
(تم التحويل من اساترو)
A metal hammer, worn as a pendant around an individual's neck
A modern replica of a Viking Age pendant representing Mjölnir, the hammer of the god Thor; such pendants are often worn by Heathens.

الأساترو هي من مجموعة ديانات وتقاليد وثنية أصلها نرسية، كانت موجودة بين التوتونيون في اوروبا الشمالية. معظم الجماعات والمؤسسات التي تسمي نفسها "اساترو" تأسس قائمة آلهتها من الأساطير النورسية والقصص الآيسلندية وعلى معلومات تاريخية.


Two tables located in the snow. On the tables are various fruits and wooden quasi-anthropomorphic statues.
Outdoor altar to mark Yule 2010, set up by the Swedish Forn Sed Assembly in Gothenburg, Västergötland
Eight people, all white, stand on heathland. Some of them are dressed in historical clothing akin to that worn in the medieval period.
A 2009 rite performed on the Icelandic hill of Öskjuhlíð, Reykjavík
A thin wooden pillar located within woodland
Heathen ritual space marked out by an engraved wooden pillar, located on The Wrekin in Shropshire, England


الآلهة والأرواح

A stone with various engravings upon it
A detail from Gotland runestone G 181, in the Swedish Museum of National Antiquities in Stockholm. The three figures are interpreted as Odin, Thor, and Freyr, deities which have seen their veneration revived among modern Heathens.
A grassy area with stones arranged in an oval shape demarcating a burial area. In the distance can be seen trees and a hill.
Heathen cemetery in Gufuneskirkjugarður, Reykjavík, which was established in 1999


A man and a woman standing outdoors by a tree, wearing red and white robes
A 2011 Heathen blót in Humlamaden near Veberöd in Lund, Sweden
A table on which fruits and some wooden icons are situated
A 2010 outdoor altar at the Springblót at Gamla Uppsala, Uppland, Sweden

الطقوس والممارسات

A wooden table indoors on which have been placed wooden icons
A Heathen altar for the Yule feast in Gothenburg, Sweden. The painted tablet at the back depicts Sunna, the two larger wooden idols Odin (left) and Frey (right). In front of them there are the three Norns, and in the front row a red Thor and other idols. In front of the cult images are two ritual hammers.


A crowd of people walking along an outdoor path. They are led by individuals in robes, and a number carry flag banners.
Members of the Ásatrúarfélagið preparing for a Þingblót at Þingvellir, Iceland

An outdoor fire burning in front of a wooden post with an anthropomorphic face carved into the top
Altar for Haustblót in Bohus-Björkö, Västergötland, Sweden. The big wooden idol represents the god Frey, the smaller one next to it represents Freyja, the picture in front of it Sunna, and the small red idol Thor.


السوابق الرومانسية والشعبية

An elderly, bearded white man wearing glasses and a beret
Guido von List, who promoted an early form of Heathenry

During the late 18th and 19th centuries, German Romanticism focused increasing attention on the pre-Christian belief systems of Germanic Europe, with various Romanticist intellectuals expressing the opinion that these ancient religions were "more natural, organic and positive" than Christianity.[1] Such an attitude was promoted by the scholarship of Romanticist intellectuals like Johann Gottfried Herder, Jacob Grimm, and Wilhelm Grimm.[2] This development went in tandem with a growth in nationalism and the idea of the volk, contributing to the establishment of the Völkisch movement in German-speaking Europe.[3] Criticising the Jewish roots of Christianity, in 1900 the Germanist Ernst Wachler published a pamphlet calling for the revival of a racialized ancient German religion.[4] Other writers such as Ludwig Fahrenkrog supported his claims, resulting in the formation of both the Bund fur Persönlichkeitskultur (League for the Culture of the Personality) and the Deutscher Orden in 1911 and then the Germanische-Deutsche Religionsgemeinschaft (Germanic-German Religious Community) in 1912.[5]

التطور الحديث

An elderly man wearing red and white robes standing in an open area
Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson, leader of the Icelandic Ásatrúarfélagið, at a blót in 1991
Three middle-aged white men sitting at a camping table outdoors
Prominent American Heathens Stephen McNallen (left) and Michael "Valgard" Murray (center), with Eric "Hnikar" Wood (right) at the 2000 Althing

انظر أيضاً



  1. ^ Granholm 2011, pp. 520–521.
  2. ^ Schnurbein 2016, p. 17.
  3. ^ Granholm 2011, p. 521; Schnurbein 2016, p. 17.
  4. ^ Schnurbein 2016, p. 38.
  5. ^ Schnurbein 2016, pp. 38–40.


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دراسات أكاديمية

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المصادر الرئيسية

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Thorsson, Edred (1984). Futhark: Handbook of Rune Magic. Newburyport, Massachusetts: Red Wheel/Weiser. ISBN 978-0-87728-548-9.

وصلات خارجية
