قالب:جدول جورنال/doc


Parameters Brief instructions
{{Infobox Journal
| title        = 
| cover        = 
| editor       =
| discipline   = 
| language     = 
| abbreviation = 
| publisher    = 
| country      = 
| frequency    =
| history      = 
| openaccess   =
| impact       = 
| impact-year  =
| website      = 
| link1        =
| link1-name   =
| link2        =
| link2-name   =
| RSS          =
| atom         =
| JSTOR        =
| OCLC         = 
| LCCN         =
| CODEN        =
| ISSN         =
| eISSN        =
Name of journal, if different from page name
Optional image of journal
Optional name of editor
Topic of the journal
Language of publication, (or abstracts)
Abbreviation for journal
Name of publisher
Country of publication (use short form), e.g. [[United States|USA]]
Frequency of publication
Publication history, e.g. 1869 to present
Availability of open access content, with links if appropriate
The impact factor of the journal
The year the impact factor was measured
url for journal homepage.  See usage below
url for additional link, see below
name for additional link, see below
URL of RSS feed
URL of Atom feed
see below
see below
JSTOR number - will generate a link automatically
link to ICCN
link to LCCN
link to CODEN
ISSN number
eISSN number


  • English language is assumed unless specified otherwise.
  • When using the website field, just use the url, e.g. http://www.nature.com, this field automatically assigns the name "Journal homepage." If you wish to specify a different name, or to include additional links, use link1 and link1-name. For example:
website = http://www.nature.com
link1 = http://www.nature.com/nature/about/index.html
link1-name = About Nature


This template produces COinS metadata; see COinS in Wikipedia for background information.