قالب:استشهاد ناقص

(تم التحويل من قالب:Full citation needed)

[استشهاد ناقص]

Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

This template is an alternative to {{Citation needed}}, for the cases where a reference is alluded to, or given in part, but not specified in enough detail. The factuality may or may not be in question.


{{Full citation needed|date=فبراير 2025}}

This template is a self-reference and so is part of the Wikipedia project rather than the encyclopædic content.

Template data

This is the TemplateData documentation for this template used by VisualEditor and other tools.

استشهاد ناقص

The template is used for cases where a reference is alluded to, or given in part, but not specified in enough detail.

وسائط القالب

Month and yeardate

Provides the month and year; e.g., 'January 2013', but not 'jan13'

قيمة تلقائية
مايو 2017


See also

قالب:Inline cleanup tags