الخط الزمني للتاريخ الطبيعي
(تم التحويل من الألفية 11 ق.م.)
هذا الخط الزمني للتاريخ الطبيعي يلخص أبرز الأحداث الكونية، الجيولوجية، والأحيائية منذ تشكل الكون حتى ظهور البشر المعاصرين. الزمن مدرج بالمليون سنة أو بالما.
تشكل العالم
- 13,798 ± 0,037 Ma ago: estimated age of the universe according to the Big Bang theory
- 13,600–13,500 Ma: First stars begin to shine
- 13,200 Ma: age of the oldest known star in the galaxy, HE 1523-0901.
- 13,100 Ma: Galaxies form
- 12,700 Ma: age of the quasar CFHQS 1641+3755
- 9,000 Ma: Earliest Population I, or Sunlike stars.
النظام الشمسي المبكر
دهر الهاديان
Archaean Eon
Eoarchaean Era
Paleoarchean Era
Mesoarchaean Era
Neoarchaean Era
الدهر الپروتوزوي
Paleoproterozoic Era
Siderian Period
Rhyacian Period
Orosirian Period
Statherian Period
Mesoproterozoic Era
Calymmian Period
العصر الإكتاسياني
العصر الستنياني
العصر الپاليوزوي
العصر التونية
العصر الكريوجنينية
الفترة الإدياكارية
دهر الحياة الظاهرة
حقبة الحياة القديمة
العصر الكمبري
العصر الأوردوڤيكي
العصر السيلوري
العصر الديڤوني
العصر الكربوني
العصر الپرمي
عصر الدهر الوسيط
العصر الترياسي
الفترة الجوراسية
العصر الطباشيري
عصر الدهر الحديث
عصر الپاليوجين
عصر النيوجين
الفترة الرباعية
تسمية الفترات
العصر | بدأ | جذور الكلمة | المعنى | سبب التسمية |
Siderian | 2500 Ma | Greek sidēros | iron | ref. the banded iron formations |
Rhyacian | 2300 Ma | Gk. rhyax | lava flow | much lava flowed |
Orosirian | 2050 Ma | Gk. oroseira | mountain range | much orogeny in this period's latter half |
Statherian | 1800 Ma | Gk. statheros | steady | continents became stable cratons |
Calymmian | 1600 Ma | Gk. calymma | cover | platform covers developed or expanded |
Ectasian | 1400 Ma | Gk. ectasis | stretch | platform covers expanded |
Stenian | 1200 Ma | Gk. stenos | narrow | much orogeny, which survives as narrow metamorphic belts |
Tonian | 1000 Ma | Gk. tonos | stretch | The continental crust stretched as Rodinia broke up |
Cryogenian | 850 Ma |
Gk. cryogenicos | cold-making | In this period all the Earth froze over |
Ediacaran | 635Ma | Ediacara Hills | place in Australia where the Ediacaran biota fossils were found | |
Cambrian | 538.8Ma | Latin Cambria | Wales | ref. to the place in Great Britain where Cambrian rocks are best exposed |
Ordovician | 486.85 Ma | Celtic Ordovices | Tribe in north Wales, where the rocks were first identified | |
Silurian | 443.1 Ma | Ctc. Silures | Tribe in south Wales, where the rocks were first identified | |
Devonian | 419.62Ma | Devon | County in England in which rocks from this period were first identified | |
Carboniferous | 358.86 Ma | Lt. carbo | coal | Global coal beds were laid in this period |
Permian | 298.9Ma | Perm Krai | Region in Russia where rocks from this period were first identified | |
Triassic | 251.902 Ma | Lt. trias | triad | In Germany this period forms three distinct layers |
Jurassic | 201.4Ma | Jura Mountains | Mountain range in the Alps in which rocks from this period were first identified | |
Cretaceous | 143.1Ma | Lt. creta | chalk | More chalk formed in this period than any other |
Paleogene | 66Ma | Gk. palaiogenos | "ancient born" | |
Neogene | 23.04Ma | Gk. neogenos | "new born" | |
Quaternary | 2.58 Ma | Lt. quaternarius | "fourth" | This was initially deemed the "fourth" period after the now-obsolete "primary", "secondary" and "tertiary" periods. |