ديڤد لاك

ديڤد لاك
David Lack
وُلِدَ(1910-07-16)16 يوليو 1910
توفي12 مارس 1973(1973-03-12) (aged 62)
السيرة العلمية
المجالاتعلم الطيور

ديڤد لامبرت لاك، David Lambert Lack FRS (عاش 16 يوليو 1910 - 12 مارس 1973) هو عالم طيور بريطاني ومؤلف كتب لترويج العلوم الطبيعية، مثل "حياة طائر الحناء" في جزر گلاپاگوس (1943). منذ الثلاثينات، انخرط في العمل الحقلي لدراسة عادات وسلوك الطيور.[1][2]

حياة طائر الحناء.

المحطات الهامة في حياته

The Common Swift


The centenary of Lack's birth, 16 July 2010, was marked by a 'David Lack Centenary Symposium', hosted by the Edward Grey Institute. A programme of talks focused on and celebrated the scientific contributions of Lack to ornithology, and the broader fields of ecology and evolution, and assessed the development of these fields in the 21st century.[3]

المطبوعات الرئيسية


  • Lack, David. 1943. The life of the Robin. Witherby, London.
  • Lack, David. 1947. Darwin's Finches. Cambridge University Press (reissued in 1961 by Harper, New York, with a new preface by Lack; reissued in 1983 by Cambridge University Press with an introduction and notes by Laurene M. Ratcliffe and Peter T. Boag). ISBN 0-521-25243-1
  • Lack, David. 1950. Robin Redbreast. Oxford. (A new edition of this book, revised and expanded by Lack's son Andrew, was published under the title Redbreast: the Robin in life and literature by SMH Books in 2008.)
  • Lack, David. 1954. The natural regulation of animal numbers. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Lack, David. 1956. Swifts in a tower. Methuen, London.
  • Lack, David. 1957. Evolutionary theory and Christian belief: the unresolved conflict. Methuen, London.
  • Lack, David. 1966. Population studies of birds. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Lack, David. 1968. Ecological adaptations for breeding in birds. Methuen, London.
  • Lack, David. 1971. Ecological isolation in birds. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. and Blackwell, Oxford.
  • Lack, David. 1974. Evolution illustrated by waterfowl. Harper & Row, London.
  • Lack, David. 1976. Island biology illustrated by the land birds of Jamaica. University of California Press, Berkeley. ISBN 0-520-03007-9 (posthumously).

أوراق مختارة

  • Lack, David. 1940. Evolution of the Galapagos finches. Nature 146:324–327.
  • Lack, David. 1942. Ecological features of the bird faunas of British small islands. Journal of Animal Ecology 11:9–36.
  • Lack, David. 1945. The Galapagos finches (Geospizinae): a study in variation. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences 21:i–vii, 1–152.
  • Lack, David. 1947-8. The significance of clutch-size. Ibis 89, 302–352; 90, 25–45.
  • Lack, David 1949. The significance of reproductive isolation. In Jepsen G, Mayr E and Simpson GG (eds) Genetics, paleontology and evolution. Princeton.
  • Lack, David. 1954. The evolution of reproductive rates. In Huxley J, Hardy AC and Ford EB (eds). Evolution as a process. Allen & Unwin, London.
  • Lack, David. 1967. Interrelationship in breeding adaptations as shown by marine birds. Proc. XIVth Int. Orn. Congr. Oxford 1966, p3–42.
  • Lack, David. 1973. The numbers of species of hummingbirds in the West Indies. Evolution 27:326–337.


  1. ^ Blake, Charles H. (1974). "Obituary" (PDF). The Auk. 91 (1): 239. doi:10.2307/4084715.
  2. ^ Information in Royal Society Archives
  3. ^ "The David Lack Centenary Symposium". The Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology. Retrieved 5 May 2010.

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