_dot_label = <!-- Text to display on the map --> | map_dot_mark = <!-- Pin color for use on the map --> ... }}
Map type
A list of templates containing maps that may be used can be found at:
A list of modules containing maps that may be used can be found at:
The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue article across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.
hCard uses HTML classes including:
- "adr"
- "county-name"
- "fn"
- "label"
- "locality"
- "nickname"
- "note"
- "org"
- "region"
- "street-address"
- "vcard"
Geo is produced by calling {{coord}}, and uses HTML classes:
- "geo"
- "latitude"
- "longitude"
Please do not rename or remove these classes.
When giving coordinates, please don't be overly precise.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This is the بيانات القالب documentation for this template used by المحرر المرئي وأدوات أخرى.
See the monthly error report for this template. TemplateData for Infobox building This template may be used to summarise information about a building. See template documentation for more information.
Tracking categories
- Category:Building using deprecated parameters (2)
- Category:Pages using infobox building with unsupported parameters (26)
The above documentation is transcluded from قالب:Infobox building/doc. (edit | history) Editors can experiment in this template's sandbox (create | mirror) and testcases (create) pages. Please add categories to the /doc subpage. Subpages of this template. |
- Infobox templates
- Lua-based templates
- صفحات المعرفة التي فيها البلد أو التقسيم غير معروف
- Pages using gadget WikiMiniAtlas
- Templates generating hCards and Geo
- TemplateData documentation
- قوالب جداول مباني ومنشآت
- قوالب قابلة للتضمين
- Infobox templates with module parameter
- Templates that add a tracking category
- Templates that generate named references