ثابت شمسي

Solar irradiance spectrum at top of atmosphere, on a linear scale and plotted against wavenumber.
الثابت الشمسي Solar constant هو الكمية الإجمالية للطاقة الإشعاعية الواصلة من الشمس والواقعة على الطبقة الخارجية من جو الكرة الأرضية وتقدر هذه الكمية بنحو 1,35 كيلو واط على المتر المربع الواحد. وهذا المقدرا الثابت من الطاقة الإشعاعية الواصلة من الشمس هو الذى يجعل الحياة ممكنة على سطح الأرض.
أنظر أيضا
- Airmass
- Earth's atmosphere
- Color temperature
- Crepuscular rays, rays of sunlight that appear to radiate from a single point in the sky.
- Electromagnetic radiation and health
- Fraunhofer line
- Effect of sun angle on climate
- مؤمن, عبد الأمير (2006). قاموس دار العلم الفلكي. بيروت، لبنان: دار العلم للملايين.
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قراءات أخرى
- Hartmann, Thom (1998). The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight. London: Hodder and Stoughton. ISBN 0-340-82243-0.
- MF Holick & M Jenkins (2007) The UV Advantage: The Medical Breakthrough That Shows How to Harness the Power of the Sun for Your Health, IBooks, Inc.
وصلات خارجية
- Solar radiation - Encyclopedia of Earth
- Total solar irradiance data archive 1978-2007 at the website of the National Geophysical Data Center
- A Comparison of Methods for Providing Solar Radiation Data to Crop Models and Decision Support Systems, Rivington et al.
- Evaluation of three model estimations of solar radiation at 24 UK stations, Rivington et al.
- High resolution spectrum of solar radiation from Observatoire de Paris
- Measuring Solar Radiation : A lesson plan from the National Science Digital Library.
- Websurf astronomical information: Online tools for calculating Rising and setting times of Sun, Moon or planet, Azimuth of Sun, Moon or planet at rising and setting, Altitude and azimuth of Sun, Moon or planet for a given date or range of dates, and more.
- Daylength - Formulas to calculate the daylength depending from latitude and day of year.
- An Excel workbook with a solar position and solar radiation time-series calculator; by Greg Pelletier
- DOE information about the ASTM standard solar spectrum for PV evaluation.
- ASTM Standard for solar spectrum at ground level in the US (latitude ~ 37 degrees).