الأغلبية Majority يمكن استعمال المصطلح لوصف ذلك القسم من مجموعة تكّون أكثر من النصف. وقد يستعمل المصطلح أيضا لوصف (أكثرية نسبية) أو أغلبية (Plurality) أي اكبر عدد من الأصوات أو الناخبين عندما يكون هناك اختيار بين بديلين أو أكثر من المرشحين في الانتخابات غير أن العدد يقل عن 50% من مجموع الأصوات.
وتتطلب بعض الإجراءات (أغلبية مطلقة) أي أكثر من 50% ممن يحق لهم التصويت بشأن قضية ما في الانتخابات سواء يدلون جميعا بأصواتهم أم لا يفعلون ذلك.
For example, assume that votes are cast for three people for an office: Alice, Bob, and Carol.
السيناريو 1
Candidate | Votes |
Alice | 14 |
Bob | 4 |
Carol | 2 |
Total | 20 |
In Scenario 1, Alice received a majority vote. There were 20 votes cast and Alice received more than half of them.
السيناريو 2
Candidate | Votes |
Alice | 10 |
Bob | 6 |
Carol | 4 |
Total | 20 |
In Scenario 2, assume all three candidates are eligible. In this case, no one received a majority vote. This example also illustrates that half the votes cast is not a majority vote.
السيناريو 3
Candidate | Votes |
Alice | 10 |
Bob | 6 |
Carol (ineligible) | 4 |
Total | 20 |
In Scenario 3, assume that Alice and Bob are eligible candidates, but Carol is not. Using Robert's Rules of Order, no one received a majority vote, which is the same as Scenario 2. In this case, the 4 votes for Carol are counted in the total, but are not credited to Carol (which precludes the possibility of an ineligible candidate being credited with receiving a majority vote). However, using The Standard Code, Alice received a majority vote since only votes for eligible candidates are counted using this book. In this case, there are 16 votes for eligible candidates and Alice received more than half of those 16 votes.