إنديو، كاليفورنيا

Coordinates: 33°43′14″N 116°12′56″W / 33.72056°N 116.21556°W / 33.72056; -116.21556
مدينة إنديو
Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival
مدينة المهرجانات
"المكان المناسب ليكون"[1]
Location of Indio in Riverside County, California
Location of Indio in Riverside County, California
Indio is located in southern California
Location in the United States
الإحداثيات: 33°43′14″N 116°12′56″W / 33.72056°N 116.21556°W / 33.72056; -116.21556[2]
Country الولايات المتحدة
State كاليفورنيا
County Riverside
Native American Reservation (partial)Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians & Cabazon Band of Mission Indians
IncorporatedMay 16, 1930[3]
 • النوعCity Council–City Manager[4]
 • MayorOscar Ortiz
 • Mayor Pro TemLupe Ramos Amith
 • City CouncilElaine Holmes
Glenn Miller
Waymond Fermon
 • City33٫23 ميل² (86٫08 كم²)
 • البر33٫23 ميل² (86٫06 كم²)
 • الماء0٫01 ميل² (0٫02 كم²)  0.03%
المنسوب−13 ft (−4 m)
 • City89٬137
 • الترتيب90th in California
 • الكثافة2٬700/sq mi (1٬000/km2)
 • Urban
361٬075 (US: 114th)[6]
 • الكثافة الحضرية2٬378٫3/sq mi (918٫3/km2)
منطقة التوقيتUTC−8 (Pacific)
 • الصيف (التوقيت الصيفي)UTC−7 (PDT)
ZIP Codes
مفتاح الهاتف442/760
FIPS code06-36448
GNIS feature IDs1652727, 2410101
الموقع الإلكترونيindio.org

إنديو (بالإسبانية تعني "هندي") هي مدينة في مقاطعة ريڤرسايد، كاليفورنيا، الولايات المتحدة، في وادي كواتشيلا من منطقة صحراء كولورادو في جنوب كاليفورنيا. تقع على بعد 23 ميلاً (37 كم) شرق بالم سبرينگز، 75 ميل (121 كم) شرق ريفرسايد، 127 ميل (204 كم) شرق لوس أنجلوس، 148 ميلاً (238 كيلومترًا) شمال شرق سان دييگو، و250 ميلاً (402 كيلومترًا) غرب فينكس.

كان عدد السكان 89137 في تعداد الولايات المتحدة لعام 2020، ارتفاعًا من 76.036 في تعداد 2010، بزيادة قدرها 17٪. إنديو هي المدينة الأكثر اكتظاظًا بالسكان في وادي كواتشيلا، وكان يشار إليها سابقًا باسم محور الوادي بعد شعار غرفة التجارة الذي استخدم في السبعينيات. ولُقبت فيما بعد بمدينة المهرجانات، في إشارة إلى الأحداث الثقافية العديدة التي أقيمت في المدينة، وأبرزها مهرجان وادي كوتشيلا للموسيقى والفنون.

إنديو هي المدينة الرئيسية للمنطقة الحضرية التي حددها مكتب الإحصاء الأمريكي والتي يقع في وادي كواتشيلا: يبلغ عدد سكان المنطقة الحضرية إنديو - بالم ديزرت - بالم سبرينگز في كاليفورنيا 361.075 نسمة اعتبارًا من تعداد 2020، مما يجعلها رقم 114 الأكبر في الولايات المتحدة.


كان يسكن إنديو في الأصل من قبل Desert Cahuilla Indians.[8]

بدأ بناء خط السكك الحديدية شرق لوس أنجلوس في عام 1873. تم تشغيل القطارات إلى كولتون في 16 يوليو 1875، وإلى إنديو (إنديان ويلز آنذاك) في 29 مايو 1876. بالانتقال شرقاً من إنديو، وصل خط السكة الحديد إلى الضفة الغربية لنهر كولورادو مقابل يوما في 23 مايو 1877 (قرية كانت تعرف باسم أريزونا سيتي قبل عام 1873).

كان هناك تأخير في الحصول على السلطة العسكرية لوضع مسارات عبر محمية يوما الهندية، وكان ذلك في سبتمبر من ذلك العام قبل اكتمال الجسر حتى تتمكن القطارات من العمل في يوما. كان من المقرر أن تنضم سكة حديد جنوب المحيط الهادئ إلى تلك الموجودة في تكساس والمحيط الهادئ، وهي واحدة من عدة خطوط سكك حديدية ثم تحتفظ، أو تسعى، بالسلطة الفيدرالية لبناء خطوط من أقسام مختلفة من البلاد غربًا إلى ساحل المحيط الهادئ. لكن رأس السكك الحديدية في T & P كان متوقفًا بعيدًا في تكساس، لذلك استمر جنوب المحيط الهادئ في البناء شرقًا.[9]

نشأت مدينة إنديو بسبب الحاجة إلى نقطة منتصف الطريق لسكة حديد جنوب المحيط الهادئ بين يوما، أريزونا ولوس أنجلوس، لأن المحركات كانت بحاجة إلى إعادة تعبئتها بالماء. في البداية، كانت المدينة المحتملة تسمى Indian Wells،[10]:292 ولكن نظرًا لأن العديد من المناطق الأخرى تحمل هذا الاسم بالفعل، تم اختيار Indio (بعد الاختلاف الأسباني لكلمة "Indian") بدلاً من ذلك.[11] بعد وصول خط السكة الحديد في عام 1876، بدأت إنديو بالنمو حقًا. كان أول مبنى دائم هو محطة وفندق جنوب المحيط الهادئ المصمم على طراز الحرفيين. حاول جنوب المحيط الهادئ جعل الحياة مريحة بقدر الإمكان لعمالهم لمنعهم من مغادرة منطقة صعبة للعيش فيها في ذلك الوقت. كان في قلب الحياة الاجتماعية في الصحراء مع غرفة طعام فاخرة واستضافة الرقصات في ليالي الجمعة.[12]

