الحركة الخلاقة

شعار الحركة
The Creativity flag.
According to Creators, the red field symbolizes the struggle for the survival, expansion, and advancement of the White race under the creed and program of Creativity while the white triangle on the right represents the coming of a "Whiter and Brighter World."[1] The W stands for the White race, the crown represents that Creators are the elite, and the halo is a symbol of race being "unique and sacred above all other values."
بن كلاسن
المناطق ذات التجمعات المعتبرة
Midwestern United States, Eastern Europe
الكتب المقدسة
Nature's Eternal Religion, The White Man's Bible, Salubrious Living, "Expanding Creativity", "Building a Whiter and Brighter World", "RAHOWA! This Planet Is All Ours", "Klassen Letters, Volumes One and Two", "A Revolution Of Values Through Religion", "Against The Evil Tide", "On The Brink Of A Bloody Racial War", "Trials, Tribulations And Triumphs" and "Little White Book"
English, Spanish, French, Serbian, Croatian, Ruthenian, Icelandic, German, French and Polish

الحركة الخلاقة Creativity Movement (كنيسة الخالق سابقًا Church of the Creator) منظمة مقرها الولايات المتحدة تؤمن بتفوق العرق الأبيض وتدعو إلى دين خاص بالبيض. لا تشير كلمة الخالق في اسم الحركة إلى إله بل إلى أنفسهم أي البيض الأوربيين الأصل.[2] والحركة ملحدة ومعادية للمسيحية.[3]

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انظر أيضاً

  1. ^ Robinson, B. A. "The Creativity Movement: Introduction". ReligiousTolerance.org. Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. Retrieved March 19, 2012.
  2. ^ Expert: Hatreds rooted in poverty don't thrive here, the Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA), July 9, 1999
  3. ^ http://www.freedomofmind.com/resourcecenter/groups/c/creativity/
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