قائمة مسابقات الرياضيات
مسابقات الرياضيات أو اولمپياد الرياضيات Mathematical Olympiads هي أحداث تنافسية حيث يأخذ المتنافسون اختبارات في الرياضيات. هذه الاختبارات قد تتطلب اختيار اجابة من اختيارات متعددة أو قد تحتاج اجابة رقمية، أو حل كتابي مفصل أو برهان. في الولايات المتحدة، عادة فقط المسابقات التي تتطلب من المشاركين أن يكتبوا برهاناً كاملاً هي ما تسمى اولمپياد الرياضيات Mathematical Olympiads.
مسابقات الرياضيات العالمية
- Vojtěch Jarník International Mathematical Competition — international competition for undergraduate students. The Competition is held at the University of Ostrava every year in March or April. (http://vjimc.osu.cz/)
- China Girls Math Olympiad (CGMO) — Olympiad held annually in different cities in China for teams of girls representing regions within China and a number of other countries as well.
- World Mathematics Challenge (WMC); an international competition for high school students.
- International Mathematics Competition for University Students (IMC) — international competition for undergraduate students. (http://www.imc-math.org.uk/)
- International Scientific Olympiad on Mathematics for Undergraduate University Students (ISOM) — competition for undergraduates held annually in Iran. (http://olympiad.sanjesh.org/en/index.asp)
- Invitational World Youth Mathematics Inter-city Competition (IWYMIC) — held annually in different cities in China for students under 15.5 years old worldwide: (http://www.jdfz.com.cn/yqs/english/all.asp)
- South Eastern European Mathematical Olympiad for First and Second Year University Students with International Participation (SEEMOUS) — competition for the Balkan region; however, participation is international. The first Olympiad was held in Cyprus, 7–12 March 2007, the second in Greece, 5–10 March 2008, the third is to be held in Cyprus, 4–9 March 2009, the forth in Bulgaria in 2010, the fifth in Romania in 2011. (http://www.seemous.eu/ and http://www.hms.gr/seemous08/)
- اولمپياد الرياضيات العالمي (IMO) — أقدم اولمپياد عالمي، يقام سنوياً منذ 1959.
- Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) — team contest for undergraduates (http://www.comap.com/undergraduate/contests/mcm/)
- Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM) — team contest for undergraduates (http://www.comap.com/undergraduate/contests/icm/)
- Purple Comet! Math Meet — annual on-line team contest for high school & middle school (http://purplecomet.org/)
- Primary Mathematics World Contest (PMWC) — worldwide competition.
- Tournament of the Towns — worldwide competition.
- Mathematical Kangaroo — worldwide competition.
- Championnat International de Jeux Mathématiques et Logiques — for all ages, mainly for French-speaking countries, but participation is not limited by language. (http://ffjm.cijm.org)
- Romanian Masters in Mathematics. This is an olympiad for the selections of the 20 top countries in the last IMO. The level of the competition is IMO-like. The format is 4 problems in 5 hours.
- Rocket City Math League (RCML). This is a mathematics competition run by students at Virgil I. Grissom High School with levels ranging from Explorer (Pre-Algebra) to Discovery (Comprehensive). (www.rocketcitymath.org)
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