بينما بدأت إنديو كمدينة للسكك الحديدية، سرعان ما أصبحت زراعية. ازدهر البصل والقطن والعنب والحمضيات و التمور في المناخ الجاف بسبب براعة المزارعين في إيجاد وسائل مختلفة للحصول على المياه، أولاً من خلال الآبار الارتوازية ثم عبر فرع الوادي من قناة عموم أمريكا. ومع ذلك، كانت المياه أيضًا مشكلة رئيسية لإنديو وغمرت المدينة عدة مرات حتى تم إنشاء قنوات تصريف مياه الأمطار في جميع أنحاء وادي كواتشيلا.[13][14]

وجد رجال وسيدات الأعمال هذه الأرض الحدودية الأخيرة للولايات المتحدة القارية كمكان مثالي للبدء من جديد. كان الدكتور هاري سمايلي وزوجته نيل من المقيمين الأوائل في إنديو بعد تعطل سيارتهم في الطريق إلى لوس أنجلوس وأصبحا من أصحاب النفوذ وساعدا في تشكيل المنطقة.

كان A.G Tingman مالكًا قديمًا لمتجر وأول مدير مكتب بريد في إنديو، ولكنه معروف أيضًا بالاستفادة من عمال المناجم أثناء توجههم إلى الجبال، وبيعهم بأسعار مرتفعة إلى حد ما. في وقت لاحق، أصبح الدكتور جون روبرتسون مكارول فاعل خير رائد وطبيب ناجح في إنديو.

كانت مسؤولة مع نادي Indio Woman's Club عن الضغط على كاليفورنيا لتبني وضع خطوط بيضاء في الشوارع بعد أن كادت أن تصطدم مرة واحدة بمركبات عابرة. على الرغم من أن هؤلاء المؤسسين الأوائل للمدينة يعتبرون روادًا، إلا أنهم ما زالوا يشاركون في أنماط حياة أصدقائهم الذين يعيشون في مناطق مثل لوس أنجلوس. أسست إنديو نفسها بسرعة وواكبت الاتجاهات حيث تم جلبها بواسطة السكك الحديدية.[15]

بحلول مطلع القرن العشرين، كانت إنديو بالفعل أكثر من مجرد مدينة سكة حديد متلاشية. تم بناء المدارس، وقدمت مستشفى لا كاسيتا الخدمات الطبية، ورسخت العائلات جذورها. بحلول عام 1920، كان يعيش ما يقرب من ألف إلى ألفي من السكان على مدار العام في إنديو، بينما تضخمت من 2500 إلى 5000 خلال أشهر الشتاء وتم الإعلان عنها كمنتجع صحي لكبار السن وأولئك الذين يعانون من أمراض الجهاز التنفسي والأمراض في بقية القرن العشرين.[16]

خدمت إنديو أيضًا كمنزل لمحطة التاريخ التابعة لوزارة الزراعة الأمريكية، وهو المكان الذي كان يجري فيه البحث العلمي الرائد على الفاكهة التي ستصبح جزءًا رئيسيًا من ثقافة إنديو. بدأت المحطة في عام 1907 وكانت مسؤولة عن قدرة المزارعين المحليين على فهم هذا المحصول الفريد بشكل أفضل وجعل وادي كواتشيلا رائدًا في محاصيل التمور الأمريكية. أدى هذا أيضًا إلى إنشاء رابط للشرق الأوسط أدى إلى موضوع معرض المقاطعة مع الذوق الشرق أوسطي المعروف باسم معرض مقاطعة ريفرسايد ومهرجان التاريخ الوطني.[13]

سرعان ما أصبحت كوتشيلا و ثيرمال مدينتين أكبر من إنديو، لكن إنديو ظلت "محور الوادي"، كما كان يطلق عليها. مع حرق غالبية الحرارة وتراجع كوتشيلا ، نمت إنديو مرة أخرى. بحلول عام 1930، كانت إنديو منطقة مزدهرة وتم دمجها. في 6 سبتمبر 1930، تلقى صاحب المتجر فريد كوهلر أول رخصة تجارية في إنديو.[17]

كما ساعدت إنديو الجنود الزائرون من مناطق تدريب باتون في قمة تشييراكو الواقعة على بعد 30 ميلاً إلى الشرق.[18]

في النصف الثاني من القرن العشرين، شهدت إنديو انخفاضًا آخر حيث بدأ سكان الوادي في التحرك غربًا نحو مدن جديدة مثل بالم ديزرت. ومع ذلك، يوجد الآن انعكاس في هذا الاتجاه.[19]


Aerial shot of the Coachella Valley

Indio is located at 33°43′12″N 116°13′55″W / 33.72000°N 116.23194°W / 33.72000; -116.23194 (33.719871, −116.231889).[20] According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 75.6 square kilometers (29 sq mi), 99.97% of which is land and 0.03% is water.

The telephone area code is 760. The city's ZIP codes are 92201 and 92203 north of Interstate 10. About 3 miles (5 km) north and east of Indio is the San Andreas Fault, a major tectonic plate boundary of the Pacific and North American plates.

Indio is home of Riverside County's eastern administration offices. Palm Springs had more people from 1955 to 1992, when the US census announced that Indio surpassed Palm Springs and that title was returned to them. The official elevation of Indio is below sea level; the city hall is 14 feet (4 m) below sea level, as the eastern half of the Coachella Valley drops as low as 150 feet (50 m) below sea level (the lakeshore of the Salton Sea is 15 miles (24 km) south of Indio).


