انقلاب النيجر 2023

(تم التحويل من الانقلاب النيجري 2023)
انقلاب النيجر 2023
التاريخ26–28 يوليو 2023 (2023-07-26 – 2023-07-28)

نجاح الانقلاب العسكري[2][3]

حكومة النيجر
المحتجون الموالون للحكومة
المجلس الوطني لحماية الوطن[1]
حركة إم 62
المحتجون الموالون للانقلاب
القادة والزعماء
الوحدات المشاركة
القوات المسلحة النيجرية (البداية)
غير معروفة لا يقل عن 2.000[4]
الضحايا والخسائر
إصابة مدني واحد على الأقل من المؤيدين إصابة عدد من المدنيين المؤيدين

في 26 يوليو 2023، وقع انقلاب في النيجر، حيث اعتقل الحرس الرئاسي في البلاد الرئيس محمد بازوم، وأعلن قائد العام للحرس الرئاسي عبد الرحمن تشياني نفسه قائد عسكري جديد للمجلس العسكري.[5][6][7][8] أغلقت قوات الحرس الرئاسي حدود البلاد، وعلقت مؤسسات الدولة، وأعلنت حظر التجول.

كان هذا هو الانقلاب العسكري الخامس منذ استقلال البلاد عن فرنسا عام 1960، والأول منذ 2010.[9]


تعرضت النيجر لأربعة انقلابات عسكرية منذ استقلالها عن فرنسا عام 1960، وقع آخرها عام 2010. فيما بينهم، كانت هناك أيضًا عدة محاولات انقلابية، كان آخرها في 2021 عندما حاول المنشقون العسكريون الاستيلاء على القصر الرئاسي قبل يومين من تنصيب الرئيس المنتخب محمد بازوم.[أ] بازوم هو أول رئيس منتخب ديمقراطياً للبلاد يتولى منصبه من سلف منتخب بالمثل. جاء الانقلاب أيضًا في أعقاب الانقلابات الأخيرة في البلدان المجاورة، مثل غينيا، مالي، والسودان عام 2021، واثنان في بوركينا فاسو في يناير وسبتمبر 2022، مما أدى إلى تسمية المنطقة بـ "حزام الانقلابات".[11]

النيجر عضو في المجموعة الاقتصادية لدول غرب أفريقيا (الإيكواس)، التي سبق لها تعليق عضوية غينيا ومالي وبوركينا فاسو بسبب الانقلابات الناجحة في السنوات الأخيرة. عُين بولا تينوبو، رئيس نيجيريا، رئيسًا للإيكواس في 9 يوليو 2023 وحذر بالفعل في تصريحات أعلنها في اليوم نفسه من أنه "لن نسمح بالانقلاب بعد الانقلاب في منطقة غرب أفريقيا. سوف نتعامل مع هذا الأمر بجدية مع الاتحاد الأفريقي وأوروبا وأمريكا وبريطانيا".[12]

Analysts said the rising cost of living and perceptions of government incompetence and corruption may have driven the revolt.[11] The country frequently ranks at the bottom of the UN's Human Development Index[10] and has also suffered from Islamist insurgencies led by Al-Qaeda, Islamic State and Boko Haram,[1] despite its military receiving training and logistical support from the United States, France and Turkey, which have bases in the country.[13][14]

In 2022, the country became the hub of France's anti-jihadist operations in the Sahel region following its expulsion from Mali and Burkina Faso, with Bazoum being described as one of the few remaining pro-Western leaders in the region.[10] Niger became a key ally for Western, particularly French and American, and Turkish forces. With multiple coups and rising anti-French sentiments in the region, Niger became France's partner of last resort.[15] American-trained officers were also reported to have trained many members of the presidential guard.[16]

At the same time, along with anti-French sentiment, a current of thought favorable to the entry of Russian influence and the Wagner Group mercenary company began to grow. Russia, through Wagner, has been gaining ground at the expense of the French in the region, following the latest coups in Mali and Burkina Faso. At the same time, Turkey has also expanded its influence.[17]


26 يوليو

اعتقال بازوم

محمد بازوم، رئيس النيجر منذ 2021 حتى الانقلاب عام 2023.

