ڤياتشيسلاف مولوتوف
ڤياتشسلاڤ مولوتوف | |||
Вячеслав Молотов | |||
![]() Molotov in 1945 | |||
3rd Premier of the Soviet Union | |||
في المنصب 19 December 1930 – 6 May 1941 | |||
سبقه | Alexei Rykov | ||
خلـَفه | يوسف ستالين | ||
First Deputy Premier of the Soviet Union | |||
في المنصب 16 August 1942 – 29 June 1957 | |||
الوزير الأول |
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سبقه | Nikolai Voznesensky | ||
خلـَفه | Nikolai Bulganin | ||
Minister of Foreign Affairs | |||
في المنصب 3 May 1939 – 4 March 1949 | |||
الوزير الأول | Joseph Stalin | ||
سبقه | Maxim Litvinov | ||
خلـَفه | Andrey Vyshinsky | ||
في المنصب 5 March 1953 – 1 June 1956 | |||
الوزير الأول | |||
سبقه | Andrey Vyshinsky | ||
خلـَفه | Dmitri Shepilov | ||
| |||
تفاصيل شخصية | |||
وُلِد | Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Skryabin 9 مارس 1890 كوكاركا، الإمبراطورية الروسية (present day Sovetsk, Kirov Oblast, Russia) | ||
توفي | 8 نوفمبر 1986 موسكو، روسيا، ج.إ.ا.س., الاتحاد السوڤيتي | (aged 96)||
المثوى | Novodevichy Cemetery, Moscow | ||
الحزب | |||
الزوج | |||
الأقارب | Vyacheslav Nikonov (grandson) | ||
الجوائز | Order of the Badge of Honour | ||
التوقيع | ![]() |
ڤياچسلاڤ ميخائيلوڤيتش مولوتوڤ (روسية: Вячесла́в Миха́йлович Мо́лотов، Vjačeslav Michajlovič Molotov) (مارس 9، 1890 - نوفمبر 8، 1986) قائد سوڤيتي كان من أبرز معاوني ستالين امتد نشاطه السياسي من بداية الثورة البلشفية حتى عام 1957. عمل كذلك في السلك الديبلوماسي كوزير خارجية و كان رئيسا للحكومة السوفيتية منذ عام 1937-1941 حيث استطاع أن تسيطر على الأوضاع الداخلية المتردية بقيامه بتعديل الدستور السوفيتي الذي سمي أخيراً بتعديل مولوتوف، حيث وبموجب هذا التعديل تمتعت الجمهوريات المكونة للاتحاد السوفيتي بحق التمثيل الخارجي وعقد المعاهدات الدولية وإرسال البعثات الدبلوماسية إلى الخارج و العضوية في المنظمات الدولية أيضا.
During the 1930s, he ranked second in the Soviet leadership, after Joseph Stalin, whom he supported loyally for over 30 years, and whose reputation he continued to defend after Stalin's death. As People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs in August 1939, Molotov became the principal Soviet signatory of the German–Soviet non-aggression pact, also known as the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. He retained his place as a leading Soviet diplomat and politician until March 1949, when he fell out of Stalin's favour and lost the foreign affairs ministry leadership to Andrei Vyshinsky. Molotov's relationship with Stalin deteriorated further, and Stalin criticised Molotov in a speech to the 19th Party Congress.
Molotov was reappointed Minister of Foreign Affairs after Stalin's death in 1953 but staunchly opposed Nikita Khrushchev's de-Stalinization policy, which resulted in his eventual dismissal from all positions and expulsion from the party in 1961 (after numerous unsuccessful petitions, Molotov was readmitted in 1984).[1] Molotov defended Stalin's policies and legacy until his death in 1986 and harshly criticised Stalin's successors, especially Khrushchev.
ولد مولوتوف، بإسم Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Skryabin، في قرية Kukarka, Yaransk Uyezd, Vyatka Governorate (now Sovetsk, Kirov Oblast), the son of a merchant. Contrary to a commonly-repeated error, he was not related to the composer Alexander Scriabin.[2]
Throughout his teenager years, he was described as "shy" and "quiet" and always assisted his father with his business. He was educated at a secondary school in Kazan, where he became friends with fellow revolutionary Aleksandr Arosev.[3] Molotov joined the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) in 1906, and soon gravitated toward the organisation's radical Bolshevik faction, which was led by Vladimir Lenin.[4]
وكان اسمه العائلي إسكريابن وغيَّره إلى مولوتوف وهو مشتق من كلمة مولوت الروسية بمعنى المطرقة. انضم مولوتوف إلى الحزب البلشڤي وعمره 16 عامًا. واشترك في كثير من الأنشطة الثورية مع بدايات عام 1906. اعتقل أول مرة سنة 1909 وأبعد إلى سيبريا لمدة سنتين. وبعد خروجه ساعد في التخطيط للثورة البلشفية. أصبح أحد محرري الجريدة البلشفية پراڤدا حيث التقى بستالين الذي كان المحرر الرئيسي لها. أعتقل مولوتوڤ مرة أخرة عام 1913 إلا أنه تمكن من الهرب عام 1915 و الذهاب إلى سان بطرسبورگ.