The climate of the Coachella Valley is influenced by the surrounding geography. High mountain ranges on three sides contribute to its unique and year-round warm climate, with some of warmest winters west of the Rocky Mountains. Indio has a warm winter/hot summer desert climate (Köppen: BWh): Its average annual high temperature is 89.5 °F (31.9 °C) and average annual low is 62.1 °F (16.7 °C) but summer highs above 108 °F (42 °C) are common and sometimes exceed 120 °F (49 °C), while summer night lows often stay above 82 °F (28 °C). Monsoon related thunderstorms can occur in the summer months. In September 1939, a thunderstorm from the remains of a tropical storm, brought more than 6" of rain in less than 24 hours.[بحاجة لمصدر] Winters are warm with daytime highs often between 68–86 °F (20–30 °C). Under 4 inches (100 mm) of annual precipitation are average, with over 348 days of sunshine per year. The hottest temperature ever recorded there was 125 °F (52 °C) on July 6, 1905.[21] The mean annual temperature is 75.8 °F (24.3 °C).[22]

أخفClimate data for Indio, California, 1991–2020 normals, extremes 1894–present
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Record high °F (°C) 97
Mean maximum °F (°C) 82.2
Mean daily maximum °F (°C) 70.3
Daily mean °F (°C) 58.6
Mean daily minimum °F (°C) 46.8
Mean minimum °F (°C) 36.1
Record low °F (°C) 13
Average precipitation inches (mm) 0.65
Average precipitation days (≥ 0.01 in) 2.5 1.8 1.2 0.3 0.1 0 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.8 2.0 10.5
Source: NOAA[23]

الطبيعة والحياة البرية

Indio is in the Colorado Desert region of the Sonoran Desert. It is adjacent to the geologic Salton Sink and within the site of historic Lake Cahuilla of the Lower Colorado River Valley. Indio is an official National Bird Sanctuary, because of the seasonal bird migration flight routes that cross the town en route to the Salton Sea.

التركيبة السكانية

التعداد التاريخي
التعداد Pop.
U.S. Decennial Census[24]


The 2010 United States Census[25] reported that Indio had a population of 76,036. The population density was 2,604.9 inhabitants per square mile (1,005.8/km2). The racial makeup of Indio was 46,735 (61.5%) White (27.0% Non-Hispanic White),[7] 1,805 (2.4%) African American, 741 (1.0%) Native American, 1,693 (2.2%) Asian, 55 (0.1%) Pacific Islander, 22,394 (29.5%) from other races, and 2,613 (3.4%) from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 51,540 persons (67.8%).

There were 23,378 households, out of which 10,522 (45.0%) had children under the age of 18 living in them, 13,149 (56.2%) were opposite-sex married couples living together, 3,578 (15.3%) had a female householder with no husband present, 1,512 (6.5%) had a male householder with no wife present. There were 1,654 (7.1%) unmarried opposite-sex partnerships, and 232 (1.0%) same-sex married couples or partnerships; 3,859 households (16.5%) were made up of individuals, and 1,777 (7.6%) had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 3.21. There were 18,239 families (78.0% of all households); the average family size was 3.60.

The population was spread out, with 22,879 people (30.1%) under the age of 18, 7,247 people (9.5%) aged 18 to 24, 20,705 people (27.2%) aged 25 to 44, 15,793 people (20.8%) aged 45 to 64, and 9,412 people (12.4%) who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 32.2 years. For every 100 females, there were 97.3 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 94.5 males.

There were 28,971 housing units at an average density of 992.5 per square mile (383.2/km2), of which 15,274 (65.3%) were owner-occupied, and 8,104 (34.7%) were occupied by renters. The homeowner vacancy rate was 5.0%; the rental vacancy rate was 12.5%, while 46,780 people (61.5% of the population) lived in owner-occupied housing units and 28,307 people (37.2%) lived in rental housing units.

During 2009–2013, Indio had a median household income of $50,068, with 21.9% of the population living below the federal poverty line.[7]


As of the census[26] of 2000, there were 49,116 people, 13,871 households, and 11,069 families residing in the city. The population density was 1,840.3 inhabitants per square mile (710.5/km2). There were 16,909 housing units at an average density of 633.6 per square mile (244.6/km2). The racial makeup of the city was 44.4% White, 2.8% Black, 1.0% Native American, 1.5% Asian American, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 42.0% from other races, and 3.9% from two or more races. 65.7% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race.

There were 13,871 households, out of which 48.2% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 55.9% were married couples living together, 16.7% had a female householder with no husband present, and 20.2% were non-families. Of all households 16.0% were made up of individuals, and 7.0% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 3.5 and the average family size was 3.9.

In the city, the population was spread out, with 35.3% under the age of 18, 11.1% from 18 to 24, 29.4% from 25 to 44, 15.2% from 45 to 64, and 9.1% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 27 years. For every 100 females, there were 101.2 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 98.8 males.

The median income for a household in the city was $34,624, and the median income for a family was $35,564. Males had a median income of $25,651 versus $21,093 for females. The per capita income for the city was $13,525. About 16.8% of families and 21.5% of the population were below the poverty line, including 28.2% of those under age 18 and 12.0% of those age 65 or over.

النمو السكاني

From 1984 to 2008, Indio grew many times its previous size. Indio handles unprecedented growth for being a select area of choice for thousands of new residents per year. In 2018, Indio was ranked the 30th fastest-growing city in America and 8th fastest-growing city in California.[27]

The 2010 United States Census recorded the city's population to be about 76,000 residents, but it did not include the addition of seasonal residents.[28] According to the Demographic Research Unit (DRU) of the California Department of Finance, the provisional population estimate for the City of Indio as of January 1, 2019, was 89,406.[29]


مساهمتان رئيسيتان في الاقتصاد المحلي هما الزراعة والسياحة على مدار العام ، على الرغم من أن غالبية النشاط السياحي موسمي ، بين أكتوبر ومايو.


