
(تم التحويل من الخفاء)
مثال على كيف يبدو غرض ما غير مرئ من خلال استخدام مرايا

التخفي Invisibility هو الحالة التى تنتفى فيها رؤية الشيء رؤية. الشيىء في هذه الحالة يقال أنه غير مرئي. ويستعمل هذا اللفظ في العادة خيال/قصص علمي وهو اصطلاح يدل على أن الأشياء تجعل غير مرئية بواسطة السحر magical أو technological ومع ذلك فإن تلك التأثيرات يمكن أن ترى في الحقيفة; وعلى وجه الخصوص physics و perceptional psychology.

وحيث أن الأشياء يمكن أن ترى بواسطة الضوء في الطيف المرئي من مصدر تنعكس عنه وعلى أسطحه، وتضرب عين الرائي، أهم صور التخفى سواء كانت حقيقية أم خيالية هو الشيىء الذى لاتنعكس عنه، ولايمتص ضوءا وهذا يعنى أنه يسمح للضوء أن ينفذ من خلاله . و في الطبيعة ذلك يطلق علية الشفافية بصريات ويرى في معظم الأشكال الطبيعية ,(بالرغم أنه لايوجد شيىء في الطبيعة شفاف 100%)

الرؤية أيضا تعتمد على العين للشخص الرائى, او الجهاز المستخدم.وهكذا يقيم أن الشىء غير مرئى كشخص أو حيوان, أو آلة , etc. وفى الأبحاث عن الأشياء المحسوسة perception , فإن الإختفاء يمكن أن يحدث على فترات.[1]

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تبعا للبيئة المحيطة

يصنف الشيء أنه مخفي أو غير مرئي "invisible" إذا لم يمكن ملاحظثه بالنظر (العين) تبعا environmentبأى عامل خلاف أنه لا يعكس الضوء. الشيء الذى يعد مرئياً يمكن أن يصنف خفيا إذا كان:

  • يكون خلف شيء يججب رؤيته.
  • نفس لون وشكل الخلفية(التمويه)
  • في وسط داكن، أو مضيء للغاية.
  • في عين الرائى النقطة العمياء.
  • بتغيير المظهر المعين, , إما بيولوجيا أو تكنولوجيا حيوان الحبار squid (مرتديا أدوات عرض , كاميرات , nonexistent technology needed).

حسب قوانين الطبيعة

حيث أن escape velocity تتجاوزسرعة الضوء (حيث يطلق عليهاblack holes), ويجب أن تلحظ أن تلك ليست بالضرورة خفية, يمكن أن ترصد من خلال gravitational lensing effects.

  • شفافة (مثل الهواء وكثير من gases
  • تشع أو تعكس الضوء خارج نطاق الطول الموجي مجال الضوء المرئى. (الإشعاع هو بصفة عامةغير مرئى تبغا لذلك. و لسوء الحظ, هذا من شأنه أن يؤدي إلى حجب أي إنسان أن يصبح غير مرئيا أو شفافا, و لكنه معتم تماما, ويشبه ثقبا أسودا في صورة إنسان .
  • و قد حدث إنقلاب خطير (2006) في Imperial College London أظهروا أن التخفي ممكنا بواسطة إستعمال بلورات ذات نماذج محددة specifically patterned crystals مصنوعة من nanoscale boxes تحتفظ بإليكترونات . عندما يصطدم بها الضوء و يضرب تلك البلورات , تصبح متشابكة داخل تلك الصناديق مسببة تلك الأشياء بأن ثصبح شفافة[2], however, so far this invisibility does not cover the entire visible spectrum.