In 1911, he enrolled at St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. Molotov joined the editorial staff of a new underground Bolshevik newspaper, Pravda, and met Joseph Stalin for the first time in association with the project.[5] That first association between the two future Soviet leaders proved to be brief, however, and failed to lead to an immediate close political association.[5]
Molotov worked as a so-called "professional revolutionary" for the next several years, wrote for the party press, and attempted to improve the organisation of the underground party.[5] He moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow in 1914 at the outbreak of the First World War.[5] It was in Moscow the following year that Molotov was again arrested for his party activity and was this time deported to Irkutsk, in eastern Siberia.[5] In 1916, he escaped from his Siberian exile and returned to the capital city, which had been renamed Petrograd by the Tsarist regime since it thought that the old name sounded too German.[5]
Molotov became a member of the Bolshevik Party's committee in Petrograd in 1916. When the February Revolution occurred in 1917, he was one of the few Bolsheviks of any standing in the capital. Under his direction Pravda took to the "left" to oppose the Provisional Government formed after the revolution. When Joseph Stalin returned to the capital, he reversed Molotov's line,[6] but when Lenin arrived, he overruled Stalin. However, Molotov became a protégé of and a close adherent to Stalin, an alliance to which he owed his later prominence.[7] Molotov became a member of the Military Revolutionary Committee, which planned the October Revolution and effectively brought the Bolsheviks to power.[8]
In 1918, Molotov was sent to Ukraine to take part in the Russian Civil War, which had broken out. Since he was not a military man, he took no part in the fighting. In summer 1919, he was sent on a tour by steamboat of the Volga and Kama rivers, with Lenin's wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya to spread Bolshevik propaganda. On his return, he was appointed chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod provincial executive, where the local party passed a vote of censure against him, for his alleged fondness for intrigue. He was transferred to Donetsk, and in November 1920, he became secretary to the Central Committee of the Ukrainian Bolshevik Party and married the Soviet politician Polina Zhemchuzhina.[9]
Lenin recalled Molotov to Moscow in 1921, elevated him to full membership of the Central Committee and Orgburo, and put him in charge of the party secretariat. Molotov was voted in as a non-voting member of the Politburo in 1921 and held the office of Responsible Secretary. Alexander Barmine, a minor communist official, visited Molotov in his office near the Kremlin while he was running the secretariat, and remembered him as having "a large and placid face, the face of an ordinary, uninspired, but rather soft and kindly bureaucrat, attentive and unassuming."[10]
Molotov was criticised by Lenin and Leon Trotsky, with Lenin noting his "shameful bureaucratism" and "stupid behaviour".[2] On the advice of Molotov and Nikolai Bukharin, the Central Committee decided to reduce Lenin's work hours.[11] In 1922, Stalin became General Secretary of the Bolshevik Party with Molotov as the de facto Second Secretary. As a young follower, Molotov admired Stalin but did not refrain from criticising him.[12] Under Stalin's patronage, Molotov became a full member of the Politburo in January 1926.[7]
During the power struggles after Lenin's death in 1924, Molotov remained a loyal supporter of Stalin against his various rivals: first Leon Trotsky, later Lev Kamenev and Grigory Zinoviev, and finally Nikolai Bukharin. In January 1926, he led a special commission sent to Leningrad (St Petersburg) to end Zinoviev's control over the party machine in the province. In 1928, Molotov replaced Nikolai Uglanov as First Secretary of the Moscow Communist Party and held that position until 15 August 1929.[13]
Trotsky and his supporters underestimated Molotov, and the same went for many others. Trotsky called him "mediocrity personified," and Molotov himself pedantically corrected comrades referring to him as "Stone Arse" by saying that Lenin had actually dubbed him "Iron Arse."[2] However, that outward dullness concealed a sharp mind and great administrative talent. He operated mainly behind the scenes and cultivated an image of a colourless bureaucrat.[14]
Molotov was reported to be a vegetarian and teetotaler by the American journalist John Gunther in 1938.[15][بحاجة لمصدر غير رئيسي] However, Milovan Djilas claimed that Molotov "drank more than Stalin"[16] and did not note his vegetarianism although they had attended several banquets.
Molotov and his wife had two daughters: Sonia, adopted in 1929, and Svetlana, born in 1930.[9]
رئيس الوزراء
Addressing a Moscow communist party conference on 23 February 1929, Molotov emphasised the need to undertake "the most rapid possible growth of industry" both for economic reasons and because, he claimed, the Soviet Union was in permanent, imminent danger of attack.[17] The argument over how fast to expand industry was behind the rift between Stalin and the right, led by Bukharin and Rykov, who feared that too rapid a pace would cause economic dislocation. With their defeat, Molotov emerged as the second most powerful figure in the Soviet Union. During the Central Committee plenum of 19 December 1930, Molotov succeeded Alexey Rykov as the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, the equivalent of a Western head of government.[18]
In that post, Molotov oversaw the implementation of the First Five-Year Plan for rapid industrialisation.[19] Despite the great human cost, the Soviet Union under Molotov's nominal premiership made large strides in the adoption and the widespread implementation of agrarian and industrial technology. Germany secretly purchased munitions that spurred a modern armaments industry in the USSR.[20] Ultimately, that arms industry, along with American and British aid, helped the Soviet Union prevail in the Second World War.[21]

دوره في الجماعيات