Entrance sign of the Shields Date Garden in Indio

كانت إنديو واحدة من أهم المناطق الزراعية في جنوب كاليفورنيا، حيث كانت في السابق مسؤولة عن نسبة كبيرة من محصول التمر في البلاد؛ ومع ذلك، نظرًا لزيادة التنمية السكنية والترفيهية، أصبحت بساتين التمر الآن أكثر اقتصارًا على جنوب وجنوب شرق إنديو. حتى بستان أشجار النخيل في معرض مقاطعة ريفرسايد وأراضي مهرجان التاريخ الوطني قد أزيلت من قبل المقاطعة.[بحاجة لمصدر]

يمكن للمرء زيارة Shields Date Gardens، وهي مزارع للتمور تحتفظ بمتجر كبير للبيع بالتجزئة على طول طريق الولاية السريع 111. هناك بساتين حمضيات وحقول خضروات تحيط بحدود المدينة، ولكن التطور السريع لمناطق سكنية جديدة وملاعب جولف في "الوادي الشرقي" أدت الدورات التدريبية في التسعينيات والعقد الأول من القرن الحادي والعشرين إلى إزاحة معظم المساحة الزراعية.

تأثر كاليفورنيا بحُمّى التمور الجزائرية.

التوظيف ونمو الوظائف

Indio has increasingly served as a magnet of job opportunities for immigrants and newcomers from parts of California and across the nation. Jobs in fields such as agriculture, construction, hospitality, maintenance, and retail and housekeeping are highly sought after in the area.

Construction and government are among the largest employment sectors in Indio, with a higher proportion of workers in these industries in Indio than the rest of the Coachella Valley.[30]

In addition to construction and government, a 2019 study revealed that the top five employment industries in Indio are educational services, entertainment services, wholesale/retail, agriculture/mining/construction, and waste services.[31] Between 2007 and 2015, the percentage of retail trade jobs in Indio increased by 4.4 percent and the percentage of education jobs increased from 15.2 to 20.5 percent.

As the secondary seat of government for Riverside County, California, Indio has many county offices and employs more than a thousand county employees. The California Superior Court's Larson Justice Center, Riverside County's Law Library and District Attorney's office, numerous law firms along Highway 111, and the California Desert Trial Academy (CDTA) College of Law (the only law school in Riverside County), located at 45290 Fargo Street, have made Downtown Indio the center for law and legal studies in the Coachella Valley.

The average salary for a job in Indio increased from $28,224 in 2003 to $35,532 in 2015.[32] The City of Indio is constantly expanding to see the number of jobs and average salaries rise. It is currently in the process of a 2040 general plan to increase the number of developments in Indio.[33] For example, the city opened a 120-room Fairfield Inn and Suites in February 2019 and broke ground on a 93-room Hampton Inn and Suites that is expected to open January 2020.[34] A new movie theater and the continual development of retail stores at the Indio Towne Center, The Showcase at Indio, and The Palms shopping centers is also anticipated to create an abundance of jobs.[35]

Light industry is not new to Indio. Between the 1960s and the early 1980s, the Bank of America-owned Giannini Research Institute, Kaiser Inc. and Cabazon Firearms had contracts with both NASA and the US Armed Forces that produced ammunition, computer parts, moon rover parts for the Apollo landing program, and train engines for the Southern Pacific Railroad. Indio sought more corporate businesses and office professions, including fruit packing and shipping firms. Locally based United States Filter Corporation, Guy Evans Inc., Dimare Fruit Co., West Coast Turf and Japanese-owned Sun World Inc.; and move-in companies such as Borden, Coca-Cola, Ernie Ball, Ernst and Young, Ferguson, Fulton Distributors, Guthy-Renker, Pulte Homes, Sunrise Company, SunScape Tech and Tala Industries choose Indio for the location of transport routes, low economic costs, and growth potential.

Indio is home to Buzz Box Premium Cocktails, Ring Power Corporation, Triangle Distributing Company (formerly Heimark), The Forager Project, and Purus International. Other companies in Indio include Pepsi Cola Distributing, RDO Equipment, Sepulveda Building Materials, Fortun Foods, Arctic Glacier, A.C. Houston Lumber Company, and Commercial Lighting Industry.

كبار أرباب العمل

According to the city's 2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report,[36] the top employers in the city are:

# Employer # of Employees
1 Desert Sands Unified School District 2,455
2 County of Riverside 1,135
3 Fantasy Springs Resort Casino 1,083
4 John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital 690
5 Walmart Supercenter 356
6 City of Indio 248
7 Ralphs 169
8 Riverside County Superior Court 166
9 Indio Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 161
10 Cardenas Markets 151

الألعاب الأمريكية الأصلية

Entrance to Spotlight 29 Casino

Two Native American owned casinos in and near Indio are the Fantasy Springs Resort Casino, owned by the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians,[37][38] and the Spotlight 29 Casino, owned by the Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians.[39] Spotlight 29 formerly was "Trump 29" when it was partly owned by then-businessman Donald Trump for a brief period of time in the 2000s.[40]

فنون وثقافة

الأحداث السنوية

The festival grounds of the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in 2014

Because of the numerous festivals and special events held annually in Indio, the Chamber of Commerce deemed Indio's official nickname to be "The City of Festivals".[41] Indio is considered the second County seat, the Riverside County Fairgrounds is a facility that hosts various events year round such as music concerts, 4x4 monster truck rallies, rodeos, and other special events.

