مؤتمر جزيرة ويك

(تم التحويل من Wake Island Conference)
من الشمال إلى اليمين: الرئيس ترومان يقرأ an award citation to General Douglas MacArthur following their meeting at Wake Island. In the background هم، من اليسار: السكرتير الإعلامي تشارلز روس، القائد الأعلى للمحيط الهادي الأميرال آرثر رادفورد، وزير الجيش فرانك پيس، ورئيس الأركان المشتركة الجنرال عمر برادلي. 15 أكتوبر 1950.
Truman in a dark suit and tie and light hat shakes hands with MacArthur, in uniform wearing a shirt but no tie and his rumpled peaked cap.
جنرال الجيش، مكارثر، يحيي الرئيس ترومان في المؤتمر.

في 15 أكتوبر 1950، التقى الرئيس الأمريكي هاري ترومان والجنرال دگلس مكارثر في جزيرة ويك لبحث التقدم في الحرب الكورية. وقد قرر ترومان أن يلتقي مكارثر في جزيرة ويك، "حتى لا يبتعد الجنرال مكارثر طويلاً عن قواته في الميدان."[1]

During the conference Truman presented MacArthur with his fifth and final Army Distinguished Service Medal. MacArthur's record of being awarded the Army Distinguished Service Medal five times has been equaled only by Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Truman and MacArthur met privately at the conference and, therefore, there is no record of their conversation. Although the antagonism between the two men is now well known, it is not known what effect, if any, the conference had on their relationship.

On October 30, 1950, MacArthur wrote to Truman:

"I left the Wake Island conference with a distinct sense of satisfaction that the county's interests had been well served through the better mutual understanding and exchange of views which it afforded. I hope it will result in building a strong defense against future efforts of those who seek for one reason or another (none of them worthy) to breach the understanding between us."[2]

Despite the understanding achieved between Truman and MacArthur on Wake Island, their agreement would be short lived. They would quickly regress into disagreement with each other over policy in Korea, ultimately resulting in Truman's dismissal of MacArthur.

In the book Plain Speaking by Merle Miller, President Truman allegedly stated that his plane and MacArthur's plane arrived at Wake Island at the same time, and that MacArthur's plane kept circling the field in hopes that Truman's plane would land first. Truman also allegedly claimed that MacArthur kept him waiting 45 minutes after he landed. According to eyewitness accounts, however, MacArthur arrived at Wake Island twelve hours ahead of Truman and was waiting for him at the airport when his plane landed.

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  1. ^ Harry S. Truman Museum & Library. "The Korean War And Its Origins, 1945-1953". Trumanlibrary.org. Retrieved 2016-02-27.
  2. ^ "Douglas MacArthur to Harry S. Truman, with draft letter to MacArthur by George Elsey, October 30, 1950; MacArthur, Douglas-dismissal; General File; PSF; Truman Papers". Trumanlibrary.org. 1950-10-30. Retrieved 2016-02-27.

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قالب:Douglas MacArthur