Molotov also oversaw agricultural collectivisation under Stalin's regime. He was the main speaker at the Central Committee plenum in 10–17 November 1929, at which the decision was made to introduce collective farming in place of the thousands of small farms owned by peasants, a process that was bound to meet resistance. Molotov insisted that it must begin the following year, and warned officials to "treat the kulak as the most cunning and still undefeated enemy."[22] In the four years that followed, millions of 'kulaks' (land-owning peasants) were forcibly moved onto special settlements to be used as slave labour. In 1931 alone almost two million were deported. In that year, Molotov told the Congress of Soviets "We have never refuted the fact that healthy prisoners capable of normal labour are used for road building and other public works. This is good for society; it is also good for the peasants themselves."[23] The famine caused by the disruption of agricultural output and the emphasis on exporting grain to pay for industrialisation, and the harsh conditions of forced labour killed an estimated 11 million people.[24]
Despite the famine, in September 1931, Molotov sent a secret telegram to communist leaders in the North Caucasus telling them the collection of grain for export was going "disgustingly slowly."[25] In December, he travelled to Kharkiv, then the capital of Ukraine, and, ignoring warnings from local communist leaders about a grain shortage, told them that their failure to meet their target for grain collection was due to their incompetence. He returned to Kharkiv in July 1932, with Lazar Kaganovich, to tell the local communists that there would be no "concessions or vacillations" in the drive to meet targets for exporting grain. This was the first of several actions that led a Kyiv Court of Appeal in 2010 to find Molotov, and Kaganovich, guilty of genocide against the Ukrainian people. On 25 July, the same two men followed up the meeting with a secret telegram ordering the Ukrainian leadership to intensify grain collection.[26]
جفوة مؤقتة مع ستالين
Between the assassination of Sergei Kirov, the head of the Party organization in Leningrad, in December 1934, and the start of the Great Purge, there was a significant but unpublicised rift between Stalin and Molotov. In 1936, Trotsky, in exile, noted that when lists of party leaders appeared in Soviet press reports, Molotov's name sometimes appeared as low as fourth in the list "and he was often deprived of his initials", and that when he was photographed receiving a delegation, he was never alone, but always flanked by his deputies, Janis Rudzutaks and Vlas Chubar. "In Soviet ritual all these are signs of paramount importance," Trotsky noted.[27] Another startling piece of evidence was that the published transcript of the first Moscow Show Trial in August 1936, the defendants – who had been forced to confess to crimes of which they were innocent – said that they had conspired to kill Stalin and seven other leading Bolsheviks, but not Molotov.[28] According to Alexander Orlov, an NKVD officer who defected to the west, Stalin personally crossed Molotov's name out of the original script.[29]
In May 1936, Molotov went to the Black Sea on an extended holiday under careful NKVD supervision until the end of August, when Stalin apparently changed his mind and ordered Molotov's return.[30]
Two explanations have been put forward for Molotov's temporary eclipse. On 19 March 1936 Molotov gave an interview with the editor of Le Temps concerning improved relations with Nazi Germany.[31] Although Litvinov had made similar statements in 1934 and even visited Berlin that year, Germany had not then reoccupied the Rhineland.[32] Derek Watson believed that it was Molotov's statement on foreign policy that offended Stalin. Molotov had made it clear that improved relations with Germany could develop only if its policy changed and stated that one of the best ways for Germany to improve relations was to rejoin the League of Nations. However, even that was not sufficient since Germany still had to give proof "of its respect for international obligations in keeping with the real interests of peace in Europe and peace generally."[33] Robert Conquest and others believe that Molotov "dragged his feet" over Stalin's plans to purge the party and put Old Bolsheviks like Zinoviev and Kamenev on trial.[34]
دوره في التطهير العظيم
After his return to favor, in August, Molotov supported Stalin throughout the purge, during which, in 1938 alone, 20 out of 28 People's Commissars in Molotov's Government were executed. [35] After his deputy, Rudzutak, had been arrested, Molotov visited him in prison, and recalled years later that... "Rudzutak said he had been badly beaten and tortured. Nevertheless he held firm. Indeed, he seemed to have been cruelly tortured" ...but he did not intervene.[36] During the Great Purge, he approved 372 documented execution lists, more than any other Soviet official, including Stalin. Molotov was one of the few with whom Stalin openly discussed the purges. When Stalin received a note denouncing the deputy chairman of Gosplan, G.I.Lomov, he passed it to Molotov, who wrote on it: "For immediate arrest of that bastard Lomov."[37]
Before the Bolshevik revolution, Molotov had been a "very close friend" of a Socialist Revolutionary, Alexander Arosev, who shared his exile in Vologda. In 1937, fearing arrest, Arosev tried three times to ring Molotov, who refused to speak to him. He was arrested and shot. In the 1950s, Molotov gave Arosev's daughter his signed copies of her father's books, but later wished he had kept them. "It appears that it was not so much the loss of his 'very close friend' but the loss of part of his own book collection ... that Molotov continued to regret."[38]
Late in life, Molotov described his role in purges of the 1930s, arguing that despite the overbreadth of the purges, they were necessary to avoid Soviet defeat in World War II:
Socialism demands immense effort. And that includes sacrifices. Mistakes were made in the process. But we could have suffered greater losses in the war – perhaps even defeat – if the leadership had flinched and had allowed internal disagreements, like cracks in a rock. Had leadership broken down in the 1930s we would have been in a most critical situation, many times more critical than actually turned out. I bear responsibility for this policy of repression and consider it correct. Admittedly, I have always said grave mistakes and excesses were committed, but the policy on the whole was correct.[39]

وزير الخارجية
عـُيـِّن مولوتوڤ مفوضًا (سُمي بعد ذلك وزيرًا) للشؤون الخارجية في 1939 خلفاً للتفينوف الذي كان من مؤيدي نظرية التعامل الدبلوماسي مع دول غرب أوروبا. وكان مولوتوف الموقع الرئيسي للمعاهدة السوفيتية-النازية.
