ملف:Gurmukhi Rara Ani.gif

Gurmukhi_Rara_Ani.gif(125 × 125 بكسل حجم الملف: 2 كيلوبايت، نوع MIME: image/gif، ملفوف، 35 إطارا، 3٫5ث)

وصف قصير

English: This is animation of ਰ, the thirty second letter of Gurmukhi script. The sound of this letter is equivalent to English /r/.
⧼wm-license-information-date⧽ قالب:Original upload date
⧼wm-license-information-source⧽ ⧼Wm-license-own-work⧽
⧼wm-license-information-author⧽ Jaspal Singh


PD-icon.svg [ This image has been (or is hereby) released into the public domain by its author, Jaspalkaler at the English Wikibooks project. This applies worldwide.

In case this is not legally possible:
Jaspalkaler grants anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law. ] Error: {{Lang}}: text has italic markup (help)

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قالب:Original upload log

قالب:Transferred from قالب:Original description page

  • 2008-09-12 16:09 Jaspalkaler 125×125× (1819 bytes) {{Information |Description=This is animation of ਰ, the thirty second letter of Gurmukhi script. The sound of this letter is equivalent to English /r/. |Source=own work |Date=12th September 2008 |Author=Jaspal Singh |Permission={{PD-user|Jaspal Sing

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زمن/تاريخصورة مصغرةالأبعادمستخدمتعليق
حالي ★ مراجعة معتمدة
19:45، 10 أكتوبر 2023
تصغير للنسخة بتاريخ 19:45، 10 أكتوبر 2023125 × 125 (2 كيلوبايت)Pastakhov (نقاش | مساهمات)Upload https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c2/Gurmukhi_Rara_Ani.gif

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