قالب:جدول عطلة

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{{جدول عطلة}} Adds an infobox with brief data defining a particular holiday


{{Infobox Holiday

|holiday_name  = required
|type          = required
|longtype      =
|image         =
|imagesize     =
|caption       =
|official_name =
|nickname      =
|observedby    =
|begins        =
|ends          =
|date          =
<!-- next three if holiday is the same day of the same week every year -->
|week_ordinal  = <!-- "first", "second", "last", etc. -->
|weekday       = <!-- "Sunday", "Monday", "Friday", etc. -->
|month         = <!-- "January", "February", "December", etc. -->
<!-- next three if the date changes in an unusual pattern each year -->
|date2023      = <!-- only for days that change each year -->
|date2024      = <!-- only for days that change each year -->
|date2025      = <!-- only for days that change each year -->
|celebrations  =
|observances   =
|relatedto     =


{{Infobox Holiday

|holiday_name  = required
|type          = required
|longtype      =
|image         =
|imagesize     =
|caption       =
|official_name =
|nickname      =
|observedby    =
|begins        =
|ends          =
|date          =
<!-- if same day of the same week every year -->
|week_ordinal  =
|weekday       =
|month         =
<!-- if the date changes in an unusual pattern -->
|date2023      =
|date2024      =
|date2025      =
|celebrations  =
|observances   =
|relatedto     =



This is the most common holiday name, which appears at the top of the infobox. It should almost always be the name of the article.
The type of the holiday, for example national, judaism, islamic et cetera. The type parameter have this relation:
Type (param "type") Color
islam LightGreen
judaism LightSkyBlue
buddhism PaleGoldenRod
christianity Lavender
asian festival RosyBrown
secular DarkGray
(inter)national DodgerBlue
historical/cultural LightSalmon
pagan DarkKhaki
commercial Yellow
hindu Orange
default LightSteelBlue
required for multi-day holidays - This is the starting date for a multi-day holiday.
required for multi-day holidays - This is the ending date for a multi-day holiday.
required for single-day holidays - This is the date of a single-day holiday. (If you use the week_ordinal/weekday/month parameters below, date will default to a phrase like "First Sunday in January". Otherwise it has no default and is required.)
highly recommended for holidays that don't stay on the same Gregorian date - This is the Gregorian date on which the holiday will occur in 2024. At the end of 2024, this will be replaced with date2025, which will later be replaced with date2026. Therefore, it's a good idea to specify the Gregorian date for a few future years. (Not necessary if week_ordinal/weekday/month are specified instead.)


highly recommended - These are the people who celebrate/observe the holiday (e.g. Muslims and Islam, United States of America, people worldwide)
This is a lengthier description of the type, for example if there are two types that could be defined, for example "Cultural, Historical, Islamic"
This should be an image that represents the holiday. The value is just the simple target-name, not a full wikilink.
The size of the image (default is 225px).
This is a caption that describes the image.
This should contain the official name of the holiday if it is not the holiday_name; this can also be the name of the holiday in its original language
This should hold any nicknames, alternatives, and translations for the holiday_name or official_name
week_ordinal, weekday, month
For days that are observed on the same day of the same week every year, these specify the week (week_ordinal), day of the week (weekday), and month. If you use these, you no longer have to specify date2023, date2024, date2025, etc. If you specify week_ordinal, then weekday and month are required also.
date2023, date2025
recommended for holidays that don't stay on the same Gregorian date - The template will display the previous and next year's dates along with that of the current year, if they are provided. Again, it's a good idea to provide dates for a few years further into the future as well. (Not necessary if week_ordinal/weekday/month are specified instead.)
This contains the celebrations that occur on the holiday.
This contains essentially the same thing as the celebrations attribute. However, the word observances is used. This may be more appropriate than celebrations when referring to prayer or more solemn observances. Most likely, you will not need both celebrations and observances.
This contains holidays that relate to the current holiday.


Same date every year

{{Infobox Holiday
|holiday_name  = Nice Safe Day
|type          = commercial
|longtype      = 
|image         = 
|caption       = 
|official_name = 
|nickname      = 
|observedby    = Atlantis
|date          = [[January 31]]
|celebrations  = 
|observances   = 
|relatedto     = [[Unsafe Day]]
Nice Safe Day
يُحتفى بهAtlantis
التاريخJanuary 31
الارتباطUnsafe Day

Same day of same week every year

{{Infobox Holiday
|holiday_name  = Puzzle Saturday
|type          = secular
|longtype      = state holiday
|image         = Image:Wikipedia-logo-blank.png
|caption       = Commonly seen puzzling encylopedia
|official_name =
|nickname      =
|observedby    = [[United States]]
|week_ordinal  = last
|weekday       = Saturday
|month         = August
|celebrations  =
|observances   =
|relatedto     =
Puzzle Saturday
Commonly seen puzzling encylopedia
يُحتفى بهUnited States
النوعstate holiday
التاريخSaturday Last في August
تاريخ 2023August 26  (2023-08-26)
تاريخ 2024August 31  (2024-08-31)
تاريخ 2025August 30  (2025-08-30)
تاريخ 2026August 29  (2026-08-29)

Different days and dates each year

{{Infobox Holiday
|holiday_name  = Inscrutable Day
|type          = default
|longtype      = 
|image         = 
|caption       = 
|official_name = Day of the Phantom Inscrutable Cheese
|nickname      =
|observedby    = [[Chicago, Illinois]]
|date          = Five days after every 13th moon
|date2008      = June 8
|date2009      = June 27
|date2010      = July 12
|celebrations  =
|observances   = Night of the Moon Cheese
|relatedto     =
Inscrutable Day
الاسم الرسميDay of the Phantom Inscrutable Cheese
يُحتفى بهChicago, Illinois
الاحتفالاتNight of the Moon Cheese
التاريخFive days after every 13th moon
تاريخ 2024+/−