ملف:Casperkill at Vassar College, March 2014.jpg

الملف الأصلي(3٬120 × 4٬160 بكسل حجم الملف: 4٫54 ميجابايت، نوع MIME: image/jpeg)

وصف قصير

English: The Casperkill (also known as Casper Creek) looking downstream while standing on a fallen tree that crosses the stream. This portion of the kill is on Vassar College's campus, several hundred meters downstream of where it is a) joined by the Fonteynkill and b) flows out of Sunset Lake.
⧼wm-license-information-date⧽ 2014 (according to Exif data)
⧼wm-license-information-source⧽ ⧼Wm-license-own-work⧽
⧼wm-license-information-author⧽ Collin Knopp-Schwyn


Collin Knopp-Schwyn, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publishes it under the following license:

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22:52، 5 أكتوبر 2023
تصغير للنسخة بتاريخ 22:52، 5 أكتوبر 20233٬120 × 4٬160 (4٫54 ميجابايت)Pastakhov (نقاش | مساهمات)Upload https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/Casperkill_at_Vassar_College%2C_March_2014.jpg

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