
ربولا (لاتينية: Rabula؛ إنگليزية: Rabbula) كان أسقف الرها من 411 حتى أغسطس 435م، يـُذكـَر بمعارضنه لآراء Theodore of Mopsuestia and Nestorius. However, his successor Ibas, who was in charge of the school of Edessa, reversed the official stance of that bishopric. Rabbula is not to be confused with the otherwise unknown scribe of the 6th century Rabbula Gospels.

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The Life of Rabbula is a biographical Syriac text of Rabbula's life from the beginning of his birth to his life achievements and ends with his death.[1]


He was a native of Qinnasrin, ancient Chalcis ad Bellum، البلدة الواقعة على بعد بضعة أميال جنوب حلب and the seat of a bishopric. His father was a pagan priest, and though his mother was a devoted Christian he remained a pagan until some time after his marriage. During a journey to his country estates he was converted to Christianity partly through coming in contact with a case of miraculous healing and partly through the teaching and influence of Eusebius, bishop of Kenneschrin, and Acacius, bishop of Aleppo.

الزهد المسيحي

With all the energy of his fiery nature he threw himself into the practice of Christian asceticism, sold all his possessions, and separated from his wife and kinspeople. He resided for some time in a monastery, and then passed to a life of greater hardship as a solitary hermit. On the death of Diogenes, bishop of Edessa, in the year 411-412 Rabbula was chosen his successor, and at once accepted the position offered him, without any of the customary show of reluctance.


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  • Hägg, Tomas; Rousseau, Philip; Høgel, Christian (2000). Greek Biography and Panegyric in Late Antiquity. University of California Press. ISBN 9780520223882.
  • Phenix Jr., Robert R.; Horn, Cornelia B. (2017). The Rabbula corpus: comprising the Life of Rabbula, his correspondence, a homily delivered in Constantinople, canons, and hymns; with texts in Syriac and Latin, English translations, notes, and introduction. Society of Biblical Literature Press. ISBN 9780884140788.

وصلات خارجية

المنسوبة إليه

تحوي هذه المقالة معلومات مترجمة من الطبعة الحادية عشرة لدائرة المعارف البريطانية لسنة 1911 وهي الآن من ضمن الملكية العامة.