إبان هجوم الألمان على الاتحاد السوفيتي كان مولوتوف هو الذي ألقى على الإذاعة خطاب إعلان الحرب على ألمانيا. وكان كوزير خارجية أكثر الدبلوماسيين نشاطا في اللقاءات مع دول الحلفاء.
ظل مولوتوڤ وزيراً للخارجية في الفترة ما بين عامي 1939 و 1949.
وفي الفترة ما بين عامي 1953 و 1956، جعل سياسة الاتحاد السوفيتي عدائية تجاه الغرب، خصوصًا الولايات المتحدة. وهاجم حلف شمال الأطلسي (الناتو) بوصفه وكالة يمكن أن تؤدي إلى حرب أخرى. واقترح اتفاقية أمنية جماعية للأقطار الأوروبية تحض على إبعاد الولايات المتحدة.
Molotov was succeeded in his post as premier by Stalin.[40]
At first, Hitler rebuffed Soviet diplomatic hints that Stalin desired a treaty; but in early August 1939, Hitler allowed Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop to begin serious negotiations. A trade agreement was concluded on 18 August, and on 22 August Ribbentrop flew to Moscow to conclude a formal non-aggression treaty. Although the treaty is known as the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, it was Stalin and Hitler, not Molotov and Ribbentrop, who decided the content of the treaty.
The most important part of the agreement was the secret protocol, which provided for the partition of Poland, Finland and the Baltic States between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union and for the Soviet annexation of Bessarabia (then part of Romania, now Moldova).[41] The protocol gave Hitler the green light for his invasion of Poland, which began on 1 September.[42]
The pact's terms gave Hitler authorisation to occupy two thirds of Western Poland and the whole of Lithuania. Molotov was given a free hand in relation to Finland. In the Winter War, a combination of fierce Finnish resistance and Soviet mismanagement resulted in Finland losing much of its territory but not its independence.[43] The pact was later amended to allocate Lithuania to the Soviets in exchange for a more favourable border in Poland for Germany. The annexations led to horrific suffering and loss of life in the countries occupied and partitioned by both dictatorships.[44] On 5 March 1940, Lavrentiy Beria gave Molotov, along with Anastas Mikoyan, Kliment Voroshilov and Stalin, a note proposing the execution of 25,700 Polish anti-Soviet officers in what has become known as the Katyn massacre.[40]
In November 1940, Stalin sent Molotov to Berlin to meet Ribbentrop and Hitler. In January 1941, British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden visited Turkey in an attempt to get the Turks to enter the war on the Allies' side. The purpose of Eden's visit was anti-German, rather than anti-Soviet, but Molotov assumed otherwise. In a series of conversations with Italian Ambassador Augusto Rosso, Molotov claimed that the Soviets would soon be faced with an Anglo–Turkish invasion of the Crimea. The British historian D.C. Watt argued that on the basis of Molotov's statements to Rosso, it would appear that, in early 1941, Stalin and Molotov viewed Britain, rather than Germany, as the principal threat.[45]
The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact governed Soviet–German relations until June 1941, when Hitler turned east and invaded the Soviet Union.[46] Molotov was responsible for telling the Soviet people of the attack when he, instead of Stalin, announced the war. His speech, broadcast by radio on 22 June, characterised the Soviet Union in a role similar to that articulated by Winston Churchill in his early wartime speeches.[47] The State Defence Committee was established soon after Molotov's speech. Stalin was elected chairman and Molotov was elected deputy chairman.[48]
After the German invasion, Molotov conducted urgent negotiations with the British and then the Americans for wartime alliances. He took a secret flight to Scotland, where he was greeted by Eden. The risky flight in a high-altitude Tupolev TB-7 bomber flew over German-occupied Denmark and the North Sea. From there, he took a train to London to discuss the possibility of opening a second front against Germany.
After signing the Anglo–Soviet Treaty of 1942 on 26 May, Molotov left for Washington. He met US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and agreed on a lend-lease plan. Both the British and the Americans only vaguely promised to open a second front against Germany. On his flight back to the Soviet Union, his plane was attacked by German fighters and later mistakenly by Soviet fighters.[49]
There is no evidence that Molotov ever persuaded Stalin to pursue a different policy from that on which he had already decided.[50] Volkogonov could not find one case where any of the elite in government openly disagreed with Stalin.[51]
There is some evidence that, although Stalin realised he needed Molotov, Stalin did not like him.[52] Stalin's one-time bodyguard, Amba, stated: "More general dislike for this statesman robot and for his position in the Kremlin could scarcely be wished and it was apparent that Stalin himself joined in this feeling".[53] Amba asked the question:
"What then has made Stalin collaborate so closely with him? There are many more talented people in the Soviet Union and Stalin no doubt had the means to find them. Is he afraid of close collaboration with a more human and sympathetic assistant?"
