رئيس الإكوادور

رئيس جمهورية الإكوادور
Presidente de la República del Ecuador
National Standard of Ecuador.svg
الراية الرئاسية
A Lenín Moreno (Transmisión del Mando Presidencial Ecuador 2017).jpg
لنين مورينو

منذ 24 مايو 2017
الأسلوبسيادة الرئيس
الإقامةCarondelet Palace
عيـَّنهالانتخاب الشعبي المباشر
مدة المنصبأربع سنوات
قابلة للتجديد مرة واحدة
مفتتـِح المنصبJuan José Flores
تشكيلSeptember 22, 1830
النائبVice President of Ecuador
الراتب6,261 USD per month[1]
الموقعOfficial website

رئيس الإكوادور (إسپانية: Presidente del Ecuador) officially called the President of the Republic of Ecuador (إسپانية: Presidente de la República del Ecuador) serves as both the head of state and head of government of Ecuador, is the highest political office in the country as the head of the executive branch of government. As per the current Constitution, the President can serve two four-year terms. Prior to that, the president could only serve one four-year term.

The current President of Ecuador is Lenín Moreno, since 24 May 2017. He was elected in 2017.


The Presidency of Ecuador has been marked by periods of instability, causing the office to change presidents frequently throughout the history of the country. At least five times, the duties of the president have been charged to a provisional government or a military junta. Often, the office has been left to an interim or acting president, many of whom would go on to become president. The President who has served the most terms in office is José María Velasco Ibarra, who served five. Before president Rafael Correa, the last president to serve out his complete term in office was Sixto Durán Ballén, who served from 1992 to 1996.

قائمة الرؤساء

آخر انتخابات

المرشح الحزب الجولة الأولى الجولة الثانية
Votes % Votes %
لنين مورينو PAIS Alliance 3,716,343 39.36 5,062,018 51.16
Guillermo Lasso Creating Opportunities 2,652,403 28.09 4,833,389 48.84
Cynthia Viteri Social Christian Party 1,540,903 16.32
Paco Moncayo National Agreement for Change (es) 634,033 6.71
Abdalá Bucaram, Jr. Fuerza Ecuador 455,187 4.82
Iván Espinel Molina Fuerza Compromiso Social 299,840 3.18
Patricio Zuquilanda Duque Patriotic Society Party 72,679 0.77
Washington Pesántez Movimiento Unión Ecuatoriana 71,107 0.75
Invalid/blank votes 1,022,812 740,167
الإجمالي 10,470,174 100 10,635,574 100
Registered voters/turnout 12,816,698 81.63 12,816,698 82.98
Source: CNE, CNE


  1. ^ "Shocking Gap Between Latin America's Presidential Salaries And Workers Minimum Wage". Latin Post.

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