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فيلسوف Philosopher كلمة يونانيةالأصل وتعني : محب الحكمة والمعرفة "φίλος + σοφία" فيلوسوفياً، وهو الشخص الذي يدرس الفلسفة ويمارسها بشكل دائم ويفكر من خلالها ويؤلف فيها محاولاً الإجابة عن كل الأسئلة الفلسفية الشهيرة مستقصياً على أي حلول المتعلقة بالمسائل الفلسفية التي يطرحها كل عصر من العصور حول قضايا وأزمات يواجها الإنسان حول المكان الذي يعيش فيه.
المشكلة : هي التي تبنى في سياق محدد أو مايقال أما أن تسيء وضعها أو تؤدي إلى حلها ، لذلك لن نجد حلاً مقبولاً من جميع الأطراف المتنازعة، وهذا ما يدعو لنا الاستمرار في التفكير (مارتن هيدجر)
Women have engaged in philosophy throughout the field's history. While there have been women philosophers since ancient times, and a relatively small number were accepted as philosophers during the ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary eras, particularly during the 20th and 21st century, almost no woman philosophers have entered the philosophical Western canon.[1][2] Notable female philosophers include Hypatia,[3] Hipparchia of Maroneia,[4] Mary Wollstonecraft,[5] G. E. M. Anscombe,[6] and Susanne Langer.[7]
جوائز في الفلسفة
Various prizes in philosophy exist; among the most prominent:
Certain esteemed philosophers, such as Henri Bergson, Bertrand Russell, Rudolf Christoph Eucken, Albert Camus, and Jean-Paul Sartre, have also won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
The John W. Kluge Prize for the Study of Humanity, created by the Library of Congress to recognize work not covered by the Nobel Prizes, has been given to philosophers: Leszek Kołakowski in 2003, Paul Ricoeur in 2004, and Jürgen Habermas and Charles Taylor in 2015.[8]
انظر أيضاً
- ^ Duran, Jane. Eight women philosophers: theory, politics, and feminism. University of Illinois Press, 2005.
- ^ "Why I Left Academia: Philosophy's Homogeneity Needs Rethinking - Hippo Reads". read.hipporeads.com.
- ^ Audi, Robert, ed. (1999). "Greek Neoplatonist philosopher who lived and taught in Alexandria". The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
- ^ "Suda, lota 517".
- ^ Wardle, Ralph M. (1951). Mary Wollstonecraft: A Critical Biography. The Richards Press, St James's Square: University of Kansas.
- ^ Boxer, Sarah (13 يناير 2001). "G. E. M. Anscombe, 81, British Philosopher". ISSN 0362-4331: The New York Times.
{{cite news}}
: CS1 maint: location (link) - ^ Gardner, Howard. "Philosophy in a New Key Revisited: An Appreciation of Susanne Langer". Art, Mind, and Brain: A Cognitive Approach to Creativity. New York: Basic Books. pp. 48–54.
- ^ Schuessler, Jennifer (11 أغسطس 2015). "Philosophers to Share $1.5 Million Kluge Prize". New York Times. p. C3(L). Retrieved 6 أبريل 2016.