Early on 26 July, the Nigerien presidency's Twitter account announced that presidential guards,[11] commanded by General Abdourahamane Tchiani[18][ب] engaged in an "anti-Republican demonstration" and tried "in vain" to obtain the support of the other security forces.[11] It also said that President Mohamed Bazoum and his family were well after reports emerged that he was being held in the Presidential Palace in the capital, Niamey.[11] Interior Minister Hamadou Souley was also arrested and held in the palace, while roughly twenty members of the Presidential Guard were spotted outside later in the day.[20] The coup was reportedly led by Tchiani, whom analysts said Bazoum had planned to relieve from his position.[21] Sources close to Bazoum said that he had decided on Tchiani's dismissal at a cabinet meeting on 24 July as their relations had reportedly become strained.[22]

President Bazoum's wife, Hadiza, and son, Salem, were detained with him at the presidential palace,[23] while his daughters were in Paris at the time of the coup.[23]

التعبئة العسكرية

In the morning the palace and adjacent ministries were blocked off by military vehicles and palace staff were prevented from accessing their offices.[11] Up to 400 civilian supporters[20] of Bazoum tried to approach the palace, but were dispersed by the Presidential Guard with gunfire, leaving one injured. Elsewhere in Niamey, the situation was described as calm.[11] The Presidency also claimed that protests in support of Bazoum had occurred around the country's overseas diplomatic missions.[20]

In response to these events Niger's armed forces surrounded the presidential palace in support of Bazoum. The army also issued a statement saying they had secured "major strategic points" in the country. The Presidency stated that the army and the National Guard were ready to attack the presidential guard.[24] The BBC also reported that loyalist forces had surrounded the state broadcaster ORTN.[1] The US embassy warned against travel along Niamey's Boulevard de la Republique,[20] where the Presidential Palace was located.

إعلان الإطاحة ببازوم

In the evening however, Air Force[25] Colonel-Major[26] Amadou Abdramane went on state television channel Télé Sahel to claim that President Bazoum had been removed from power and announced the formation of a National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland.[25]

Seated and flanked by nine other officers wearing uniforms representing all the different branches of the security forces,[27] Abdramane said the defence and security forces had decided to topple the regime "due to the deteriorating security situation and bad governance."[18] He also announced the dissolution of the country's constitution, the suspension of state institutions, the closure of the country's borders and a nationwide curfew from 22:00 until 05:00 local time until further notice, while warning against any foreign intervention.[28][29]

One of the officers seen during the announcement was later identified as General Moussa Salaou Barmou (de), the head of the country's special forces.[21]

27 يوليو

استجابة بازوم

On the morning of 27 July, Bazoum tweeted that Nigeriens who love democracy would see to it that "hard-won gains will be safeguarded", indicating his refusal to step down from office.[29] His Foreign Minister Hassoumi Massaoudou told France 24 that the country's "legal and legitimate power" remained with the president and reiterated that Bazoum was in good condition and that the entire army was not involved.[30] Massaoudou also declared himself acting head of state and called on all democrats to "make this adventure fail".[29]

Despite being detained, Bazoum has not formally resigned as of 1 August and has been able to get in contact with world leaders and officials such as French President Emmanuel Macron,[31] UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres,[32] AU Commissioner Moussa Faki,[33] and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.[34]

اعتراف الجيش بالمجلس العسكري

On 27 July, the leadership of the Nigerien armed forces issued a statement signed by the army chief of staff General Abdou Sidikou Issa declaring its support for the coup, citing the need to "preserve the physical integrity" of the president and his family and avoid "a deadly confrontation that could create a bloodbath and affect the security of the population."[35]

In a television statement shortly after, Abdramane announced the suspension of all activities by political parties in the country until further notice.[36] He also announced that the junta had issued a reprimand to France for violating the airspace closure after a military plane landed at an air base. Throughout the day, Télé Sahel continually broadcast the announcement of the junta's establishment with a few breaks in programming.[27]

