جمهورية رئاسية² كاملة | جمهورية نصف رئاسية² |
Republics with an executive president or directory elected by or nominated by the legislature that may or may not be subject to الثقة البرلمانية | جمهورية برلمانية² |
ملكية دستورية برلمانية حيث لا تحتفظ الملكية بسلطة كبيرة | Parliamentary constitutional monarchies which have a separate head of government but where royalty holds significant executive and/or legislative power |
ملكية مطلقة | دولة الحزب الواحد |
Countries where constitutional provisions for government have been suspended (مثل طغمة عسكرية) | Countries that do not fit any of the above systems (e.g. provisional governments/unclear political situations) |
Overseas possessions, colonies, and places without governments | |
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