قالب:جدول سورة

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جدول سورة
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For a sura (also spelled surah, surat; Arabic: سورة sūrah) (pl. Arabic: سور sura), a division or chapter, of the Quran.


سورة {{{number}}}
أسماء بديلة (Ar.){{{othernames-ar}}}
أسماء أخرى{{{othernames}}}
نزول الوحي{{{time}}}
الجزءجزء {{{juz}}}
رقم الحزب{{{hizb}}}
عدد السجدات{{{rukus}}}
عدد الآيات{{{verses}}}
عدد السجدات{{{sajdahs}}}
عدد الكلمات{{{words}}}
عدد الحروف{{{letters}}}
فاتحة السورة{{{muqattaat}}}
→ [[{{{prev_sura}}}]]
[[{{{next_sura}}}]] ←
{{infobox surah
| number         =
| name           = <!-- if left blank, will use page name -->
| name-ar        =
| name-en        = <!-- name in Yusuf Ali translation -->
| prev_sura      =
| next_sura      =
| classification = <!-- Meccan or Medinan -->
| othernames-ar  = <!-- alternate Arabic names -->
| othernames     = <!-- alternate English names in Pickthall, Arberry, and Asad translations  -->
| time           = 
| juz            = 
| hizb           = 
| rukus          = <!-- if only one ruku, skip this field -->
| verses         = 
| words          = <!-- optional, uncommon -->
| letters        = <!-- optional, uncommon -->
| muqattaat      = <!-- only if applicable -->
| sajdahs        = <!-- only if applicable -->
| subject_ayat   =
| audio          = <!-- optional, if exists -->