فيالق السلام

فيالق السلام
Peace Corps logo (1961)
استعراض الوكالة
تشكلت1 مارس 1961; منذ 64 سنة (1961-03-01
المقر الرئيسيWashington, D.C
الميزانية السنوية$374.25 million (2011 fiscal year)[1]
تنفيذي الوكالةs
  • Aaron S. Williams, Director
  • Carrie Hessler-Radelet, Deputy Director
الموقع الإلكترونيwww.peacecorps.gov

فيالق السلام Peace Corps هي برنامج تنمية تديره حكومة الولايات المتحدة. فرق السلام لها ثلاثة أهداف: عرض المساعدات التقنية ومساعدة الأشخاص خارج الولايات المتحدة فهم الثقافة الأمريكية ومساعدة الأمريكيين فهم ثقافات لدول مختلفة حول العالم. يركز عمل فرق السلام على تنمية اجتماعية واقتصادية بصورة عامة. كل مشارك موطن أمريكي حاصل على شهادة جامعية ويعمل في الخارج لمدة 24 شهر بالإضافة 3 شهور تدريب. يعمل المتطوعون مع حكومات ومدرس ومنظمات غير ربحية و رواد في التعليم والجوع وتجارة وتقنية المعلومات والزراعة والبيئة. بعد 24 شهرا من الخدمة، يستطيع المتطوعون أن يطلبوا تمديد مدة خدمتهم.


John F. Kennedy greets volunteers on August 28, 1961


Peace Corps headquarters at 1111 20th Street, NW in downtown Washington, D.C.


Fragment of a 1965 in-country identification card



الدول الحالية

orange: the current 68 countries served by Peace Corps Volunteers
purple: countries formerly served by PCVs[2]



استجابة فيالق السلام

القوانين التي تنظم فيالق السلام

رمز الولايات المتحدة

قانون اللوائح الفيدرالية

الأوامر التنفيذية

القوانين العامة

القيود على المتطوعين السابقين

الحدود الزمنية على العمالة

تمثيل الاتحاد



Director Aaron S. Williams
Director Service Dates Appointed by Notes
1 R. Sargent Shriver 1961–1966 Kennedy President Kennedy appointed Shriver three days after signing the executive order. Volunteers arrived in five countries during 1961. In just under six years, Shriver developed programs in 55 countries with more than 14,500 volunteers.
2 Jack Vaughn 1966–1969 Johnson Vaughn improved marketing, programming, and volunteer support as large numbers of former volunteers joined the staff. He also promoted volunteer assignments in conservation, natural resource management, and community development.
3 Joseph Blatchford 1969–1971 Nixon Blatchford served as head of the new ACTION agency, which included the Corps. He created the Office of Returned Volunteers to help volunteers serve in their communities at home, and initiated New Directions, a program emphasizing volunteer skills.
4 Kevin O'Donnell 1971–1972 Nixon O'Donnell's appointment was the first for a former Peace Corps country director (Korea, 1966–70). He fought budget cuts, and believed strongly in a non-career Peace Corps.
5 Donald Hess 1972–1973 Nixon Hess initiated training of volunteers in the host country where they would eventually serve, using host country nationals. The training provided more realistic preparation, and costs dropped for the agency. Hess also sought to end the down-sizing of the Peace Corps.
6 Nicholas Craw 1973–1974 Nixon Craw sought to increase the number of volunteers in the field and to stabilize the agency's future. He introduced a goal-setting measurement plan, the Country Management Plan, which gained increased Congressional support and improved resource allocation across the 69 participating countries.
7 John Dellenback 1975–1977 Ford Dellenback improved volunteer health care available. He emphasized recruiting generalists. He believed in committed applicants even those without specific skills and instead training them for service.
8 Carolyn R. Payton 1977–1978 Carter Payton was the first female director and the first African American. She focused on improving volunteer diversity.
9 Richard F. Celeste 1979–1981 Carter Celeste focused on the role of women in development and increased women and minority participation, particularly for staff positions. He invested heavily in training, including the development of a worldwide core curriculum.
10 Loret Miller Ruppe 1981–1989 Reagan Ruppe was the longest-serving director and championed women in development roles. She launched the Competitive Enterprise Development program, the Caribbean Basin Initiative, the Initiative for Central America and the African Food Systems Initiative.
11 Paul Coverdell 1989–1991 G.H.W. Bush Coverdell established two programs with a domestic focus. World Wise Schools enabled U.S. students to correspond with overseas volunteers. Fellows/USA assisted Returned Peace Corps volunteers in pursuing graduate studies while serving local communities.
12 Elaine Chao 1991–1992 G.H.W. Bush Chao was the first Asian American director. She expanded Peace Corps' presence in Eastern Europe and Central Asia by establishing the first Peace Corps programs in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and other newly independent countries.
13 Carol Bellamy 1993–1995 Clinton Bellamy was the first RPCV (Returned Peace Corps volunteer) (Guatemala 1963–65) to be director. She reinvigorated relations with former volunteers and launched the Corps' web site.
14 Mark D. Gearan 1995–1999 Clinton Gearan established the Crisis Corps, a program that allows former volunteers to help overseas communities recover from natural disasters and humanitarian crises. He supported expanding the corps and opened new volunteer programs in South Africa, Jordan, Bangladesh and Mozambique.
15 Mark L. Schneider 1999–2001 Clinton Schneider was the second RPCV (El Salvador, 1966–68) to head the agency. He launched an initiative to increase volunteers' participation in helping prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa, and also sought volunteers to work on information technology projects.
16 Gaddi Vasquez 2002–2006 G.W. Bush Gaddi H. Vasquez was the first Hispanic American director. His focus was to increase volunteer and staff diversity.
17 Ron Tschetter September 2006 – 2008 G.W. Bush The third RPCV to head the agency, Tschetter served in India in the mid-1960s. He launched an initiative known as the "50 and Over," to increase the participation of older men and women.
18 Aaron S. Williams August 2009 – present Obama Aaron S. Williams became director on August 24, 2009. Mr. Williams is the fourth director to have served as a volunteer.

المفتش العام

نقد فيالق السلام

في الثقافة الشعبية



انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة fast facts
  2. ^ peacecorpswiki.org

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