تصنيف:مناهضة الفكر

مشاع المعرفة فيه ميديا متعلقة بموضوع مناهضة الفكر.
Articles relating to anti-intellectualism, hostility to and mistrust of intellect, intellectuals, and intellectualism, commonly expressed as deprecation of education and philosophy and the dismissal of art, literature, and science as impractical, politically motivated, and even contemptible human pursuits. Anti-intellectuals present themselves and are perceived as champions of common folk—populists against political and academic elitism—and tend to see educated people as a status class that dominates political discourse and higher education while being detached from the concerns of ordinary people.
المقالات في التصنيف "مناهضة الفكر"
الصفحات 3 التالية مصنّفة بهذا التصنيف، من إجمالي 3.