Two major annual festivals are the Indio International Tamale Festival and the Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival is held each February at the Riverside County Fairgrounds, located on Highway 111 in the heart of Indio. Since 1947, this festival has celebrated the date fruit crop of the Coachella Valley. The Tamale Festival is held each December on the streets of Old Town Indio and holds one Guinness World Record as the largest tamale festival (120,000 in attendance, Dec. 2–3, 2000) and once held the record for the world's largest tamale, [over 1 foot (0.3 m) in diameter and 40 feet (12.2 m) in length], created by Chef John Sedlar, but that record has since been surpassed.[42]

In 1993, Paul Tollett, president of Goldenvoice, booked a Pearl Jam concert at the Empire Polo Club in Indio, and six years later, the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival was born.[43] Since 2001, Coachella has been an annual event that has brought notable music acts to the desert, including: AC/DC, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Guns N' Roses, Prince, Paul McCartney, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Ariana Grande, Kanye West, Radiohead, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Pixies, The Cure, The White Stripes, Jay-Z, Tool, Beastie Boys, Jane's Addiction, Roger Waters and several others. Coachella extended the festival to three days in 2007. Organizers eliminated single-day tickets in 2010 and went to three-day passes only. The festival continues to draw large numbers of concertgoers to Indio and the Empire Polo Club, a venue that Rolling Stone said possessed a "lush beauty... that made the desert seem very far away."[44]

In May 2007, Goldenvoice, promoters of Coachella, started Stagecoach, a three-day country music festival held the weekend following the Coachella. Performers have included George Strait, Kenny Chesney, the Eagles, Sugarland, Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, Luke Bryan, Keith Urban, and Kid Rock.

In 2013, OC Weekly's Dave Barton described the arts scene in Indio with "seems to consist of Johnny Cash tributes, chalk art, camel and ostrich races, and Neil Simon revivals."[45]

The Rolling Stones performing at Desert Trip on October 7, 2016

In 2016, Goldenvoice brought together The Rolling Stones, The Who, Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Roger Waters, and Neil Young for a 3-day mega concert known as Desert Trip. Desert Trip took place at the same venue as the Coachella Music Festival, over two three-day weekends, on October 7–9 and 14–16, 2016.[46] Despite Desert Trip becoming the highest-grossing music festival in history, Goldenvoice founder Paul Tollett has not announced any plans for a second Desert Trip, stating that it's not necessary for it to "turn into another franchise festival".[47]

Indio is also the site of many other annual arts, culture, and entertainment festivals and events. Among these include:

  • The Southwest Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Club
  • The Cabazon Indian National Pow wow at Fantasy Springs Resort and Casino
  • The Palm Springs Kennel Club's Annual Dog Show and Rhythm at the Empire Polo Club
  • The Heritage/Living History Festival at the Coachella Valley History Museum
  • The Family Motor Coach Association's Annual Western Region RV Rally at the Riverside County Fairgrounds
  • The Sand Storm Lacrosse Festival at the Empire Polo Club
  • Arbor Day Celebration
  • Indio Tree Lighting Ceremony
  • Dia de Los Muertos Celebration at the Coachella Valley History Museum
  • Taste of Indio at Jackalope Ranch
  • The California BBQ State Championship & Festival

مجالات الاهتمام

Welcome sign at Indio, California

The Coachella Valley History Museum Home, on Miles Avenue, has a two-acre campus, which currently includes the Smiley-Tyler House, built in 1926, the 1909 Schoolhouse, and the Date Museum dedicated to the history and development of the fruit (the only date museum in the world), plus gardens and archives preserving historical artifacts of the Coachella Valley. It also has the historic M.H. Whittier Ranch Tower, which is used for the only light art projection system in the Coachella Valley.[48]

The Indio Performing Arts Center, known as IPAC, is located at the heart of downtown Indio at 45–175 Fargo Street to promote arts and entertainment for the community.[49] IPAC has hosted live concerts, theater productions, dinner theater events and sing-alongs, movie nights, fashion shows, arts and crafts fairs, music video productions, and other special events. IPAC is a 23,000 sq. ft. facility with a main hall, the Expo Hall; three separate theaters that are approximately 2,200 sq. ft. each: Village Theatre, Cabaret Theatre, and the Old Towne Playhouse. Desert TheatreWorks occupies the facility, which has produced more than 50 plays and musicals, 8 children's musicals and more than 20 special events, making them one of the Coachella Valley's leading producers of theatre and educational programming for the performing arts.[50] The College of the Desert also has a film class in the Village Theatre during the school year.

The Coachella Valley Art Center is located at 45140 Towne Street in downtown Indio. It hosts a variety of art exhibits, workshops, and special events throughout the year and includes a main gallery, project spaces, classrooms, a glass studio, performance space, and artist studios.[51] The center has hosted local and international artists, and been a venue for art events and live performances.

From January to March each year, polo season is in full effect at the Eldorado Polo Club and the Empire Polo Club. Tailgating, food vendors, picnics, and great polo games are a common sight at these family-friendly Sunday events.[52]

One of the many golf courses in Indio, California

Golfing is another main attraction that brings people from far and wide to Indio and surrounding cities, with the Coachella Valley housing approximately 28 percent of all California's golf courses.[53] Golf course development in the desert became a huge phenomenon in the 1950s, with a golf course opening approximately every 100 days.[54] During the winter months, country clubs with golf courses attract dozens of vacationers each year. Today, there are more than 13 golf courses located in Indio and 124 golf courses in the entire Coachella Valley.[53] The City of Indio, in particular, owns the only night-lighted golf course in the Coachella Valley – the Lights at Indio Golf Course.[55]

Casinos are also a point of interest in Indio that draw a large crowd. Fantasy Springs Resort Casino is owned by the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians, whose tribal headquarters are also located in Indio. The casino opened in 2004 and includes a hotel, bowling center, golf course, and special events center that acts as a concert venue.[56] The Fantasy Springs special events center has hosted musicians as big as The Beach Boys, John Legend, Snoop Dogg, Stevie Nicks, and Kelly Clarkson.[57]