بإستخام التكنولوجيا

ويمكن استخدام التكنولوجيا نظريا أو عمليا لجعل العالم الحقيقي أشياءا غير مرئية:

  • الاستفادة من الصورة الحقيقيةالمعروضة على شاشة يرتديها الشخص,و العلماء قادرون على خلق رؤية الواقع من خلال, التخفي.و هذا يعد من التأثير المسمى (الرؤية من خلال),وإذ لم يعد إختفاء فهو تمويه تام active camouflage. .
  • و حيث أن التكنولوجيا يمكن أن أن تقلل حجم أو وضوح الشىء المرصود بالرادار * فإنه في بعض قصص الخيال العلمى,توجد أداة إفتراضية تدعي "cloaking device" تستخدم لجعل الإشياء خفية. في يوم الثلاثاء19 أكتوبر 2006 فإن فريقا من الباحثين من إنجلترا, والولايات المتحدة أعلنوا تطوير cloak of invisibility حقيقية , و الموضوع برمته يعد مجرد بداية وفى مراحله الأولى.[3]
  • فى صناعة السينيما , الأشخاص, والأشياء والخلفيات يمكن جعلهم يبدون في صورة خفية,أمام الكاميرا بواسطة تكنيك يعرفchroma keying.

المجهودات العملية

Engineers and scientists have performed various kinds of research to investigate the possibility of finding ways to create real optical invisibility for objects.

  • Although it has been shown that making opaque objects perfectly invisible ("non-scattering scatterers") is impossible,[4][5] 2006 theoretical work predicts that the imperfections need not be serious, and metamaterials may make real-life "cloaking devices" practical.[6][7] The technique is suspected to be applied to radio waves within five years, and eventually visible light is a possibility. The theory that light waves can be acted upon the same way as radio waves is now a popular idea among scientists and can be compared to a stone in a river, in where the water passes around it, but leaving no trace of a stone being in the water slightly down-stream. Comparing light waves to the water and whatever object that is being "cloaked" to the stone, the desire is to have light waves pass around that object, leaving no visible aspects of it, possibly not even a shadow.[8] This is the technique depicted in the 2000 television portrayal of The Invisible Man.
  • Two teams of scientists worked separately to create two "Invisibility Cloaks" from 'metamaterials' engineered at the nanoscale level. They demonstrated for the first time the possibility of cloaking 3-dimensional (3-D) objects with artificially engineered materials that redirect radar, light or other waves around an object, like water flowing around a smooth rock in a stream. While one uses a type of fishnet of metal layers to reverse the direction of light, the other uses tiny silver wires. Xiang Zhang, of the University of California, Berkeley said: "In the case of invisibility cloaks or shields, the material would need to curve light waves completely around the object like a river flowing around a rock. An observer looking at the cloaked object would then see light from behind it, making it seem to disappear."
  • Researcher Jason Valentine's team made a material that affects light near the visible spectrum, in a region used in fibre optics: 'Instead of the fish appearing to be slightly ahead of where it is in the water, it would actually appear to be above the water's surface. It's kind of weird. For a metamaterial to produce negative refraction, it must have a structural array smaller than the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation being used." Valentine's team created their 'fishnet' material by stacking silver and metal dielectric layers on top of each other and then punched through with holes. The other team used an oxide template and grew silver nanowires inside porous aluminum oxide at tiny distances apart, smaller than the wavelength of visible light. This material refracts visible light.[9]
  • The Imperial College London research achieved results with microwaves. An invisibility cloak layout of a copper cylinder was produced in May, 2008, by physicist Professor Sir John Pendry. Scientists working with him at Duke University in the US put the idea into practice.[10][11]

بإستعمال السحر

ألبريش Alberich puts on the Tarnhelm and vanishes; توضيح بريشة أرثر راكام لعمل ريتشارد ڤاگنر المسمى Das Rheingold

Invisibility, usually by magic, is a popular theme in fantasy, mythology and Ceremonial magic. It is often used as a gameplay device in role-playing and strategy games. Typically, people or objects can be rendered completely invisible by several means:

  • Magical objects such as rings, cloaks and amulets can be worn to grant the wearer permanent invisibility.
  • Magical potions can be consumed to grant temporary invisibility.
  • Magic spells can be cast on people or objects, usually giving temporary invisibility.
  • Some mythical creatures can make themselves invisible at will, such as some versions of Leprechaun, and Chinese dragons in some tales, which can shrink so small that humans cannot see them.
  • An invisibility ritual is described in the manuscripts of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and appears on the Book The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie.
  • In the Artemis Fowl series, fairies can become invisible , or shield, by vibrating faster than the eye can see.