At a jolly party, Amba recalled an incident whereby Poskryobyshev approached Stalin and whispered in his ear. Stalin replied, "Does it have to be right away?" Everybody realised at once that the conversation was regarding Molotov. In half an hour, Stalin was informed of Molotov's arrival. Although the whispered conversation between Molotov and Stalin only lasted five minutes, the merriment of the gathering evaporated as everybody talked in hushed tones. Amba stated, "Then the blanket left. Instantly the gaiety returned". Vareykis said that "a gentle angel has flown past": a Russian expression for when a sudden silence descends. Breaking the tension, Laurentyev quipped in a harsh Georgian accent, "Go, friendly soul". Out of those in attendance, Stalin laughed the loudest at Laurentyev's joke.[54] Stalin could be rude to Molotov.[55] In 1942, Stalin took Molotov to task for his handling of the negotiations with the Allies. He cabled Molotov on 3 June:
"[I am] dissatisfied with the terseness and reticence of all your communications. You convey to us from your talks with Roosevelt and Churchill only what you yourself consider is important, and omit all the rest. Meanwhile, the instance [Stalin] would like to know everything. What you consider important and what you think unimportant. This refers to the draft of the communiqué as well. You have not informed us whose draft it is, whether it has been agreed with the British in full and why, after all, there could not be two communiqués, one concerning the talks in Britain and one concerning the talks in the USA. We are having to guess because of your reticence. We further consider it expedient that both communiqués should mention among other things the creation of a second front in Europe and that full understanding has been reached in this matter. We also consider that it is absolutely necessary both communiqués should mention the supply of war materials to the Soviet Union from Britain and the USA. In all the rest we agree with the contents of the draft communiqué you sent us".[56]

When Beria told Stalin about the Manhattan Project and its importance, Stalin handpicked Molotov to be the man in charge of the Soviet atomic bomb project. However, under Molotov's leadership, the bomb and the project itself developed very slowly, and he was replaced by Beria in 1944 on the advice of Igor Kurchatov.[57] When Roosevelt's successor as U.S. President Harry S. Truman told Stalin that the Americans had created a bomb never seen before, Stalin relayed the conversation to Molotov and told him to speed up development. On Stalin's orders, the Soviet government substantially increased investment in the project.[58][59] In a collaboration with Kliment Voroshilov, Molotov contributed both musically and lyrically to the 1944 version of the Soviet national anthem. Molotov asked the writers to include a line or two about peace. The role of Molotov and Voroshilov in the making of the new Soviet anthem was, in the words of the historian Simon Sebag-Montefiore, acting as music judges for Stalin.[60]
Molotov accompanied Stalin to the Teheran Conference in 1943,[61] the Yalta Conference in 1945,[62] and, after the defeat of Germany, the Potsdam Conference.[63] He represented the Soviet Union at the San Francisco Conference, which created the United Nations.[64] In April 1945, shortly after the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Molotov engaged in talks with the new American President Harry S. Truman; these talks, despite not being hostile, came to be mythologised decades later as an early crack in US-Soviet relations harbingering the beginning of the Cold War.[65] Even during the wartime alliance, Molotov was known as a tough negotiator and a determined defender of Soviet interests. Molotov lost his position of First Deputy chairman on 19 March 1946, after the Council of People's Commissars had been reformed as the Council of Ministers.

From 1945 to 1947, Molotov took part in all four conferences of foreign ministers of the victorious states in the Second World War. In general, he was distinguished by an unco-operative attitude towards the Western powers. Molotov, at the direction of the Soviet government, condemned the Marshall Plan as imperialistic and claimed it was dividing Europe into two camps: one capitalist and the other communist. In response, the Soviet Union, along with the other Eastern Bloc nations, initiated what is known as the Molotov Plan. The plan created several bilateral relations between the states of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union and later evolved into the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA).[66]
In the postwar period, Molotov's power began to decline. A clear sign of his precarious position was his inability to prevent the arrest for "treason" in December 1948 of his Jewish wife, Polina Zhemchuzhina, whom Stalin had long distrusted.[67] Molotov initially protested the persecution against her by abstaining from the vote to condemn her, but later recanted, stating: "I acknowledge my heavy sense of remorse for not having prevented Zhemchuzhina, a person very dear to me, from making her mistakes and from forming ties with anti-Soviet Jewish nationalists", and divorced Zhemchuzhina.[68]
Polina Zhemchuzhina befriended Golda Meir, who arrived in Moscow in November 1948 as the first Israeli envoy to the Soviet Union.[69] There are unsubstantiated claims that, being fluent in Yiddish, Zhemchuzhina acted as a translator for a diplomatic meeting between Meir and her husband, the Soviet foreign minister. However, this claim (of being an interpreter) is not supported by Meir's memoir My Life. Presentation of her ambassadorial credentials was done in Hebrew, not in Yiddish. According to Meir's own account of the reception given by Molotov on 7 November, "Mrs. Zhemchuzhina has spent significant time during this reception not only talking to Golda Meir herself but also in conversation with Mrs. Meir's daughter Sarah and her friend Yael Namir about their life as kibbutzniks. They have discussed the complete collectivization of property and related issues. At the end Mrs. Zhemchuzhina gave Golda Meir's daughter Sarah a hug and said: 'Be well. If everything goes well with you, it will go well for all Jews everywhere.' "[70]
Zhemchuzhina was imprisoned for a year in the Lubyanka and was then exiled for three years in an obscure Russian city.[71] She was sentenced to hard labour, spending five years in exile in Kazakhstan.[68] Molotov had no communication with her except for the scant news that he received from Beria, whom he loathed. Zhemchuzhina was freed immediately after the death of Stalin.[71]
