
(تم التحويل من Valdinievole)
الأحد عشر بلدة في ڤالدينيڤولى الظاهرين باللون البني ضمن مقاطعة پيستويا

ڤالدينيڤولى Valdinievole أو ڤال دي نيڤولى ( Val di Nievole ؛ النطق بالإيطالية: [ˌvaldiˈnjɛːvole]؛ "وادي (نهر) نيڤولى") هي منطقة في الجزء الجنوبي الغربي من مقاطعة پيستويا، توسكانيا، إيطاليا.


The area is made up of 11 comuni: Buggiano, Chiesina Uzzanese, Larciano, Lamporecchio, Massa e Cozzile, Monsummano Terme, Montecatini Terme, Pescia, Pieve a Nievole, Ponte Buggianese, and Uzzano, and has a population of almost 120,000. Parts of the comuni of Altopascio, Montecarlo, Marliana, and Serravalle Pistoiese are as well geographically part of the valley.

The main settlements are Montecatini and Monsummano, greatly developed in the last part of the 20th century, besides Pescia, the historical capital, which has the only hospital and is the Catholic Bishop's seat.

The name of the valley refers to the Nievole (Nièvole النطق بالإيطالية: [ˈnjɛːvole], من اللاتينية nebula, that means fog), a river that flows in the eastern part of the valley, whose main river is however the Pescia Maggiore or Pescia di Pescia which, as the Pescia Minore or di Collodi, flows in the western part of ڤالدينيڤولى. All the streams and rivers of Valdinievole flow into the marsh called Padule di Fucecchio، الحد الجنوبي بين ڤالدينيڤولى ووادي أرنو في مقاطعة فلورنسا. على الجانبين الشمالي والشرقي للوادي توجد تلال هي جزء من الأپنين السفلى و مونتالبانو.

أشخاص بارزون

  • Allucio of Campigliano (1070–1134), a saint born to a wealthy, landed family in the Valdinievole and he ministered to the poor and travellers there.

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