1 Currently manufactured by General Mills in the United States. Produced by Cereal Partners under the Nestlé brand elsewhere. 2 Brand owned by General Mills; U.S. and Canadian production rights controlled by Nestlé under license. 3 U.S. production rights owned by The Hershey Company. 4 Canadian production rights owned by The Hershey Company. 5 U.S. rights and production owned by Smarties Candy Company, with a different product. 6 U.S. rights and specific trade dress owned by Nestlé; rights elsewhere owned by Associated British Foods. 7 Produced by Cereal Partners, branded as Nestlè. 8 Produced by Cereal Partners, and Branded Nestlé in The United Kingdom, and Ireland. Produced by Post Foods, elsewhere.
استخدم {{نستله|state=collapsed}} لتظهر هذا القالب في حالته المطوية (المخفية). استخدم {{نستله|state=expanded}} لتظهر هذا القالب في حالته الممدودة (رؤية كاملة). استخدم {{نستله|state=autocollapse}} لتظهر هذا القالب في حالته المطوية (المخفية) إذا وجد قالب آخر من نفس النوع في الصفحة.