قاعدة غواصات
قاعدة الغواصات submarine base هي قاعدة عسكرية تأوي غواصات وطواقمها.
Examples of present-day submarine bases include HMNB Clyde, Île Longue (the base for France's Force océanique stratégique), Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, قاعدة الغواصات البحرية نيو لندن، و Rybachiy Nuclear Submarine Base (بالقرب من پتروپاڤلوڤسك-كامچاتسكي).
INS Vajrabahu and INS Satavahana are the submarine bases of the Indian Navy. A new underground submarine base, INS Varsha is under construction near Vishakhapatnam for the new expanding fleet of Indian nuclear submarines.
البحرية الإسرائيلية تُمركِز قوة غواصاتها المتنامية في حيفا.
Former submarine bases include DORA 1, إتشإمإيهإس Platypus, قاعدة الغواصات البحرية بانگور (وهي الآن جزء من Naval Base Kitsap), Mare Island Naval Shipyard (a nuclear-capable base), Ordnance Island in Bermuda during World War II, and the formerly-classified Soviet base at Balaklava in the now Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
The hamlet of New Suffolk, New York claims to be the first submarine base in the الولايات المتحدة: it served as the base for يوإسإس Holland, a submarine launched in May 1897 and several Plunger، طراز submarines launched 1901–1903.
However, the United States Navy claims Naval Submarine Base New London was the Navy's first submarine base, having been so designated in 1916.[1]
انظر أيضاً
- ^ "Naval Submarine Base New London, Connecticut". Naval History and Heritage Command (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). Retrieved 2020-05-12.