قائمة معالجات إي إم دي
AMD-originated architectures
سلاسل Am2900 عام (1975)
- Am2901 4-bit-slice ALU (1975)
- Am2902 Look-Ahead Carry Generator
- Am2903 4-bit-slice ALU, with hardware multiply
- Am2904 Status and Shift Control Unit
- Am2905 Bus Transceiver
- Am2906 Bus Transceiver with Parity
- Am2907 Bus Transceiver with Parity
- Am2908 Bus Transceiver with Parity
- Am2909 4-bit-slice address sequencer
- Am2910 12-bit address sequencer
- Am2911 4-bit-slice address sequencer
- Am2912 Bus Transceiver
- Am2913 Priority Interrupt Expander
- Am2914 Priority Interrupt Controller
29000 (29K) (1987-95)
- AMD 29000 (aka 29K) (1987)
- AMD 29027 FPU
- AMD 29030
- AMD 29050 with on-chip FPU (1990)
- AMD 292xx embedded processor
بنية المعالجات x86
2nd source (1979-91)
(second-sourced x86 processors produced under contract with Intel)
سلاسل Amx86 من عام (1991-95)
سلاسل K5 عام (1995)
- AMD K5 (SSA5/5k86)
سلاسل K6 من عام (1997-2001)
- AMD K6 (NX686/Little Foot) (1997)
- AMD K6-2 (Chompers/CXT)
- AMD K6-2-P (Mobile K6-2)
- AMD K6-III (Sharptooth)
- AMD K6-2+
K7 من عام (1999-2005)
- آثلون Athlon (سلوت آ Slot A) (Argon,Pluto/Orion,Thunderbird) (1999)
- Athlon (Socket A) (Thunderbird) (2000)
- Duron (Spitfire,Morgan,Applebred) (2000)
- Athlon MP (Palomino,Thoroughbred,Barton,Thorton) (2001)
- Athlon 4 (Corvette/Mobile Palomino) (2001)
- آثلون إكس بي Athlon XP ل (Palomino,Thoroughbred (A/B),Barton,Thorton) (2001)
- Mobile Athlon XP (Mobile Palomino) (2002)
- Mobile Duron (Camaro/Mobile Morgan) (2002)
- سيمبرون Sempron ل (Thorton,Barton) (2004)
- Mobile Sempron
K8 من عام (2003-)
Families: Opteron, Athlon 64, Sempron, Turion 64, Athlon 64 X2
- Opteron (SledgeHammer) (2003)
- Athlon 64 FX (SledgeHammer) (2003)
- Athlon 64 (ClawHammer/Newcastle) (2003)
- Mobile Athlon 64 (Newcastle) (2004)
- Athlon XP-M (Dublin) (2004) Note: AMD64 disabled
- Sempron (Paris) (2004) Note: AMD64 disabled
- Athlon 64 (Winchester) (2004)
- Turion 64 (Lancaster) (2005)
- Athlon 64 FX (San Diego) (1st Half 2005)
- Athlon 64 (San Diego/Venice) (1st Half 2005)
- Sempron (Palermo) (1st Half 2005)
- Athlon 64 X2 (Manchester) (1st Half 2005)
- Athlon 64 X2 (Toledo) (1st Half 2005)
- Athlon 64 X2 (Windsor) (Expected 1st Half 2006)
- Athlon 64 (Orleans) (Expected 1st Half 2006)
- Sempron (Manilla) (Expected 2006)
تم إلغاؤه و الانتقال إلى السلسلة كي10 .
K10 سلاسل
(new AMD64 core)