قالب:مدينة اسبانية/doc

هذه هي صفحة توثيق القالب {{مدينة اسبانية}}.
ليس الغرض من تلك الصفحة أن تـُشاهـَد مباشرة. لو استعملـَت متغيرات, فبعض الروابط قد تظهر مكسورة. لا تستبدل تلك المتغيرات بأسماء مباشرة (hardcoded) لصفحات أو عناوين URLs.


{{Infobox City Spain
| native_name = 
| native_language = 
| spanish_name = 
| nickname = 
| image_skyline = 
| image_skyline_size = 
| image_skyline_caption = 
| image_flag = 
| image_flag_size = 
| image_coat_of_arms = 
| image_coat_of_arms_size = 
| city_motto = 
| city_motto_means = 
| image_city_map = 
| image_city_map_size = 
| image_city_map_caption = 
| lat_long = 
| time_zone = 
| time_zone_summer = 
| founded = 
| postal_code = 
| area_code = 
| website = 
| community = 
| community_link = 
| province = 
| province_link = 
| comarca = 
| comarca_link = 
| divisions =  
| neighborhoods = 
| mayor = 
| political_party = 
| political_party_link = 
| area = 
| altitude = 
| population = 
| date-population = 
| population-ranking = 
| density = 
| date-density = 


If a parameter is not applicable to a city, just leave it blank.

Parameter Explanation
official_name Optional parameter for infobox title (defaults to native_name if not specified). See Alicante for an example.
native_name Native name of the city, in Catalan, Basque or Galician, if applicable. This is used as the infobox title (to use a different name for title, see
native_language Native language of the city (Spanish, Catalan, Basque or Galician).
spanish_name Spanish name of the city.
nickname Nickname(s) of the city, if one.
image_skyline A image of the city's skyline, if one. Another panoramic image if not.
image_skyline_size Size of the skyline image, usually 250px.
image_skyline_caption Caption for the skyline image.
image_flag Flag of the city.
image_flag_size Size of the flag image, usually 150px.
image_coat_of_arms Coat of arms.
image_coat_of_arms_size Size of the coat of arms image, usually 80px.
city_motto Motto of the city, if one, in the original language.
city_motto_means Translation of the motto to English.
image_city_map Image of a city map or a city location map.
image_city_map_size Size of the city map image, usually 250px.
image_city_map_caption Caption for the city map image.
lat_long Latitude and longitude. Use {{coord}} with "display=inline,title" when possible.
time_zone Time zone.
time_zone_summer Summer time zone.
founded Date of city founding.
postal_code Postal code or range of postal codes.
area_code Telephone area code. City code only, country code is added by the template.
website URL of the official website of the city.
community Autonomous community the city is located into.
community_link Link to the Wikipedia entry of the autonomous community.
province Province the city is located into.
province_link Link to the Wikipedia entry of the province, if one.
comarca Comarca the city is located into.
comarca_link Link to the Wikipedia entry of the comarca, if one.
divisions Number of administrative divisions of the city (often called districts).
neighborhoods Number of neighborhoods of the city.
mayor Name of the mayor, like it appears in their entry, if it exists.
political_party Short form of the political party the mayor belongs to: PSOE, PP, CiU, etc.
political_party_link Link to the Wikipedia entry of the political party.
area Land area of the city. Number only. "km²" is added by the template.
altitude The altitude the city is located. Number only. "m AMSL" is added by the template.
population Number of inhabitants of the city.
date-population Date of the above information.
population-ranking Ranking of the city in Spain, population wise.
density Population density. Number only. "hab./km²" is added by the template.
date-density Date of the above information.


The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue article across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.

hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • "adr"
  • "county-name"
  • "fn"
  • "label"
  • "locality"
  • "nickname"
  • "note"
  • "org"
  • "region"
  • "street-address"
  • "vcard"

Geo is produced by calling {{coord}}, and uses HTML classes:

  • "geo"
  • "latitude"
  • "longitude"

Please do not rename or remove these classes.

When giving coordinates, please don't be overly precise.

مدينة اسبانية/doc