
Link to free scores by a composer at the Choral Public Domain Library.

{{ChoralWiki|title at CPDL|title to display|prep=}}

Parameters are optional. If the 2nd parameter is omitted, the title of the page in which the template is applied is displayed. Parameter prep= ("preposition") is required only when the subject of the article is not a composer: Use prep=of to display "Free scores of...", prep=from to display "Free scores from...", etc. The default preposition is "by".

Example 1
{{ChoralWiki}} results in:

Example 2
{{ChoralWiki|John Ireland}} results in:

Example 3
{{ChoralWiki|Maurice Greene|Maurice Greene}} results in:

Example 4
{{ChoralWiki|Go Down, Moses (Traditional)|Go Down Moses|prep=of}} results in: