عيسى زارع پور

عيسى زارع پور
وزير الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات
تولى المنصب
28 أغسطس 2021
الرئيسإبراهيم رئيسي
سبقهمحمد جواد آذري جهرمي
تفاصيل شخصية
اسلام‌ آباد غرب، محافظة كرمان‌شاه، إيران

عيسى زارع پور Issa Zarepour (من مواليد 1980) وهو سياسي إيراني محافظ شغل منصب وزير تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات منذ 25 أغسطس 2021 في حكومة الرئيس ابراهيم رئيسي. [1]


ولد عيسى زارع پور عام 1980 في إسلام أباد الغرب، كرمان‌شاه. وحصل على شهادته الجامعية في هندسة الحاسب من جامعة الرازي وشهادة الدراسات العليا في هندسة برمجيات الحاسوب من جامعة شريف للتكنولوجيا. كما حصل على درجة الدكتوراه من كلية علوم وهندسة الحاسب، جامعة نيو ساوث ويلز، أستراليا.[2]

في الحكومتين التاسعة والعاشرة

في عمره 26، أثناء رئاسة محمود أحمدي‌نژاد، تم تعيينه رئيساً لمركز تطوير تكنولوجيا المعلومات والإعلام الرقمي في وزارة الثقافة والإرشاد الإسلامي، وفي عام 2010 انتُخب مديراً نموذجياً لوزارة الثقافة. والإرشاد الإسلامي. كما استضافت الشبكة الثقافية الوطنية. [3] وبهذه الصفة، قام بتنظيم المهرجان والمعرض الوطني للإعلام الرقمي.[4]وقال زارع پور إن هذا المركز يمكن اعتباره أول مؤسسة حكومية فاعلة وصانع سياسات في مجال الفضاء الإلكتروني. كما أن المركز مسؤول عن تطوير تكنولوجيا المعلومات والخدمات الإلكترونية في وزارة الثقافة والإرشاد الإسلامي.

شغل زارع پور مناصب أخرى في الحكومتين التاسعة والعاشرة وكان مستشاراً لوزير الاتصالات ووزير الصحة ونائب وزير العلوم والتكنولوجيا. كان زارع پور أيضاً عضواً في اللجنة الوطنية لليونسكو في الحكومة العاشرة.

Complete education and statements

After finishing the Ahmadinejad government, Zarepour went to Australia to pursue a PhD in computer engineering – in 2016 he took the trend of Computer networks from the University of New South Wales, Australia. Zarepour also completed two postdoctoral fellowships in next generation computer networks at the University of New South Wales of Australia and Sharif University of Technology, and was a lecturer in the Computer Networks Department of the School of Computer Engineering, University of Science and Technology.[5] since 2017. His field of study is next generation computer networks and Internet of Things. Dr. The title of Zarepour's thesis is the design of efficient protocols for wireless sensor nanotechnology with the popular supervisor Hassan. Zarepour has published dozens of scientific and research articles in English in international journals and conferences,[6] and has won several international scientific and research awards.[7]

Zarepour has been a faculty member of the Computer Engineering Faculty of Iran University of Science and Technology since 2017. As an assistant professor in the School of Computer Engineering at the University of Science and Technology,[7] he teaches a focus on emerging networks, the Internet of Things and wearable sensors, advanced computer networking courses, database design principles, and the Internet of Things.

Attending a distinguished meeting with the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran in September 2017, he highlighted issues such as the need to reform the laws of knowledge-based companies and the need to combat imports in cyberspace through healthy and internal production. Zarepour himself hosted the ceremony, emphasizing that all elites in the country are "Pasdar".

Zarepour is an alternate board member of the Clean Cyberspace Developers Association (FMP).[8] This organization presents itself as a non-governmental organization that advocates widespread filtering of polluted sites and areas for lower age groups and prioritizes the use, use and promotion of internal social networks to advance Iran's national goals.[9]

In the judiciary

Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, the then head of Judicial system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, appointed Zarepour as head of the Judiciary's Statistics and Information Technology Center in February 2020.[10] Another of his actions during this period was the launch of the edalat hamrah app. The growth and development of other electronic systems of the judiciary,[11] which is mentioned as one of the achievements of Ebrahim Raisi during his presidency in this branch, has also been done by Zarepour team.

Minister of Information and Communications Technology

In 11 August 2021, Raisi introduced Zarepour as the proposed Minister of Information and Communications Technology of the 13th government to the parliament, and on 28 August 2021, with 256 votes in favor, 17 against and 10 abstentions, he received the vote of confidence as the Minister of Information and Communications Technology.[12][13]


  1. ^ (in fa)Dr. Eisa Zarepour | Portal of Information and Communication Technology Center, 2021-10-20, https://its.iust.ac.ir/profile/zarepour, retrieved on 2021-10-20 
  2. ^ (in fa)Who is Eisa Zarepour, the proposed Minister of Communications of the 13th government?, 12 August 2021, https://www.zoomit.ir/tech-iran/373611-who-is-eisa-zarepour/ 
  3. ^ (in fa)Who is the proposed Minister of Information and Communications Technology?, 2021-08-11, https://www.isna.ir/news/1400052014823/وزیر-پیشنهادی-ارتباطات-و-فناوری-اطلاعات-کیست 
  4. ^ (in fa)Digital Media Exhibitions, https://fa.wikipedia.org/wiki/جشنواره_و_نمایشگاه_ملی_رسانه‌های_دیجیتال 
  5. ^ (in fa)Dr. Eisa Zarepour, http://ce.iust.ac.ir/content/52422/ 
  6. ^ Published articles of Eisa Zarepour, https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=MgSbGaYAAAAJ&hl=en 
  7. ^ أ ب Eisa Zarepour Webpage, http://webpages.iust.ac.ir/zarepour/Awards.html, retrieved on 2021-08-10 
  8. ^ (in fa)Clean Cyberspace Developers Association (FMP), https://rasm.io/company/14005819359/شرکت%20مؤسسه%20جمعیت%20توسعه%20گران%20فضای%20مجازی%20پاک/ 
  9. ^ (in fa)What is the population of clean cyberspace developers (fmp)?, https://tech.tavaana.org/fa/news/jmyt-twshgran-fday-mjazy-pak-fmp-chyst 
  10. ^ (in fa)Eisa Zarepour became the new head of the Statistics and Informatics Center of the Judiciary - Legal and Judicial News, https://www.tasnimnews.com/fa/news/1398/12/10/2213437/عیسی-زارع-پور-رئیس-جدید-مرکز-آمار-و-انفورماتیک-قوه-قضائیه-شد 
  11. ^ (in fa)Issuance of certificate of no criminal record electronically, https://www.isna.ir/news/99061813967/صدور-گواهی-عدم-سوء-پیشینه-به-صورت-الکترونیکی-و-بدون-مراجعه-حضوری 
  12. ^ (in fa)"Eisa Zarepour" was introduced to the parliament for the Ministry of Communications, 2021-08-11, https://www.mehrnews.com/news/5279059/عیسی-زارع-پور-برای-وزارت-ارتباطات-به-مجلس-معرفی-شد 
  13. ^ (in fa)Raisi introduced the list of ministers proposed by the 13th government to the parliament + records, 2021-08-11, https://www.farsnews.ir/news/14000520000579