برنامج ڤنيرا

Location of Soviet Venus landers
Venera 11 lander
Venera 7 lander

برنامج فينيرا Venera هو سلسلة من السوابر الفضائيةالروسية أطلقها الإتحاد السوفيتى سابقا لدراسة كوكب الزهرة إما لتدور حول الكوكب أو لتهبط فوق سطحه.


فى شباط - فبراير 1961م اطلق فينيرا 1 أول سابر فضائي يتجه الى كوكب الزهرة ووصل الى مسافة 62,000 ميل عن الكوكب وفى شباط سنة 1966م وصل فينيرا 2 الى مسافة 15,000 ميل عن الكوكب وفى آذار _ مارس 1966م دخل فينيرا 3 الغلاف الجوي الزهري. ومن السوابر الستة عشر التى اطلقت ذهبت ستة منها ضحية الحرارة والضغط الشديدين قبل أن ينجح فينيرا 9 في إرسال الصور الأولي لسطح الكوكب الى الأرض وقد أرسل فينيرا 13 الصورة الملونة الأولى . وهناك معلومات جمة عن كوكب الزهرة قدمها عدد آخر من سوابر فينيرا الاخرى.

بيانات جميع بعثات فينيرا

Name Mission Launch Results Orbiter or probe (flyby, atmospheric) Lander
1VA (proto-Venera) Flyby February 4, 1961 Failed to leave earth orbit n/a
Venera 1 Flyby February 12, 1961 Communications lost en route to Venus n/a
Sputnik 19 Atmospheric Probe August 25, 1962 Escape stage failed; Re-entered three days later Venera 1962 diagramm.jpg n/a
Sputnik 20 Atmospheric Probe September 1, 1962 Escape stage failed; Re-entered five days later Venera 1962 diagramm.jpg n/a
Sputnik 21 Flyby September 12, 1962 Third stage exploded; Spacecraft destroyed Venera 1962 diagramm.jpg n/a
Venera 1964A Flyby February 19, 1964 Did not reach parking orbit n/a
Cosmos 27 Flyby March 27, 1964 Escape stage failed n/a
Venera 2 Flyby November 12, 1965 Communications lost just before arrival n/a
Venera 3 Atmospheric Probe November 16, 1965 Communications lost just before atmospheric entry. This was the first manmade object to land on another planet on March 1966 (crash). Probable landing region: -20º to 20º N, 60º to 80º E. n/a
Cosmos 96 Atmospheric Probe November 23, 1965 Failed to leave Earth orbit, and reentered the atmosphere. Believed by some researchers to have crashed near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania on December 9, 1965, an event which became known as the "Kecksburg Incident" among UFO researchers. All Soviet spacecraft that never left Earth orbit were customarily renamed "Kosmos" regardless of the craft's intended mission. n/a
Venera 1965A Flyby November 26, 1965 Launcher failed n/a
Venera 4 Atmospheric Probe June 12, 1967 Arrived October 18, 1967 and was the first probe to enter another planet's atmosphere and return data. Although it did not transmit from the surface, this was the first interplanetary broadcast of any probe. Landed somewhere near latitude 19° N, longitude 38° E. n/a n/a
Cosmos 167 Atmospheric Probe June 17, 1967 Escape stage failed; Re-entered eight days later n/a
Venera 5 Atmospheric Probe January 5, 1969 Arrived May 16, 1969 and successfully returned atmospheric data before being crushed by pressure within 26 kilometres (16 mi) of the surface. Landed at 3° S, 18° E. n/a
Venera 6 Atmospheric Probe January 10, 1969 Arrived May 17, 1969 and successfully returned atmospheric data before being crushed by pressure within 11 kilometres (6.8 mi) of the surface. Landed at 5° S, 23° E. n/a
Venera 7 Lander August 17, 1970 Arrived December 15, 1970, was the first successful landing of a spacecraft on another planet and survived for 23 minutes before succumbing to the heat and pressure. This was the first broadcast from another planet's surface. Landed at 5° S, 351° E. Venera 7 capsule.jpg
Cosmos 359 Lander August 22, 1970 Escape stage failed; Ended up in an elliptical Earth orbit
Venera 8 Lander March 27, 1972 Arrived July 22, 1972 and survived for 50 minutes before succumbing to the heat and pressure. Landed within a 150 kilometres (93 mi) radius of 10.70° S, 335.25° E. Venera 8.jpg Venera 8 capsule.jpg
Cosmos 482 Probe March 31, 1972 Escape stage exploded during Trans-Venus injection; Some pieces re-entered and others remained in Earth orbit n/a
Venera 9 Orbiter and Lander June 8, 1975 Arrived October 22, 1975, sent back the first (black and white) images of Venus' surface while the lander survived 53 minutes before succumbing to the heat and pressure. Landed within a 150 kilometres (93 mi) radius of 31.01° N, 291.64° E. Venera 9 orbiter.jpg Venera 9 lander.jpg
Venera 10 Orbiter and Lander June 14, 1975 Arrived October 25, 1975, the lander surviving 65 minutes before succumbing to the heat and pressure. Landed within a 150 kilometres (93 mi) radius of 15.42° N, 291.51° E. Venera 10 orbiter.jpg
Venera 11 Flyby and Lander September 9, 1978 Arrived December 25, 1978, the lander survived for 95 minutes; however the imaging systems had failed. Landed at 14° S 299° E. Venera 11 lander.jpg
Venera 12 Flyby and Lander September 14, 1978 Arrived December 21, 1978, the lander surviving for 110 minutes and recorded what is thought to be lightning. Landed at 7° S 294° E. Venera 11 lander.jpg
Venera 13 Flyby and Lander October 30, 1981 Arrived March 1, 1982, returned the first colour images of Venus' surface and discovered leucite basalt in a soil sample using a spectrometer. Landed at 7.5° S, 303° E Venera 13 orbiter.gif Venera 13 lander.gif
Venera 14 Flyby and Lander November 14, 1981 Arrived March 5, 1982, a soil sample revealed tholeiitic basalt (similar to that found on Earth's mid-ocean ridges). Landed at 13.25° S, 310° E. Venera 13 orbiter.gif Venera 13 lander.gif
Venera 15 Orbiter June 2, 1983 Arrived October 10, 1983 and mapped (along with Venera 16) the northern hemisphere down to 30 degrees from North (resolution 1-2 km) Venera 15.gif n/a
Venera 16 Orbiter June 7, 1983 Arrived October 14, 1983 and mapped (along with Venera 15) the northern hemisphere down to 30 degrees from North (resolution 1-2 km) Venera 15.gif n/a

أنظر ايضا


  • مؤمن, عبد الأمير (2006). قاموس دار العلم الفلكي. بيروت، لبنان: دار العلم للملايين. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |طبعة أولى coauthors= (help)

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