In some works, magical invisibility is "psychic" invisibility; while the character could be normally seen by anyone who notices him, the magic distracts anyone who actually could notice him. Such invisibility can be betrayed by mirrors or other reflective surfaces.

Where magical invisibility is concerned, the issue may arise of whether the clothing and items carried by the invisible wearer/carrier are also rendered invisible. In general, they are, but in some instances, clothing remains visible and must be removed for the full invisibility effect -- as for instance, the movie The Incredibles, where Violet Parr can only turn her clothing invisible when it has been specially made to allow it.

مفارقة لونية غير مرئية

Since something that is invisible has no colour associated with it, it is somewhat paradoxical to imagine an object that is both invisible and coloured. This idea is most famous in the parody goddess, the Invisible Pink Unicorn.

بينما مشهد مرئي

According to the laws of physics, a perfectly invisible person would necessarily be blind, no matter how their invisibility were achieved. In order to see light, it must be absorbed by the retina, but in order for a person to be invisible, the body must not absorb light. So to retain sight at least pupil sized holes in the cloak would be necessary in front of the pupils and directly behind them on the back of the person as light isn't being transmitted through. In fact, according to the no cloning theorem of quantum mechanics, they could not even make a copy of the photons so they could see one copy and allow the other copy to pass through or around them. This idea was first discussed by Mat Ryer a computer software engineer based in London.

This physical barrier appears to offset the advantage of any perfect invisibility method, unless one's intent was simply to hide and be still, letting the danger pass. On the other hand, a practical invisibility method need not allow light of all frequencies to pass all the time, so there may be ways around this limitation. For example, if the wearer of a perfect invisibility device had goggles that allowed him or her to perceive infrared light while the invisibility device only diverted visible light, the wearer would be effectively invisible to the human eye while still being able to see heat sources.

Alternatively, many works of fiction portray invisibility as a magic achievement, and since paranormal magic may be interpreted as breaking the laws of physics, it could theoretically allow sight. Invisibility is often utilized in science fiction and fantasy works which people go into with a healthy suspension of disbelief, anyway.

One of the few fictional examples of a double-blind cloak comes from the Thrawn Trilogy of Star Wars novels. Grand Admiral Thrawn's cloaking devices make the ships wielding them invisible, but also prevent those inside the ship from seeing out. Thus, most of the time, ships using this type of cloak remain stationary, dropping the cloak just before battle. (See the beginning of Specter of the Past for an example of this tactic.) An earlier example can be found in the Traveller role-playing game, in which starships equipped with black globe generators are afforded resistance to physical detection and attack at the cost of being blind. The generators are set to 'flicker' at a pre-set frequency, permitting the ship's sensors to penetrate the globe but at the cost of momentary vulnerability.

In the Halo video game series, the "active camouflage" power-up renders the wearer only partially invisible — the visible silhouette of the wearer is likely necessary so that the wearer's retinas can absorb what little light they need to see (though it also exists for game balance issues). In the video game Quake, picking up a magic ring turns the player invisible to monsters for thirty seconds. In multiplayer deathmatch mode, only the player's eyes are visible, giving his opponents only a small clue to his location. Of course, with eyes being visible, light can be absorbed and the player can see.

فى القصص الشعبي

People have attributed invisibility to things that are mythical, things that do not exist and are of a religious or supernatural nature in order to explain why they are not apparent. In the Middle Ages, fern seeds were thought to be invisible since ferns don't have seeds. They were also said to grant invisibility.[1] In medieval astronomy, the crystal spheres[2] that held up the sun, moon, stars, and planets were invisible. Historically, creatures such as goblins and brownies have also been described as invisible or able to become invisible. Currently, many entities or phenomena whose existence is disputed, such as ghosts, demons, qi, and auras, are also ascribed invisibility. In religion, gods, goddesses, angels and demons are commonly thought to be invisible, at least part of the time. Indeed, the omnipresence attributed to the monotheistic God of Abrahamic religions would seem to require invisibility, since otherwise God would be constantly visible to all people because of inhabiting all places.

