خلايا بيضاء غير محببة

Monocyte under a light microscope (40x) from a peripheral blood smear surrounded by red blood cells.

الخلية البيضاء الغير محببة إنگليزية: Agranulocyte هو أحد التقسيمات الرئيسية لكريات الدم البيضاء و سمي بهذا الأسم لخلوه من الحبيبات الدقيقة في سائل السيتوبلازم على عكس الخلايا البيضاء المحببة وتضم:

  1. الخلايا الليمفية.
  2. الخلايا الوحيدة.
Reference ranges for blood tests of white blood cells, comparing mononuclear leukocytes amount (shown in yellow) مع خلايا أخرى.

Monocytes share the phagocytosis function of neutrophils, but are much longer lived as they have an additional role: they present pieces of pathogens to T cells so that the pathogens may be recognized again and killed, or so that an antibody response may be mounted. Monocytes are also known as macrophages after they migrate from the bloodstream and enter tissue.

The granulocytes are neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and mast cells.

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Mononuclear cell infiltrates are characteristic of inflammatory lesions, where white blood cells, mainly macrophages and lymphocytes, collect at the site of injury to help clear away the debris.[1] It is the sign of onset of graft rejection.

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  1. ^ Ziff, M (1989). "Pathways of mononuclear cell infiltration in rheumatoid synovitis". Rheumatology International. 3 (5). PMID 2481879.