ثقالة كمومية
(تم التحويل من Quantum gravity)
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تحتوي نظرية ميكانيكا الكم على القوى الثلات للطبيعة التي تتمثل في الكهرمغناطيسية والقوى النووية الضعيفة والقوى النووية القوية بينما لا تحتوي على الجاذبية التي نجدها في النظرية النسبية لألبرت أينشتاين وهذا ما يسمى بمشكلة الثقالة الكمية فأتت نظرية الأوتار الفائقة لتحل هذه المعضلة الفيزيائية ولتزاوج بين ميكانيكا الكم والنسبية اللتان حيرتا العلماء لأنهما أثبتا أنهما صحيحتان حينما نطبقهما على حدة في مجال تطبيقهما - العالم الميكروسكوبي أو العالم الماكروسكوبي - بينما لا يمكن الجمع بينهما.
انظر أيضاً
- Penrose interpretation
- Centauro event
- Hawking Radiation
- M-theory
- Quantum field theory in curved spacetime
- Semiclassical gravity
- List of quantum gravity researchers
- Abraham-Lorentz force
- Invariance mechanics
- Black hole electron
- De Sitter relativity
- Doubly special relativity
- Orders of magnitude (length)
- Planck scale
- Planck units
- Fock-Lorentz symmetry
- Planck epoch
- Ahluwalia, D. V. (2002), "Interface of Gravitational and Quantum Realms", Mod Phys Lett A17: 1135, http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0205121v1
- Ashtekar, Abhay (2007), Loop Quantum Gravity: Four Recent Advances and a Dozen Frequently Asked Questions, قالب:ArXiv
- Ashtekar, Abhay; Lewandowski, Jerzy (2004), "Background Independent Quantum Gravity: A Status Report", Class. Quant. Grav. 21: R53–R152, doi: , قالب:Arxiv
- Ashtekar, Abhay (1986), "New variables for classical and quantum gravity", Phys. Rev. Lett. 57: 2244–2247, doi:
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- Lämmerzahl, Claus, ed. (2003), Quantum Gravity: From Theory to Experimental Search (Lecture Notes in Physics), Springer, ISBN 354040810X
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- Isham, Christopher J. (1994), "Prima facie questions in quantum gravity", in Ehlers, Jürgen; Friedrich, Helmut, Canonical Gravity: From Classical to Quantum, Springer, ISBN 3-540-58339-4
- Kiefer, Claus (2007), Quantum Gravity, Oxford University Press, pp. 376 pages, ISBN 019921252X
- Kuchař, Karel (1973), "Canonical Quantization of Gravity", in Israel, Werner, Relativity, Astrophysics and Cosmology, D. Reidel, pp. 237–288, ISBN 90-277-0369-8
- Loll, Renate (1998), "Discrete Approaches to Quantum Gravity in Four Dimensions", Living Rev. Relativity 1, http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-1998-13, retrieved on 2008-03-09
- Polchinski, Joseph (1998a), String Theory Vol. I: An Introduction to the Bosonic String, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-63303-6
- Polchinski, Joseph (1998b), String Theory Vol. II: Superstring Theory and Beyond, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-63304-4
- Rovelli, Carlo (2004), Quantum Gravity, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521837332, http://books.google.com/books?id=HrAzTmXdssQC&pg=PA179&dq=%22relativistic+%22+Lagrangian+OR+Hamiltonian&lr=&as_brr=0&sig=ACfU3U3TLyr3CXsHYKFUGDe1dpq5ZWm_kg#PPA98,M1
- Rovelli, Carlo (2000), Notes for a brief history of quantum gravity, قالب:Arxiv
- Rovelli, Carlo (1998), "Loop Quantum Gravity", Living Rev. Relativity 1, http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-1998-1, retrieved on 2008-03-13
- Schwarz, John H. (2007), String Theory: Progress and Problems, قالب:ArXiv
- Smolin, Lee (2002), Three Roads to Quantum Gravity, Basic Books, ISBN 0465078362
- Sorkin, Rafael D. (2005), "Causal Sets: Discrete Gravity", in Gomberoff, Andres; Marolf, Donald, Lectures on Quantum Gravity, Springer, قالب:Arxiv, ISBN 0-387-23995-2
- Sorkin, Rafael D. (1997), "Forks in the Road, on the Way to Quantum Gravity", Int. J. Theor. Phys. 36: 2759–2781, doi: , قالب:Arxiv
- Thiemann, Thomas (2006), Loop Quantum Gravity: An Inside View, قالب:Arxiv
- Thiemann, Thomas (2003), "Lectures on Loop Quantum Gravity", Lect. Notes Phys. 631: 41–135
- Townsend, Paul K. (1996), Four Lectures on M-Theory, قالب:Arxiv
- Trifonov, Vladimir (2008), "GR-friendly description of quantum systems", Int. J. Theor. Phys. 47 (2): 492–510, doi: , قالب:Arxiv
- Weinberg, Steven (1996), The Quantum Theory of Fields II: Modern Applications, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-55002-5
- Zwiebach, Barton (2004), A First Course in String Theory, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-83143-1
وصلات خارجية
- Quantum gravity on Scholarpedia
- Quantum Gravity Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
- Prima facie questions in quantum gravity Chris J. Isham
- Quantum Gravity in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- The shape of things to come New Scientist, July 30 2005
- Quantum gravity articles
- Quantum Gravity pages by Lee Smolin (no longer active, archived at http://web.archive.org/web/20060428001322/http://www.qgravity.org/)
- Claus Kiefer Does time exist in quantum gravity?
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