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فى الخيال القصصي

The idea of being unseen and hence undetectable has fascinated mankind for generations. This concept of invisibility has been explored in many myths, novels, movies and video games, some of them comedies.

  • Mythology and folklore
    • The Uranian Cyclops forged the Helm of Hades (Helm of Darkness) and gave it to Hades, during Titanomachy; the helm posseses the ability to turn the wearer invisible. Hades himself wore it to destroy Titan's weapons.
    • In many myths and legends, gods, spirits, fairies, angels, and demons are often invisible or can choose to become invisible at will.
    • The ring of Gyges is described in a story in Plato's The Republic. A peasant finds a ring in the tomb of a dead king which allows him to become invisible at will. Plato has him enter the palace, seduce the queen, and plot to kill the king, arguing that power, such as this, corrupts absolutely.
    • The hero Perseus went equipped with a cap of invisibility to kill Medusa.
    • A magic cloak, made by Alberich the dwarf, granted invisibility to Sigurd.
    • In German fairy tales, magical caps called tarnkappes are worn by dwarfs. The caps can make an entire village of dwarfs invisible.
    • In The Twelve Dancing Princesses, the old soldier is able to follow the princesses by use of an invisibility cloak
    • In The King of the Gold Mountain, the hero can sneak into the home of his treacherous wife by means of a cloak of invisibility
  • Modern fiction
    • What Was It? A Mystery (1859) by Fitz James O'Brien
    • The Crystal Man (1881) by Edward Page Mitchell
    • The Damned Thing (1894) by Ambrose Bierce
    • The Horla (1897) by Guy de Maupassant
    • The Invisible Man (1897) by H. G. Wells is a well-known novel about invisibility, later made into a film and several TV series.
    • The Dunwich Horror (1929) by H. P. Lovecraft
    • One function of the One Ring in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings series was to render the user invisible. Unfortunately, it had an evil influence with negative effects on the wearer's actions.
    • The Philadelphia Experiment (1984) is a movie about an attempt to make a ship invisible.[12]
    • The film Predator and animated television series like Batman Beyond and Max Steel depict a kind of stealth mode that is a partial invisibility where the subject is largely transparent and/or translucent. While a concentrated look in optimal lighting conditions can spot it, it still makes the wearer extremely hard to see which eases stealth movement.
    • In Mortal Kombat, Reptile can become invisible by using some magic tricks.
    • In comic books, there are superheroes such as the Invisible Woman (who can bend light around herself without distortion) that have the power to become invisible at will as well as magicians like Doctor Strange who have invisibility spells in their possession.
    • In the Invisible Man TV series, a former thief is given the ability to become invisible thanks to a gland in his brain that secrets a light-bending chemical called quicksilver through his body, the only catch being that prolonged use of the chemical turns him insane unless he receives regular injections.
    • In the film Hollow Man (2000), an injection is tested on animals (and eventually, humans) which made the organism invisible, organ by organ. Unfortunately, the serum can only be counteracted by electricity, and the long term effects of invisibility proved serious.
    • In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy "trilogy" of novels by Douglas Adams, the Somebody Else's Problem field is a humorous concept of a field which makes people believe the object in question is "somebody else's problem" and therefore do not see it. The concept of the "somebody else's problem field", as it is explained in the book, bases off of a statement to the effect that actual, invariable, invisibility is basically impossible and that the field is merely a way to make something close to being invisible by actually making it hard to notice deliberately.
    • In the video game The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, the "stone mask" item works similarly. It causes the wearer to be "as plain and uninteresting as a rock" and thus functionally invisible, causing enemies to ignore their presence. The soldier that gives Link the mask is invisible to the player without the use of the Lens of Truth.
    • In the Star Trek universe, some ships of the Klingon Empire, Romulan Star Empire, as well as the Federation ship USS Defiant, are equipped with hardware known as cloaking devices that conceal them from most varieties of scans, including visual.
    • The popular Japanese sci-fi animation film Ghost in the Shell (1995) as well as its TV series Ghost in the Shell:Stand Alone Complex (2002) deals with invisibility of cyborg bodies using thermoptics. This is one of many cases of invisibility found in anime.
    • In the popular 1998 video game StarCraft, units known as Dark Templar are able to bend light around themselves using psionic energies, effectively rendering themselves invisible as extremely effective stealth units. Observers, small reconnaissance drones, also have the same ability. Terran Ghosts and Wraiths carry cloaking devices, which drain energy. Also, Protoss Arbiters produce an invisibility field around them that makes every allied unit within the field invisible, but not the Arbiter itself nor other Arbiters. Invisible units can´t be attacked, but attentive players may be able to spot them by their transparent silhouette.
    • In the Harry Potter series, an Invisiblity cloak allows the wearer to be literally invisible. However, they must cover themselves in order for the cloak to take effect.
