قالب:جدول سلطان عثماني/doc


{{Ottoman Succession box
|Sultan_Name     = Name (family given name)
|full name       = Full (legal non-titular name)
|title           = Secular Titles (Padishah, Hünkar, Hakan ül-Berreyn vel-Bahreyn, Sovereign, Khan ...)
|title2          = Religious (Chaliphate ...)
|othertitles     = Other titles & Wikilink<br />Other titles & Wikilink, etc.
|image_portrait  = 
|image_tugra     = الطغراء
|caption         = تعليق البورتريه
|Military        = (Rise, Growth, ...) of the Ottoman Empire
|reign           = [[D Month]], [[YYYY]] – [[D Month]], [[YYYY]]
|reign2          = [[D Month]], [[YYYY]] – [[D Month]], [[YYYY]]
|coronation      = [[D Month]], [[YYYY]]
|before          = Name & Wikilink
|after           = Name & Wikilink
|years           = 
|before2         = Name & Wikilink
|after2          = Name & Wikilink
|years2          = 
|suc-type        = If you wish to use the heir field, then the type of heir is required, (Heir-Apparent/Heir-Presumptive)
|heir            = اسم ورابط الوريث
|Valide_Sultan   = Name & Wikilink<br />Name & Wikilink, etc.
|consort         = Name & Wikilink<br />Name & Wikilink, etc.
|spouse 1        = Name & Wikilink<br />Name & Wikilink, etc. (these are for the wives 
|spouse 2        = Name & Wikilink<br />Name & Wikilink, etc. of male rulers for whom 
|spouse 3        = Name & Wikilink<br />Name & Wikilink, etc. the term 'queen', 
|spouse 4        = Name & Wikilink<br />Name & Wikilink, etc. 'consort' etc. is 
|spouse 5        = Name & Wikilink<br />Name & Wikilink, etc. inappropriate, eg the 
|spouse 6        = Name & Wikilink<br />Name & Wikilink, etc. wife of a Roman emperor whom he married and then divorced before ascending the throne)
|issue           = Name & Wikilink<br />Name & Wikilink, etc.
|royal anthem    = Name & Wikilink
|father          = Name & Wikilink
|mother          = Name & Wikilink
|date of birth   = D Month, YYYY
|place of birth  = Name & Wikilink
|date of death   = D Month, YYYY
|place of death  = Name & Wikilink
|date of burial  = D Month, YYYY
|place of burial = Name & Wikilink
|الصدر الأعظم     = الصدر الأعظم
|شيخ الإسلام       = شيخ الإسلام


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Date-of-birth ("bday") information will only be included in the microformat if {{birth date}}, or {{birth date and age}} are used in the infobox. (Do not use these if the date is before 1583). Be cautious about using these if the person is still living, per WP:DOB.

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  • agent
  • bday
  • birthplace
  • category
  • country-name
  • deathdate
  • deathplace
  • extended-address
  • family-name
  • fn (required)
  • given-name
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  • honorific-suffix
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