الفوضى في نيامي

A pro-coup demonstration took place on 27 July with about 1,000 supporters[37] of the junta flying Russian flags, voicing support for the Wagner Group, and throwing rocks at a passing politician's vehicle.[21] The demonstrators also denounced the French presence and that of other foreign bases. Other demonstrators gathered outside the headquarters of Bazoum's PNDS-Tarayya party, with footage showing them stoning and setting fire to vehicles.[27] They then subsequently ransacked and burned the premises, leading police to disperse them with tear gas.[38] Demonstrations also occurred in front of the National Assembly.[39] This prompted the Interior Ministry in the evening to ban on all demonstrations with immediate effect.[40] Civil servants were also told to stay home.[41]

28 يوليو

تولي تشياني السلطة

On 28 July, General Abdourahamane Tchiani proclaimed himself as the president of the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland in an address on Télé Sahel. He said the coup was undertaken to avoid "the gradual and inevitable demise" of the country, and said that Bazoum had tried to hide "the harsh reality" of the country, which he called "a pile of dead, displaced, humiliation and frustration". He also criticized the government's security strategy for its purported ineffectiveness and lack of collaboration with Mali and Burkina Faso but did not give a timeline for a return to civilian rule. His position as de facto concurrent head of state was later confirmed by Colonel Abdramane, who accused officials of Bazoum's government of plotting against the new regime while sheltering in foreign embassies and warned of bloodshed if they pushed through.[37][42][8]

29 يوليو

مزاعم بتدخل عسكري مزمع في النيجر

The National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland accused ECOWAS in a statement read by Colonel Major Amadou Abdramane on Tele Sahel of planning to approve "a plan of aggression against Niger through an imminent military intervention in Niamey supported by certain Western countries" and warned of the junta's "strong determination" to defend the country. They claimed that this was the objective of the ECOWAS summit convened for the following day.[43][44]

إنذار الاتحاد الأفريقي

The African Union Peace and Security Council issued an ultimatum that if the soldiers did not "immediately and unconditionally return to their barracks and restore constitutional democracy, within a maximum of fifteen days" that the bloc would be compelled to take "necessary action, including punitive measures against perpetrators".[45]

30 يوليو

إنذار وعقوبات الإيكواس

On 30 July, ECOWAS issued the Nigerien military junta with an ultimatum that Bazoum be reinstated as president within one week. In a communiqué read by ECOWAS Commission chairperson, Omar Touray, at the Extraordinary Summit convened in Abuja in response to the coup, they said that if their demands were not met they would "take all measures necessary to restore constitutional order in the Republic of Niger" and that "such measures may include the use of force".[46][47] The response from the bloc towards the junta drastically differed from the measures taken with recent coups in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Guinea which did not involve the threat of force for reinstating the overthrown government.[48]

ECOWAS also announced "immediate sanctions" on Niger, including the closure of land and air borders, imposition of a no-fly zone on all commercial flights to and from Niger and the suspension of all commercial and financial transactions between ECOWAS and Niger.[49] The assets of Niger state enterprises were frozen by the ECOWAS Central Bank, leading to the cancellation of a 30 billion CFA francs ($51 million) bond issuance.[50]

المظاهرات المؤيدة للانقلاب في نيامي

In a march at the request of Tchiani and organized by the M62 Movement, which had previously opposed Bazoum's government and Operation Barkhane and supported the Russian invasion of Ukraine, thousands of pro-coup Nigeriens gathered in Niamey's Place de la Concertation, in front of the National Assembly, and went to the French Embassy carrying Nigerien and Russian flags, with slogans such as "Down with France, out with Barkhane, we don't care about ECOWAS, the European Union and the African Union!", "Arrest the former dignitaries to return the stolen millions.", and "Down with France, long live Putin!".[51][52][53] The demonstrators also called for an immediate intervention by the Wagner Group.[52] During the march, the entrances to the French and American embassies were closed.[51] The French embassy’s walls and gates were set ablaze and damaged whilst Nigerien soldiers and General Salifou Modi were seen on the ground urging the crowds to disperse peacefully.[53][54] The crowd left after police fired volleys of tear gas in response.[55] Images showed people being loaded into ambulances with bloodied legs.[56]