    • In Mystery Men, one of the characters boasts the ability to turn invisible so long as he is naked and no one is looking at him. Under this idea, he defeats Cassanova Frankenstein's defenses, ultimately leading to the group's final victory.
    • In the new TV series Heroes, one of the secondary characters, Claude, possesses the power of invisibility, keeping it permanently on to escape detection by the Company.
    • The Cheshire Cat from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland can turn invisible and leave certain parts of himself visible, most notably his smile.
    • In the book Things Not Seen, a boy named Bobby is rendered invisible when radiation causes his electric blanket to malfunction.
    • In the popular video game series, Metal Gear Solid, there exists a device which the user can wear that allows light to become distorted around the user and, hence, rendering him invisible. Such a device is called the Stealth Camoflauge and plays a mediocre role in the story but can be obtained via completing the game after fulfilling certain parameters. Visually, it makes a distorted image of the background so that the player can see his character while making the character, himself, completely invisible to the Non Playable Characters.
    • In the book Masters of Solitude by Marvin Kaye and Parke Godwin there is a Girdle of Solitude which, when worn, renders the wearer invisible. There is an associated helmet with goggles without which the wearer is blind while invisible.
    • In the video game Xenosaga, the character Ziggurat 8 (aka. "Ziggy") has the ability to become invisible, but he rarely uses it due to its tendency to malfunction at inopportune moments.
    • In the video game Oddworld: Abe's Oddyssey the main character can become totally invisible even to the player by a bug in the PlayStation version in the first level by triangle jumping first on a mine, then through an electric forcefield. The only way as to "see" him is to use his psychic powers. However, the slightest fall will kill him.
    • In the manga Translucent, a strange disease renders it's victims partially invisible (translucent), with no other side effects. Emotions affect the partial invisibility, with the ever present danger of slipping into permanent complete invisibility as a complication.
    • In the computer game Crysis the player's character wears a nanosuit which has the ability to render the player invisible to enemies for a short time.
    • In the television show Danny Phantom the main character and other ghosts in the series can make themselves, objects, and other people invisible.
    • In the television show Spongebob Spongebob and Patrick purchase an invisibility can that when sprayed turns everything it touches invisible.
    • The Japanese made for TV drama Invisible Girl Ea's titular character, Ea, is turned invisible before the show begins, and shifts uncontrollably between visible and invisible (with a emphasis on invisibility) throughout. Various things cause her invisibility to malfunction, both when it is on and off, including electricity, increased heartbeat, being touched or touching things, and bright flashes of light. Noteworthy due to the excessive nudity in the show -- Ea's invisibility powers malfunction whenever she touches clothing, preventing her from getting dressed. A major part of the show's plot is trying to undo Ea's invisibility powers so she can live a normal life.
    • The Mipedian tribe in Perim in Chaotic consists of reptiloids with the ability to turn invisible.
    • In the Team Fortress 2, a multiplayer video game, the Spy class can use his cloaking device to activate invisibility for short period of time.
    • (Command & Conquer series) Nod stealth tanks, commandos, upgraded Avatar Mechs and some Black Hand soldiers use a cloaking device, the Lazarus Shield. This shield had a slight shimmer in the shape of a man or steath tank in Renegade, due to "imperfections." It was probably so one could not simply go invisible and destroy a base unhindered. It is a passive ability, and will only turn off when firing. Scrin Assimilator engineer analogs are invisible when stationary. The Disruption Tower, stealth generator, and mobile stealth generator cloak wide areas of terrain. Turrets, Pitbulls, Attack bikes, and standard infantrymen or buzzers can detect invisible units/structures. Col. Burton, Jarmen Kell, and Black Lotus (Generals hero characters) are invisible only when not attacking, bombing, or uploading viruses/hacking. American stealth fighters are invisible only when not attacking.
    • In Act of War: Direct Action and High Treason, all sides use invisibility to some degree. TFT Comanche helicopters and GlobalHawk spy planes come standard with stealth capabilities. Transport rotorcraft can be upgraded to "stealth capability", and are invisible until attack or loading. United States Marine Corps. use stealth bombers. The Consortium has a Stealth Armor Lab, which fields Akula stealth MBT's, Fennek stealth scout cars, and Optic Camo Soldiers. All invisible units remain so until attacking, or in range of milimetric radar carrying units.
    • The titular character in HG Wells novel, The Invisible Man, takes a chemical drug that causes his body to become the same refractive index as air. When he tested it on his pet cat, the only thing not affected was those little mirror-like cells in the back of its eyes.
    • In the Halo series the Covenant soldiers known as Elites have a Invisibility cloak on their armor.
    • The 1976 TV series Gemini Man featured a secret agent who could become invisible for 15 minutes every day.
    • The Sci-Fi Channel game show Cha$e offers the contestants "invisibility glasses." They do not make the contestant literally invisible, however, the "hunters" will ignore the player while the glasses are active.
    • In the Playstation 3 game Killzone 2 the multiplayer Scout class can activate a device that turns them invisible.

