دفاع جوي وصاروخي متكامل
دفاع جوي وصاروخي متكامل Integrated Air-and-Missile Defense system (IAMD) هو برنامج أبحاث SMDC to augment the aging surface-to-air missile defense systems and to provide the United States Army with a low-cost, but effective complement to kinetic energy solutions to take out air threats. Brigade level higher energy lasers are used in truck mounted systems called HELMTT. At lower levels, the Army needs to develop interceptors that don't cost more than small, unmanned aircraft systems. In early research they have successfully used 5-kilowatt lasers on a Stryker combat vehicle. The Mobile Expeditionary High-Energy Laser (MEHEL) was used at MFIX في فورت سيل، أوكلاهوما، في النصف الأول من أبريل 2017.[1]