31 يوليو

On the behest of ECOWAS, Chad's President Mahamat Déby met with General Tchiani and President Bazoum at the presidential palace in Niamey. The Chadian Presidency released pictures of the meeting, marking Bazoum's first appearance since the coup.[57] Meanwhile, Colonel Abdremane accused Hassoumi Massaoudou, still claiming to be acting leader substituting for Bazoum, of authorizing a French attack on the presidential palace to liberate Bazoum.[58] The French Foreign Ministry denied there were any such plans.[59]

President Bazoum's Oil Minister Mahamane Sani Mahamadou (son of former President Mahamadou Issoufou), Mining Minister Ousseini Hadizatou and head of the PNDS national executive committee, Foumakoye Gado were arrested by the military junta. This followed the arrests of Transport Minister Oumarou Malam Alma and former defense minister Kalla Moutari the previous week.[60][61]

1 أغسطس

إجلاء المواطنين الأجانب

A statement released by the French foreign ministry announced that it was preparing to evacuate its citizens and that of other European nationals starting that day, citing the unrest in Niamey, the attack on its embassy, and the closure of Niger's airspace.[62] The German Foreign Ministry advised its nationals, whose number in Niger it estimated at fewer than 100 (excluding military personnel), to join the flights.[63]

The Spanish Defence Ministry said it would evacuate more than 70 Spaniards in Niger by air.[64]

In response to the evacuations, the M62 movement called for a peaceful blockade of Niamey Airport until foreign military forces left the country.[65]

إعادة فتح الحدود

أعلن المجلس العسكري إعادة فتح حدود النيجر مع الجزاير، بوركينا فاسو، مالي، ليبيا، وتشاد.[66]

2 أغسطس

Rolling blackouts were reported across cities in Niger, which the state electricity company Nigelec blamed on Nigeria cutting off supplies. While the Transmission Company of Nigeria declined to comment on the power cuts, an anonymous source told the BBC that the move followed a directive from President Bola Tinubu.[67]

ECOWAS sent another delegation to Niger to negotiate with the junta, this time led by former Nigerian military leader Abdulsalami Abubakar. Abdel-Fatau Musah, ECOWAS Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security said that "The military option is the very last option on the table, the last resort, but we have to prepare for the eventuality."[68] Meanwhile, military chiefs of ECOWAS member states met in Abuja, Nigeria to discuss the situation in Niger.[69] At the same time, a confidential military signal was picked up by Inside Nigeria, giving orders to the Nigerian military to name units for a military operation against Niger, mobilize the armed forces and establish a no-fly zone.[70]

An Italian military plane carried 87 evacuees from Niger.[71] 262 evacuees arrived on a French evacuation flight in Paris.[72]

A delegation of the Nigerien military junta headed by General Salifou Mody traveled to Bamako, Mali. No reason was yet given for the purpose of the visit.[73]

ردود الفعل


Niger's governing political coalition denounced the coup as "a suicidal and anti-republican madness",[10] while the opposition coalition expressed support for the military's grievances but disapproved of any political changes through force.[74] Two deputy officials of Bazoum's cabinet, Daouda Takoubakoye and Oumar Moussa, said Tchiani's statements on the coup were "lies" and accused him and the presidential guard of staging the coup for "personal gain".[22] Bazoum’s Prime Minister, Ouhoumoudou Mahamadou, also expressed his support for the president and welcomed the imposition of sanctions by ECOWAS on the military junta as “very satisfactory and logical”, while insisting that anti-French demonstrations in Niamey did not represent the Nigerien people as a whole.[75]

Bazoum's predecessor as president, Mahamadou Issoufou, as well as other former leaders were said to have been involved in initial negotiations to release Bazoum and have the presidential guards stand down.[1]


In contrast to the coup in Guinea, ECOWAS has not officially sent a mediator or representative to Niger for negotiations.[76] On 30 July, ECOWAS gave Niger's coup leaders a one-week deadline to hand power back to Bazoum or to face international sanctions and/or use of force. On the same day, ECOWAS leaders said they would immediately enforce a no-fly zone over the country for all commercial flights, and a closure of borders with Niger. A series of sanctions was also announced, including the suspension of all commercial and financial transactions between its member states and Niger and the freezing of assets and travel restrictions for military personnel involved in the coup.[77][78][79][80] One result of these sanctions was the cancellation by the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) of a planned 30 billion CFA franc ($51 million) bond issuance by Niger scheduled for 31 July in the West African regional debt market.[81]