أنظر أيضا

الروابط الخارجية

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  1. ^ Eugene A. Craig and M. Lichtenstein, "Visibility-Invisibility Cycles as a Function of Stimulus-Orientation," The American Journal of Psychology, 66.4 (Oct., 1953):554-563.
  2. ^ Invisibility at the flick of a switch
  3. ^ Cloak of invisibility: حقيقة أم خيال? إبتكار - MSNBC.com
  4. ^ Nachman, Adrian I. (1988). "Reconstructions From Boundary Measurements" (GIF). Annals of Mathematics. 128 (3): 531–576. doi:10.2307/1971435. Retrieved 2006-08-01. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  5. ^ Wolf, Emil (1993). "Invisible Bodies and Uniqueness of the Inverse Scattering Problem". Journal of Modern Optics. 40 (5): 785–792. doi:10.1080/09500349314550821. Retrieved 2006-08-01. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  6. ^ Pendry, J. B. (2006). "Controlling Electromagnetic Fields". Science. 312: 1780−1782. doi:10.1126/science.1125907. PMID 16728597. Retrieved 2006-08-01. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  7. ^ Leonhardt, Ulf (2006). "Optical Conformal Mapping". Science. 312: 1777–1780. doi:10.1126/science.1126493. PMID 16728596. Retrieved 2006-08-01. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  8. ^ Cho, Adrian (2006-05-26). "High-Tech Materials Could Render Objects Invisible". Science. p. 1120. Retrieved 2006-08-01.
  9. ^ Invisibility cloak a step closer as scientists bend light 'the wrong way', dailymail.co.uk, 11th August 2008.
  10. ^ themoneytimes.com,Scientists Turn Fiction Into Reality, Closer to Make Objects "Invisible"
  11. ^ mirror.co.uk, Secrets of invisibility discovered
  12. ^ William Yenne, “Invisibility and Time Travel,” Secret Weapons of World War II: The Techno-Military Breakthroughs That Changed History (New York: Berkley Books, 2003), 268-269.