Old Town Historic Mural Program

In the fall of 1996, the Indio Chamber of Commerce formed a committee to develop a Historic Mural Project to help revitalize the local economy at the time of the statewide economic recession. Several communities have benefited from similar programs, such as Chemainus, Canada; El Paso, Texas; and Eureka, Bishop, Needles, & 29 Palms in California, as well the famous Chicano Park mural to commemorate Hispanic-American life in Barrio Logan, San Diego in the late 1970s.[بحاجة لمصدر]

It began with a suggestion to start a mural project first brought to the city by David Hernandez, a former Indio city council member, after he visited Chemainus. Very little happened with this concept until 1996, when the Riverside County National Date Festival's executive director Bruce Latta and commissioned artist Bill Weber of San Francisco to paint a mural of the Taj Mahal on the Taj Mahal (Garden of Allah) building at the fairgrounds. At the same time, local businessman Bruce Clark, who was instrumental in promoting Historic U.S. Route 99 (Indio Blvd.) to its former status as the Main Street of California. He maintains a website on Historic Route 99.[58] He brought the mural idea forward again after seeing the success of a similar local program in 29 Palms. When Clark presented the idea to the chamber board of directors, the idea was immediately recognized as something that could help the city's economy by encouraging tourism. Indio now has ten murals about the city on the sides of various buildings in Old Town and on a water reservoir tank on Monroe Street.


Indio vote by party
in presidential elections[59]
Year Democratic Republican Third Parties
2020[60] 60.00% 19,832 38.49% 12,721 1.51% 501
2016[61] 59.14% 14,345 36.74% 8,911 4.12% 1,000
2012[62] 58.26% 11,902 40.36% 8,245 1.38% 282
2008[63] 58.16% 10,795 40.52% 7,521 1.32% 246
2004[64] 51.39% 6,114 47.72% 5,678 0.89% 106
2000[65] 60.11% 4,706 37.35% 2,924 2.54% 199
1996[66] 54.98% 3,795 32.91% 2,272 12.11% 836
1992[67] 48.53% 3,670 25.85% 1,955 25.62% 1,938

In the California State Legislature, Indio is in the 28 Senate District, represented by Republican Jeff Stone, and in the 56 Assembly District, represented by Democrat Eduardo Garcia.[68]

In the United States House of Representatives, Indio is in California's 25 congressional district, represented by قالب:Representative/format/pfl.[69]

The city operates under a City Council-City Manager form of government with five elected members of the City Council served by a City Manager and staff and City Attorney. The five councilmembers are elected by district for four-year terms. Each year the Council selects the Mayor on a rotational basis and determines assignments for the external commissions and committees at its first meeting of December. The City Council is the legislative body for the city, Public Financing Authority and Redevelopment Agency. Its responsibilities include establishing City policies, adopting of ordinances and resolutions as well as the budget, holding public hearings, authorizing expenditures, and the appointment of the City Manager, City Attorney and the member of City commissions and committees.

  • Mayor – Waymond Fermon
  • Mayor Pro Tem – Oscar Ortiz
  • Councilmember – Elaine Holmes
  • Councilmember – Lupe Ramos Amith
  • Councilmember – Glenn Miller


Indio is served by two public school districts: Desert Sands Unified and on the city's southeastern corner, Coachella Valley Unified. Desert Sands' headquarters is located in La Quinta.

Indio's six elementary and two middle schools are highly rated under the California Distinguished Schools program. Because of Indio's growing population and above-average number of young people with families, the two school districts are expanding, with plans on building more schools, along with remodeling the older ones with new buildings and designs.

Schools in or near Indio:

Desert Sands Unified

  • Elementary (grades K–5): Carrillo Ranch, Dr. Reynaldo J. Carreon Jr. Academy, Amelia Earhart (International studies), John Adams (STEM school) near Benjamin Franklin in La Quinta, Richard Oliphant, Herbert Hoover, Andrew Jackson, Lyndon B. Johnson, John F. Kennedy, James Madison, James Monroe (in Bermuda Dunes), Theodore Roosevelt, Martin Van Buren, and Horizon Elementary (independent studies) in La Quinta
  • Middle/junior high schools (grades 6–8): Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School (in La Quinta), La Quinta Middle, Desert Ridge Academy; Thomas Jefferson; Indio Middle School (Charter); John Glenn Middle School of International Studies (California Distinguished School); and Horizon Middle (independent studies) in La Quinta
  • High schools (grades 9–12): Indio High; La Quinta High in La Quinta; Shadow Hills; Amistad High, a continuation high school in former site of Woodrow Wilson Middle School; and Horizon High (independent studies) in La Quinta
  • Adult school: Courses include: GED Test preparation, ESL Beg/Int/Adv classes, Citizenship classes, a RossettaStone Language lab, and more.
  • Special studies: Eisenhower Community Education Center.

Coachella Valley Unified schools

Private schools

Grace Academy (K–8), Indio Christian Center (1–12), River Springs Charter School (K–12), Our Lady of Perpetual Help (PK–8), Trinity Lutheran Child Development Center (PK, K) and Christian School of the Desert (PK–12), located in nearby Bermuda Dunes

Higher education

The "International Fountain of Knowledge" on the campus of College of the Desert in Palm Desert, California

College of the Desert, commonly referred to by its initials (C.O.D), is the Coachella Valley's community college. C.O.D opened a campus facility in 2002 in the Riverside County Employment Developmental Center located on Monroe Street. And their Indio campus on Oasis street. [70] They expanded their classes to an "East Valley" educational center in Mecca.

