خليج تسِمِس Tsemes Bay
خليج تسمس |

خليج تسِمِس Tsemes Bay (وأيضاً Tsemess Bay and Novorossiysk Bay; بالروسية: Цемесская бухта, Tsemesskaya bukhta) هو خليج لا يتجمد على الساحل الشمالي الشرقي للبحر الأسود، في كراي كراسنودار في روسيا. It takes its name from the Tsemes River which flows into the bay. The depth of the sea varies from 21 إلى 27 متر. يبلغ طول الخليج 15 كيلومتر؛ وأقصى عرض له هو 9 كيلومترات. ويحده لسان سجق Sudzhuk Spit و Cape Doob .
Although navigation is affected by strong autumn and winter bora winds (up to 220 kilometers per hour), ancient Greek navigators frequented the bay and established the colony of Bata on the shore. Michael Rostovtzeff explained this by the lack of any other decent harbours along the coastline between the bay and Batumi to the south.[1] وفي العصور الوسطى سيطرت عائلة گيزولفي Ghisolfi التجارية من جنوة على الساحل.
نوڤوروسييسك, founded by Russians in 1838 as a military facility, is the chief port on the bay. In June 1918 Soviet Navy crews scuttled several ships of the Black Sea Fleet in the bay to avoid their transfer to the Germans. Several notable shipwrecks occurred in Tsemes bay, including that of SS Admiral Nakhimov in 1986. Following the 1992 establishment of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium, the Commercial Seaport of Novorossiysk has emerged as the busiest oil terminal in the Black Sea. الجزء الجنوبي من الخليج، مع المنتجع الصغير Kabardinka ، ويـُدار من گلندژيك (انظر خليج گلندژيك).
- ^ Rostovtzeff, Michael Ivanovich. Iranians and Greeks in South Russia. The Clarendon Press, 1922. Page 63.
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- نوڤوروسييسك
- خلجان البحر الأسود
- خلجان كراي كراسنودار