بحر سوف

في علم الكون المندائي، بحر سوف Sea of Suf (أو بحر سوپ، Classical Mandaic: ࡉࡀࡌࡀ ࡖࡎࡅࡐ, romanized: iama ḏ-sup, lit.'بحر النهاية'[1]) is a primordial sea in the World of Darkness.[2][3] It is analogous to Tehom in the Book of Genesis. It is a great sea that the soul has to pass in the first steps of ascending, and is also considered to be the limit of worldly desire.

في گنزا ربا

The Sea of Suf is mentioned in Right Ginza 1, 2.3, 3, 5.2, 9.1, 15.1, 15.10, 15.12, 15.18, 16.1, 16.6, and Left Ginza 2.14, often as iama rba ḏ-sup or the "Great Suf-Sea."[1]

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ أ ب Gelbert, Carlos (2011). Ginza Rba. Sydney: Living Water Books. ISBN 9780958034630.
  2. ^ Aldihisi, Sabah (2008). The story of creation in the Mandaean holy book in the Ginza Rba (PhD). University College London.
  3. ^ Al-Saadi, Qais Mughashghash; Al-Saadi, Hamed Mughashghash (2012). Ginza Rabba: The Great Treasure. An equivalent translation of the Mandaean Holy Book. Drabsha.

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