ملف:La Mano Nera (The Black Hand).svg

الملف الأصلي(ملف SVG، أبعاده 419 × 781 بكسل، حجم الملف: 2 كيلوبايت)

وصف قصير

English: According to a 1912 newspaper report the Black Hand, "really exists only as a phrase. As an organization such a thing never existed out of the minds of the police. It is a catch phrase made familiar through the newspapers, and the quick witted criminal of Latin extraction lost no time in using it as a nom de crime, which he wrote at the bottom of his blackmailing letters, sometimes – in fact, generally – adding fanciful decorations of his own, such as daggers dripping blood, revolvers spitting fire and bullets, crudely drawn skulls and crossbones and the inevitable sketch of a human hand."
⧼wm-license-information-date⧽ 2020
⧼wm-license-information-source⧽ ⧼Wm-license-own-work⧽
⧼wm-license-information-author⧽ RootOfAllLight


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حالي ★ مراجعة معتمدة
18:59، 13 ديسمبر 2023
تصغير للنسخة بتاريخ 18:59، 13 ديسمبر 2023419 × 781 (2 كيلوبايت)Pastakhov (نقاش | مساهمات)Upload https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/70/La_Mano_Nera_%28The_Black_Hand%29.svg

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