قالب:جدول مجرة/doc

Infobox for articles on galaxies.


{{Infobox galaxy
| name               = 
| image              = 
| caption            = 
| credit             = 
| epoch              = 
| pronounce          = {{IPA-en|<!-- IPA string -->|}}
| constellation name = 
| ra                 = {{RA|00|00|00}}
| dec                = {{DEC|±00|00|00}}
| z                  = 
| h_radial_v         = 
| gal_v              = 
| dist_ly            = {{convert|000|+/-|00|kly|kpc|abbr=on|lk=on}}{{hub|0.73}}
| group_cluster      = 
| type               = 
| mass               = <!-- In solar masses --> {{Val|0|e=0}} 
| mass_light_ratio   = <!-- In solar units  -->
| size               = <!-- In light years  -->
| stars              = 
| appmag_v           = 
| appmag_b           = 
| absmag_v           = 
| size_v             = 
| notes              = 
| names              = 
| references         = 


  • The redshift parameter (z) can either list the radial velocity of the galaxy in units of km/s, or the dimensionless quantity z. The former is used when the value of z has a very small value, such as less than 0.1.
  • The dist_ly field can list the distance in both light years and parsecs by using the {{Convert}} template. For example:
    gives: 2,810 ± 90 kly (862 ± 28 kpc)