مملكة لوندا

(تم التحويل من إمبراطورية لوندا)
لوندا تظهر في أسفل وسط الخريطة ، باللون الزهري.

مملكة لوندا (Kingdom of Lunda؛ حوالي 1665–1887)، كانت اتحاد دويلات أفريقية قبل الاستعمار في ما هو اليوم جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية وشمال شرق أنگولا وشمال غرب زامبيا. نواته المركزية كانت في كاتنگا.

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Initially the core of what would become the Lunda kingdom was a simple village called a gaand in the KiLunda language. It was ruled over by a king called the Mwaanta Gaand or Mwaantaangaand.

One of these rulers, Ilunga Tshibinda, جاء من مملكة لوبا where his brother ruled and married a princess from an area to the south. Their son became the first paramount ruler of the Luunda creating the title of Mwanta Yaav (1665).


The Lunda Empire extended away from the Kingdom of Lunda and across South-Central Africa

The Lunda Kingdom controlled some 150,000 km2 by 1680. The state doubled in size to around 300,000 km2 at its height in the nineteenth century.[1] The Mwata Yamvos of Lunda became powerful militarily from their base of 175,000 inhabitants. Through marriage with descendants of the Luba kings, they gained political ties.

The Lunda people were able to settle and colonialize other areas and tribes, thus extending their kingdom through southwest Katanga into Angola and north-western Zambia, and eastwards across Katanga into what is now the Luapula Province of Zambia. The kingdom became a confederation of a number of chieftainships that enjoyed a degree of local autonomy (as long as tributes were paid), with Mwata Yamvo as paramount ruler and a ruling council (following the Luba model) to assist with administration.

The strength of the kingdom enabled it to conquer the territory of other tribes, especially to the east. In the eighteenth century a number of migrations took place as far as the region إلى جنوب بحيرة تنگانيقا. The Bemba people of Northern Zambia descended from Luba migrants who arrived in Zambia throughout the seventeenth century. At the same time, a Lunda chief and warrior called Mwata Kazembe set up an مملكة لوندا الشرقية في وادي نهر لواپولا.


The kingdom of Lunda came to an end in the nineteenth century, when it was invaded by the Chokwe, who were armed with guns. The Chokwe then established their own kingdom with their language and customs. Lunda chiefs and people continued to live in the Lunda heartland but were diminished in power.

عند بداية العصر الاستعماري (1884)، كان قلب لوندا مقسماً بين أنگولا البرتغالية و دولة الكونغو الحرة التي يملكها شخصياً الملك ليوپولد الثاني من بلجيكا والبريطانيين في شمال غرب روديسيا، التي أصبحت أنگولا وج.الكونغو د. وزامبيا بالترتيب.

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ Thornton, page 104
  1. Pogge, Im Reich des Muata Jamwo (Berl. 1880);
  2. Buchner, Das Reich des Muata Jamwo (in "Deutsche Geographische Blätter", Brem. 1883


  • Thornton, John (1998). Africa and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World, 1400-1800 (Second Edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 340 Pages. ISBN 0-521-62724-9.