The coup was condemned by the World Bank,[82] the African Union, the Economic Community of West African States,[83] the United Nations, Algeria,[84][85] the European Union, France, and the United States;[86] several of them, as well as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk have called for Bazoum's immediate release.[21] Benin's President Patrice Talon, who planned to go to Niger on behalf of ECOWAS to mediate, called the coup a "military misbehavior."[11] Kenyan President William Ruto called the coup a "serious setback" for Africa.[22] Chadian President Mahamat Déby, who was invited to the ECOWAS summit that issued the ultimatum, volunteered to travel to Niger to negotiate with the military junta.[87] After his arrival, he met with General Tchiani, deputy junta leader General Salifou Modi and President Bazoum.[88][89]

The United States formally referred to the coup as "an effort to seize power by force and to disrupt the constitution," stopping short of describing it as a coup, as doing so would entail a withdrawal of economic aid and military assistance, including existing drone and military bases, to the nation.[90] The EU and France withheld financial and development aid to Niger and suspended all security cooperation agreements with the country.[91][92] France stated that it continued to recognized Bazoum as the "sole president" of Niger, with ECOWAS also stating that it recognized Bazoum as the "legitimate and legal President of Niger."[93]

Mali and Burkina Faso issued a joint statement warning against foreign military intervention in Niger and said that to do so would be a “declaration of war” against their nations. The statement declared that "the transitional governments of Burkina Faso and Mali express their fraternal solidarity … to the people of Niger, who have decided with full responsibility to take their destiny in hand and assume the fullness of their sovereignty before history".[94] These countries also said they would not enforce ECOWAS sanctions, referring to them as "illegal, illegitimate and inhumane". The President of Guinea, Mamady Doumbouya, also condemned the sanctions on similar grounds.[95] Algeria warned against any foreign military intervention in Niger through a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.[96][97] Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani also expressed opposition to western military intervention in Niger, saying that it would be “perceived as a new colonisation”.[98]

Human Rights Watch called on the Nigerien military to provide a clear timeline for a return to civilian rule and uphold citizens' rights to democratic elections.[22] The AU also demanded that the military to return to barracks in 15 days and restore civilian rule following a meeting of its Peace and Security Council.[91]

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the Russian private mercenary Wagner Group that has operated in neighboring Mali and supplanted France in combating the country's own jihadist insurgency, praised the coup and called it part of Niger's fight against its "colonizers."[21] Prigozhin’s statements also stood in contrast to the official line given by the Kremlin, with President Vladimir Putin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov calling the coup a "serious concern" and calling for all sides "to show restraint" and for "the fastest possible return to legal order."[99] Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, alleged that Russia was behind the coup in Niger.[100]

The UN announced that it had suspended its humanitarian operations in the country,[83] but later clarified that it was still delivering aid to Niger, but was not in contact with the military.[101]

After the attack on the French embassy on 30 July, ​​the French Government warned that attacks on its nationals, military personnel, diplomats and interests would lead to an immediate and intractable response.[102]


Cameron Hudson, a senior associate of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said that the coup could impact Niger's fight against the Islamist insurgency, adding that there were indications that the Nigerien military was not pleased with the level of support they received to fight militants.[20] Ulf Laessing, head of the Sahel program at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, said the coup was a "nightmare" for the West, which counted on Bazoum and Niger as its "new security anchor" in the region.[25] Flavien Baumgartner, an Africa analyst at the security and political risk consultancy Dragonfly, said that Bazoum's removal could lead to the Wagner Group expanding into Niger, given that the country is an important producer of uranium.[21]

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ In March 2023, a Nigerien official alleged that another coup attempt was made while Bazoum was in Turkey, although the government refused to comment.[10]
  2. ^ Known as "Omar Tchiani" before his given name was given out in his public appearance following the coup.[19]


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