أبو الحسن الحسن بن علي

أبو الحسن الحسن بن علي (ويعرف باسم "الحسن بن زيري") (1109 - 1171) كان آخر حكام الزيريين حكم 1121-1152.

في عهده، أصبحت القرصنة مصدراً هاماً للرزق، although this destabilised relationships with Christian maritime interests. In order to secure trade in the Mediterranean he was forced to accept dependence on the Norman-controlled Sicily.

In 1123 an Almoravid fleet attacked and sacked Nicotera in Calabria , and Roger II of Sicily accused Ali ibn Yahya of having taken part in the operation at least as an instigator. A retaliatory Norman attack on al-Dimas 's Zirid fort failed, as resistance from the Hilalian Arabs prevented its conquest. In 1135 the Normans occupied the island of Djerba , but this island, although of nominal Zirid sovereignty, was self-governing, and the Zirids did not send any aid to it.

The Almoravids made another raid on Norman territory and Roger II of Sicily decided to occupy Mahdia . The state of Zirida was very weak because in recent years the crops had been bad and the drought had severely affected the economy in general. A fleet under the command of George of Antioch stormed Mahdia and occupied it in 1148 . Al-Hassan fled and took refuge with his Hammadite relative Yahya ibn Abd-al-Aziz , who placed him in custody in Algiers for fear of contacting the Almohad caliph Abd-al-Mumin ibn Ali , who ruled Marrakech . .

Al-Hasan was able to meet with the Almohad caliph when he occupied Algiers in 1151 , and since then he has been urging him to retake Mahdia. The Almohads finally conquered Mahdia on January 22 , 1160 . An Almohad governor settled in the city but al-Hassan was able to reside in the suburb of Zawila where he remained for eight years ( 1160 - 1167 ).

Between 1146 and 1148 the Zirid realm collapsed, and Abul-Hasan lost all of his realm except for Algiers, until it in turn fell to the الموحدين

عاش أبو الحسن في مراكش حتى وفاته، مؤمِّناً بعض السيطرة على المهدية.

On the death of the Almohad caliph Abd-al-Mumin, the new caliph Abu-Yaqub Yusuf ibn Abd-al-Mumin called him to his presence in Marrakesh, but al-Hassan died on the way to Tamesma ( 1167 ).


  • Giosuè Musca, Il mezzogiorno normanno-svevo e le crociate, Centro di studi normanno-svevi, Università di Bari (on p. 106).