In 1949, Molotov was replaced as Foreign Minister by Andrey Vyshinsky but retained his position as First Deputy Premier and membership in the Politburo.[72] Being appointed Foreign Minister by Stalin to replace the Jewish predecessor Maxim Litvinov to facilitate negotiations with Nazi Germany, Molotov was thus also dismissed from the same position at least in part because his wife was also of Jewish origin.[68]

Molotov never stopped loving his wife, and it is said he ordered his maids to make dinner for two every evening to remind him that, in his own words, "she suffered because of me."[72] According to Erofeev, Molotov said of her: "She's not only beautiful and intelligent, the only woman minister in the Soviet Union; she's also a real Bolshevik, a real Soviet person."[بحاجة لمصدر] According to Stalin's daughter, Molotov became very subservient to his wife.[73] Molotov was a yes-man to his wife just as he was to Stalin.[74]
سيرته بعد الحرب
At the 19th Party Congress in 1952, Molotov was elected to the replacement for the Politburo, the Presidium, but was not listed among the members of the newly established secret body known as the Bureau of the Presidium, which indicated that he had fallen out of Stalin's favour.[75] At the 19th Congress, Stalin said, "There has been criticism of comrade Molotov and Mikoyan by the Central Committee,"[76] mistakes including the publication of a wartime speech by Winston Churchill favourable to the Soviet Union's wartime efforts.[77] Both Molotov and Mikoyan were falling out of favour rapidly, with Stalin telling Beria, Khrushchev, Malenkov and Nikolai Bulganin that he no longer wanted to see Molotov and Mikoyan around.[بحاجة لمصدر] At his 73rd birthday, Stalin treated both with disgust.[78] In his speech to the 20th Party Congress in 1956, Khrushchev told delegates that Stalin had plans for "finishing off" Molotov and Mikoyan in the aftermath of the 19th Congress.[79]
Following Stalin's death, a realignment of the leadership strengthened Molotov's position. Georgy Malenkov, Stalin's successor in the post of General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, reappointed Molotov as Minister of Foreign Affairs on 5 March 1953.[80] Although Molotov was seen as a likely successor to Stalin in the immediate aftermath of his death, he never sought to become leader of the Soviet Union.[81] A Troika was established immediately after Stalin's death, consisting of Malenkov, Beria, and Molotov,[82] but ended when Malenkov and Molotov deceived Beria.[83] Molotov supported the removal and later the execution of Beria on the orders of Khrushchev.[84] The new Party Secretary, Khrushchev, soon emerged as the new leader of the Soviet Union. He presided over a gradual domestic liberalisation and a thaw in foreign policy, as was manifest in a reconciliation with Josip Broz Tito's government in Yugoslavia, which Stalin had expelled from the communist movement. Molotov, an old-guard Stalinist, seemed increasingly out of place in the new environment,[85] but represented the Soviet Union at the Geneva Conference of 1955.[86]
Molotov's position became increasingly tenuous after February 1956, when Khrushchev launched an unexpected denunciation of Stalin at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party. Khrushchev attacked Stalin over the purges of the 1930s and the defeats of the early years of the Second World War, which he blamed on Stalin's overly-trusting attitude towards Hitler and the purges of the Red Army command structure. Molotov was the most senior of Stalin's collaborators still in government and had played a leading role in the purges, so it became evident that Khrushchev's examination of the past would probably result in the fall from power of Molotov, who became the leader of an old-guard faction that sought to overthrow Khrushchev.[87]

In June 1956, Molotov was removed as Foreign Minister;[88] on 29 June 1957, he was expelled from the Presidium (Politburo) after a failed attempt to remove Khrushchev as First Secretary. Although Molotov's faction initially won a vote in the Presidium 7–4 to remove Khrushchev, the latter refused to resign unless a Central Committee plenum decided so.[89] In the plenum, which met from 22 to 29 June, Molotov and his faction were defeated.[87] Eventually he was banished, being made ambassador to the Mongolian People's Republic.[89] Molotov and his associates were denounced as "the Anti-Party Group" but notably were not subject to such unpleasant repercussions that had been customary for denounced officials in the Stalin years. In 1960, he was appointed Soviet representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency, which was seen as a partial rehabilitation.[90] However, after the 22nd Party Congress in 1961, during which Khrushchev carried out his de-Stalinisation campaign, including the removal of Stalin's body from Lenin's Mausoleum, Molotov, along with Lazar Kaganovich, was removed from all positions and expelled from the Communist Party.[75] In 1962, all of Molotov's party documents and files were destroyed by the authorities.[91]
إزاحته من القيادة
بقي مولوتوف من أبرز القادة السياسيين بعد وفاة ستالين إلا أن جهود خوروشوڤ في تقليل النزعة الستالينية في السياسية السوفييتية أعطت مولوتوف سببا لمعارضته. فاستـُبعِد من رئاسة الحزب الشيوعي. ثم بُعث سفيرًا إلى منغوليا، وكان هذا نفياً في الواقع. أصبح مولوتوف بعد ذلك في عام 1960 المندوب السوفيتي في وكالة الطاقة الذرية الدولية في فيينا بالنمسا، وهاجمه الحزب الشيوعي السوفيتي عام 1961، وعاد إلى موسكو. وطُرد عام 1962 من الحزب وأمر مجلس السوفييت الأعلى بإزالة اسمه من جميع المدن والمباني والمواقع التي سُميت باسمه.
In retirement, Molotov remained unrepentant about his role under Stalin's rule.[92] He suffered a heart attack in January 1962. After the Sino-Soviet split, it was reported that he agreed with the criticisms made by Mao Zedong of the supposed revisionism of Khrushchev's policies.
وأُعيد تعيينه عضوًا في الحزب عام 1984.
توفى مولوتوف عام 1986 و كان قد سمح له آنذاك من الانخراط في الحزب الشيوعي. و نشرت مذكراته عام 1993.
اقرأ أيضا
- Foreign relations of the Soviet Union
- Molotov Line
- Germany–Soviet Union relations, 1918–1941
- زجاجة حارقة (مولوتوف)
- ^ Eaton, William J. (11 November 1986). "Molotov Dies; Key Stalin Aide: Ex-Foreign Minister, 96, Symbolized Cold War". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 14 June 2022.
- ^ أ ب ت Montefiore 2005, p. 40.
- ^ Slezkine, Yuri (7 August 2017). The House of Government. Princeton University Press. pp. 28–29. doi:10.1515/9781400888177. ISBN 978-1-4008-8817-7.
- ^ Roberts, Geoffrey (2012). Molotov: Stalin's Cold Warrior. Washington, DC: Potomac Books. p. 5. ISBN 9781612344294
- ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح Roberts, Geoffrey (2012). Molotov: Stalin's Cold Warrior. Washington, DC: Potomac Books. p. 6. ISBN 9781612344294
- ^ Молотов, Вячеслав Михайлович [Mikhailovich Molotov, Vyacheslav] (in الروسية). warheroes.ru. Retrieved 22 May 2017.
- ^ أ ب Montefiore 2005, p. 36.
- ^ Molotov, Vyacheslav; Chuev, Felix; Resis, Albert (1993). Molotov remembers: inside Kremlin politics: conversations with Felix Chuev. I.R. Dee. p. 94. ISBN 1-56663-027-4.
{{cite book}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) - ^ أ ب Written at Moscow. "Mrs. Molotov Dies in Moscow; Wife of Ex-Premier Was 76". The New York Times. New York City. United Press International. 4 May 1970. Retrieved 17 December 2020.
- ^ Barmine, Alexander (1945). One Who Survived. New York: G.P.Putnam's Sons. p. 128.
- ^ Service 2003, p. 151.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, pp. 40–41.
- ^ Service 2003, p. 176.
- ^ Rywkin, Michael (1989). Soviet Society Today. M.E. Sharpe. pp. 159–160. ISBN 9780873324458.
- ^ Chen, C. Peter. Vyacheslav Molotov. In 1938 American journalist John Gunther wrote: " He [Molotov]is... a man of first-rate intelligence and influence. Molotov is a vegetarian and a teetotaler."
- ^ Djilas, Milovan (1962) Conversations with Stalin. Translated by Michael B. Petrovich. Rupert Hart-Davis, Soho Square London 1962, pp. 59.
- ^ E.H.Carr, and R.W.Davies (1974). Foundations of a Planned Economy, volume 1. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin. p. 352.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, pp. 63–64.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, pp. 45 and 58.
- ^ Scott Dunn, Walter (1995). The Soviet economy and the Red Army, 1930–1945. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 22. ISBN 0-275-94893-5.
- ^ Davies, Robert William; Harrison, Mark; Wheatcroft, S.G. (1994). The Economic transformation of the Soviet Union, 1913–1945. Cambridge University Press. pp. 250–251. ISBN 0-521-45770-X.
- ^ Conquest, Robert (1988). The Harvest of Sorrow, Soviet Collectivisation and the Terror-Famine. London: Arrow. p. 112. ISBN 0-09-956960-4.
- ^ Polonsky, Rachel (2011). Molotov's Magic Lantern, Uncovering Russia's Secret History. London: faber and faber. p. 290. ISBN 978-0-571-23781-4.
- ^ Conquest. Harvest of Sorrow. p. 306.
- ^ Applebaum, Anne (2018). Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine. London: Penguin. p. 168. ISBN 978-0-141-97828-4.
- ^ "Resolution of the court, Kyiv Court of Appeal, 2-A Solomyanska Street, Kyiv. Ruling in the name of Ukraine". Holodomor Museum. 16 October 2019. Retrieved 30 August 2021.
- ^ Trotsky, Leon. "In the Columns of Pravda". Leon Trotsky Internet Archive. Marxists.org. Retrieved 1 September 2021.
- ^ Report of Court Proceedings in the Case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Centre. Moscow: People's Commissariat of Justice of the USSR. 1936. p. 38.
- ^ Orlov, Alexander (1954). A Secret History of Stalin's Crimes. p. 162.
- ^ Watson, Derek (1996). Molotov and the Sovnarkon 1930–1941. UK: Palgrave Macmillan. p. 162. doi:10.1007/978-1-349-24848-3. ISBN 978-1-349-24848-3.
- ^ Stati I Rechi 1935–1936. pp. 231–232.
- ^ Holroyd-Doveton, John (2013). Maxim Litvinov: A Biography. Woodland Publications. p. 408. ISBN 9780957296107.
- ^ Watson, Derek (1996). Molotov and the Sovnarkon 1930–1941. UK: Palgrave Macmillan. p. 16. doi:10.1007/978-1-349-24848-3. ISBN 978-1-349-24848-3.
- ^ Conquest, Robert (1971). The Great Terror. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin. p. 151.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, p. 244.
- ^ Chuev, Felix (1993). Molotov Remembers, Inside Kremlin Politics. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee. pp. 272–74. ISBN 1-56663-027-4.
- ^ Medvedev, Roy (1976). Let History Judge, The Origins and Consequences of Stalinism. Nottingham: Spokesman. pp. 345–46.
- ^ Polonsky. Molotov's Magic Lantern. p. 87.
- ^ Chuev, Felix (1993). Molotov Remembers: Inside Kremlin Politics : Conversations with Felix Chuev. Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Molotov, Albert Resis. Chicago: I.R. Dee. p. 256. ISBN 1-56663-027-4. OCLC 28148163.
- ^ أ ب Brown 2009, p. 141.
- ^ Service 2003, p. 256.
- ^ Brown 2009, pp. 90–92.
- ^ Service 2003, pp. 256–257.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, pp. 320, 322 and 342.
- ^ Cameron Watt, Donald (2004). Russia War, Peace and Diplomacy. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. pp. 276–286. ISBN 0-415-14435-3.
- ^ Service 2003, pp. 158–160.
- ^ "Molotov Announces the German Attack (1941)". Seventeen Moments in Soviet History (in الإنجليزية الأمريكية). 2015-08-13. Retrieved 2023-08-20.
- ^ Service 2003, pp. 261,262.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, pp. 417–418.
- ^ Holroyd-Doveton, John (2013). Maxim Litvinov: A Biography. Woodland Publications. p. 507.
- ^ Volkogonov, Dmitri (1996). Stalin: Triumph & Tragedy. Prima Publishing. p. 220.
- ^ Holroyd-Doveton, John (2013). Maxim Litvinov: A Biography. Woodland Publications. p. 486.
- ^ Achmed, Amba (1952). I Was Stalin's Bodyguard. Muller. p. 133.
- ^ Achmed, Amba (1952). I Was Stalin's Bodyguard. Muller. p. 138.
- ^ Holroyd-Doveton, John (2013). Maxim Litvinov: A Biography. Woodland Publications. p. 487.
- ^ Rzheshevsky, Oleg (1996). War and Diplomacy. Routledge. p. 210.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, p. 508.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, p. 510.
- ^ Zhukov, Georgi Konstantinovich (1971). The Memoirs of Marshal Zhukov. New York: Delacorte Press.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, p. 468.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, p. 472.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, p. 489.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, p. 507.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, p. 477.
- ^ Roberts, Geoffrey (24 May 2006). "Sexing up the Cold War: New Evidence on the Molotov–Truman Talks of April 1945". Cold War History. 4 (3): 105–124. doi:10.1080/1468274042000231178. S2CID 153469872. Retrieved 14 February 2023.
- ^ Roberts, Geoffrey (1999). The Soviet Union in world politics: coexistence, revolution, and cold war, 1945–1991. Routledge. pp. 284–285. ISBN 0-415-14435-3.
- ^ Brown 2009, pp. 199–201.
- ^ أ ب ت Snyder, Timothy (2010). Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin. New York: Basic Books. p. 345. ISBN 978-0-465-00239-9. OCLC 449858698.
- ^ Johnson, Paul (1987), A History of the Jews. Associated University Presses. p. 527.
- ^ Meir, Golda (1973). My Life, ISBN 0-440-15656-4, pp. 242–243.
- ^ أ ب Montefiore 2005, p. 666.
- ^ أ ب Montefiore 2005, p. 604.
- ^ Holroyd-Doveton, John (2013). Maxim Livinov: A Biography. Woodland Publications. p. 493.
- ^ Alliluyeva, Svetlana (1969). Only One Year. p. 384.
- ^ أ ب Brown 2009, p. 231.
- ^ "Unpublished speech by Stalin on 16 October 1952" (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 3 February 2021.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, p. 640.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, pp. 645–647.
- ^ "Russia: The Survivor". Time. 16 September 1957. Archived from the original on 22 November 2007. Retrieved 19 January 2010.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, p. 662.
- ^ Brown 2009, p. 227.
- ^ Marlowe, Lynn Elizabeth (2005). GED Social Studies: The Best Study Series for GED. Research and Education Association. p. 140. ISBN 0-7386-0127-6.
- ^ Taubman, William (2003). Khrushchev: The Man and His Era. W.W. Norton & Company. p. 258. ISBN 0-393-32484-2.
- ^ Brown 2009, p. 666.
- ^ Brown 2009, pp. 236–237.
- ^ Bischof, Günter; Dockrill, Saki (2000). Cold War respite: the Geneva Summit of 1955. Louisiana State University Press. pp. 284–285. ISBN 0-8071-2370-6.
- ^ أ ب Montefiore 2005, pp. 666–667.
- ^ Brown 2009, p. 245.
- ^ أ ب Brown 2009, p. 252.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, p. 668.
- ^ Goudoever 1986, p. 100.
- ^ Montefiore 2005, p. 669.

- V.M. Molotov and the Liquidation of Socialism in the USSR
- Annotated bibliography for Vyacheslav Molotov from the Alsos Digital Library for Nuclear Issues
- The Meaning of the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact Molotov speech to the Supreme Soviet on Aug. 31, 1939
- Reaction to German Invasion of 22 June 1941
مناصب سياسية | ||
سبقه Alexey Rykov |
Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars 1930–1941 |
تبعه Joseph Stalin |
سبقه Maxim Litvinov |
Minister of Foreign Affairs 1939–1949 1953–1956 |
تبعه Andrey Vyshinsky |
سبقه Andrey Vyshinsky |
تبعه Dmitri Shepilov | |
سبقه Vasiliy Pisarev |
Soviet Ambassador to Mongolia 1957–1960 |
تبعه Alexei Khvorostukhin |
سبقه Leonid Zamiatin |
Soviet Representative to International Atomic Energy Agency 1960–1962 |
تبعه Panteleimon Ponomarenko |
مناصب حزبية | ||
سبقه position created (chairman of revkom) |
Secretary of the Communist Party of Donetsk Governorate 1920–1920 |
تبعه Taras Kharchenko Andrei Radchenko |
سبقه Stanislav Kosior (temporary) |
First Secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine 1920–1921 |
تبعه Feliks Kon (acting) |
سبقه Nikolai Uglanov |
Secretary of the Communist Party of Moscow Governorate 1928–1929 |
تبعه Karl Bauman |
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