Riverside County has a Regional Occupational Program facility in Indio that provides vocational educational courses in the Coachella Valley's job market.

The California Desert Trial Academy College of Law was approved by the California State Bar as an unaccredited fixed facility law school in Indio and is currently holding classes in the County Law Library in Indio. Meanwhile, plans are moving forward on the school constructing its own campus buildings in downtown Indio.[71]

وسائل الإعلام

The Indio Date Palm[72] was an early paper established in 1912 by John Winfield (J. Win) Wilson.[73]

Print news in Indio is most notably provided by The Desert Sun, a daily newspaper part of the USA Today Network with a circulation of 14,685 in Indio in 2017.[74] Providing news coverage of the Coachella Valley and distributing to eight cities, The Desert Sun had the largest newspaper circulation in the desert in 2017.

The Coachella Valley also receives news coverage from the Press-Enterprise, a Riverside-based daily newspaper, and Desert Star Weekly, a Riverside County adjudicated newspaper.[75] There are many other independently or Self Published daily newspapers and weeklies covering Indio, such as the Coachella Valley Independent and Tidbits of the Coachella Valley.

Newspapers aimed at a Latino readership are also essential in Indio, due to the high number of Spanish-speaking Hispanics/Latinos in the area. El Informador del Valle is printed in Spanish then distributed to homes and a range of meat markets, gas stations, Hispanic restaurants, and more locally owned businesses throughout Indio.[76] La Prensa Hispana is another such newspaper that is aimed toward Indio's Latino community, but uniquely merges English and Spanish together to provide a bilingual newspaper. The newspaper has received recognition from the Hispanic Chamber of commerce-Coachella Valley for its value and impact on the community.[77]

There are also several online news sources that cover Indio, such as the Coachella Valley Weekly, Cactus Hugs, Coachella Magazine, KESQ, and Los Angeles Times. Entertainment and lifestyle magazines and publications include the Desert Entertainer, Coachella Magazine, and Desert Magazine, among others.

Indio has ten local television stations serving the Coachella Valley and six Spanish-language networks (local or regional affiliates like KUNA-LD and KVER-CD), some of which are over-air signals from Mexico. Eight Los Angeles television stations are available on cable and satellite service.

Four out of 20 Palm Springs area's radio stations are licensed to Indio: KESQ 1400 AM (in Spanish) owned by KESQ-TV/KDFX-CD, KKUU 92.7 FM (Urban/Hip-hop/R&B) owned by Morris Communications, KHCV 104.3, and classic rock KRHQ 102.3 FM owned by RM Broadcasting. However, none of the stations have their offices or studios in Indio. KHCV and KESQ are located in Palm Desert; both KKUU and KRHQ are located in Palm Springs.

السلامة العامة

Indio has its own police department. In 2016, the Indio Police Department was one among 15 law enforcement agencies chosen to participate in President Barack Obama's 21st Century Policing Task Force. Recognized for its achievements in community engagement, the Indio Police Department was charged with implementing the Task Force's recommendations for policing in a year-long study.[78] During Coachella Fest, Indio Police is able to handle a large number of 911 and non-emergency calls due to its six-position public safety answering point (PSAP).[79]

In addition to the Indio Police Department, the city also contracts with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department for police services.[80]

The city of Indio contracts for fire and paramedic services with the Riverside County Fire Department through a cooperative agreement with CAL FIRE.[81] Indio has 4 fire stations used to reduce response times, and a full-time staff of 56 people.[82]

The City of Indio also has a Fire Services Prevention Office, and, through the Riverside County, participates in the Volunteer Reserve Firefighter Program.[83]

One of the eleven U.S. Customs and Border Protection stations is located in Indio. Created in 1936, the station was originally an auxiliary for the El Centro Sector station. Now, the border patrol agents stationed in Indio are tasked with patrolling the northern portion of Imperial County.[84]

Indio is also the site of a California Highway Patrol Border Division office. The division patrols Interstate 10, State Routes 62, 86, and 177, which encompasses cities such as Desert Hot Springs, Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, La Quinta, Indio, and Coachella.[85]

البنية التحتية


Bermuda Dunes Airport (FAA designator: UDD) is on the north-western border of Indio, along I-10 just west of Jefferson Street. It has a 5,000-foot (1,500 m) runway and serves small private planes, air carriers and commuter jets. The Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport in Thermal just a few minutes from Indio, is named for the famous 1920s pilot and Indio resident and used for cargo planes to ship agricultural products, also on the four-lane California State Route 86 expressway or the "NAFTA highway" (in reference to the North American Free Trade Agreement) for international traffic. The closest airport with regularly-scheduled commercial passenger service is Palm Springs International Airport, about 20 miles (32 km) away.

Intersection in downtown Indio at Miles Avenue and Oasis Street

Greyhound and Amtrak Thruway Motorcoach intercity passenger buses stop at Indio station with regular services to stops in Southern California, Arizona, and the Mexican border. The city is served by the local bus line SunLine Transit Agency ("SunBus"), which services much of the Coachella Valley.[86] The Amtrak rail station is expected to be reactivated in April 2021 for that year's Coachella Valley Music Festival. اعتبارا من 2020 the city and the Riverside County Transportation Commission are planning a passenger rail service that will run to Los Angeles from Indio.

Interstate 10 is the primary highway in the city, running roughly on the north side. Highway 111 runs through the city which connects the northern end with I-10 in Whitewater, CA to the southern end in Calexico, California.

الرعاية الصحية

The city has a major hospital providing general acute care, known as the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital. JFK Memorial Hospital provides a range of services, from 24/7 emergency care to surgical services.[87] One of three hospitals in the Coachella Valley, JFK hospital expanded and opened a new maternity center as part of a 2002 hospital expansion plan for more surgical rooms, intensive care units and a new concrete emergency heliport.[88] The Indio (renamed John F. Kennedy) hospital opened in a new location in 1983 on land donated by hospital co-founder Dr. Reynaldo J. Carreon.[89]

In 2017, JFK Memorial Hospital, Desert Regional Medical Center, and Hi-Desert Medical Center, along with several affiliated outpatient clinics and centers, came together to form the Desert Care Network.[90] According to Desert Care Network CEO Michelle Finney, the main purpose of the Desert Care Network is to "help improve care coordination between our hospitals and our affiliated entities for the more than 125,000 patients we treat every year."[91]

Indio and the rest of the Coachella Valley recognize the need for free or affordable health care services for its residents. Coachella Valley Volunteers in Medicine, a branch of Volunteers in Medicine, is the Coachella Valley's only no-cost clinic providing chronic, acute, preventive, and mental health care to adult residents. Located in Indio, the clinic had a total of 3,154 visits in 2018.[92]

In addition, California Care Force, a non-profit organization that sets up temporary no-cost clinics across California, provides free medical, dental, and vision services for residents at the Riverside County Fairgrounds in Indio each year. In its seventh annual free clinic in 2019, California Care Force served 1,818 Coachella Valley uninsured and underinsured residents.[93]

In 2018, Loma Linda University Children's Health – Indio opened its doors to serve approximately 150 children per week on a range of pediatric services such as general pediatric care, neurological care, and behavioral health counseling. The clinic's large scope of health care services and weekly number of patients is largely due to its 13,000-square-foot (1,200 m2) size – making it the largest pediatric center in the Coachella Valley.[94]

الحدائق والاستجمام

The city of Indio operates a variety of public parks,[95] including a municipal golf course, a community recreation center, a senior center one block from the Indio teen center located across from Indio High school, and the Desert Park Wildlife Refuge north of 40th and 42nd Avenues.[96]

  • Burr Park – Located at 42811 Burr Street
  • Cahuilla Park – formerly called Indio Terrace Park. Located at 83787 Hopi Avenue
  • Davis Field – baseball/softball fields. Located at 83100 Date Street
  • Dominguez Park – named after Al Dominguez, the city's first Mexican-American councilman in the 1950s/1960s. Located at 81967 Crown Way
  • Doug York Plaza – a gazebo and benches. Located at 82985 Indio Boulevard
  • Dr.Carreon Park – park-playground with water tower arts mural of local history. Located at 82200 Dr. Carreon Boulevard
  • George S. Patton Park – park-playground with basketball and tennis courts. Located at 83700 Avenue 43
  • Hjorth Park – Located at 81253 Avenue 48
  • Indio Community Center – includes a gymnasium and the Indio Community Park, operated by the Desert Recreation District. Located at 45871 Clinton St
  • Miles Avenue Park – Located near the Coachella Valley History Museum at 82540 Miles Avenue
  • Mulligan Dog Park – Located at 45355 Van Buren Street
  • North Jackson Park – play-playground with basketball courts, tennis courts, softball fields. Located at 43200 Towne Street
  • Shields Park – Located at 80500 Avenue 46
  • South Jackson Park – near a Pawley Pool facility, a soccer field, a little league baseball stadium (Davis Sports Complex) and a YMCA/Boys & Girls club. Located at 46480 Jackson Street
  • South Jackson Soccer Park – Located at 83318 Date Street
  • Station 87 Dog Park – Located at 42900 1/2 Golf Center Parkway
  • The Lights at Indio Golf Course – Located at 83040 Avenue 42
  • Yucca Park – Located at 43605 Yucca Street

الأشخاص البارزين

المدن الشقيقة

Indio had city-to-city economic exchange programs with San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora, Mexico, in the Sister Cities International (SCI) program. There are similar inter-city exchange agreements with Lynwood, California; Farmington, Minnesota; and American Fork, Utah, in the US, and officials from the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games visited the 2010 National Date Festival to promote the Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, area.


  1. ^ "City of Indio, California". City of Indio, California. Retrieved September 12, 2012.
  2. ^ أ ب "Indio". نظام معلومات الأسماء الجغرافية، المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكي.
  3. ^ "California Cities by Incorporation Date". California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions. Archived from the original (Word) on November 3, 2014. Retrieved August 25, 2014.
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  5. ^ "2019 U.S. Gazetteer Files". United States Census Bureau. Retrieved July 1, 2020.
  6. ^ United States Census Bureau (December 29, 2022). "2020 Census Qualifying Urban Areas and Final Criteria Clarifications". Federal Register.
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  9. ^ A Historical Sketch of the Southern Pacific 1869–1944 by Erle Heath Editor, The Southern Pacific "Bulletin"
  10. ^ Lech, Steve (2004). Along the Old Roads: A History of the Portion of Southern California that became Riverside County: 1772–1893. Riverside, CA: Steve Lech. p. 902. OCLC 56035822.
  11. ^ Gannett, Henry (1905). The Origin of Certain Place Names in the United States. Govt. Print. Off. p. 165.
  12. ^ Coachella Valley Water District: Coachella Valley's Golden Years.
  13. ^ أ ب Indio, by Pat Laflin
  14. ^ Yergin, Daniel (1991). The Prize, The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power. New York: Touchstone. p. 288. ISBN 9780671799328.
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  16. ^ Palm Springs: California's Desert Gem. Big Earth Publishing. 2006. p. 26. ISBN 9781565795525. Retrieved February 4, 2015.
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  18. ^ General Patton Memorial Museum (2013). "General Patton and the Desert Training Center". Archived from the original on February 4, 2015. Retrieved February 4, 2015.
  19. ^ Coachella Valley's Golden Years, 2nd edition. Coachella Valley Water District
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